
Greetings from the OTF Coordinator

Greetings All - 

Incredible work continues to address the many facets of combatting the opioid epidemic in our region. We are indebted to members of the Opioid Task Force and our volunteers for helping us achieve our prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery goals. 

For example, recent meetings of the OTF Law Enforcement and Justice (March 20) as well as the Housing and Workforce Development (March 24) Committees continue to highlight how crucial data collection is to our planning and implementation efforts. With our partners, the OTF is mapping available data sources so we can better understand the impact of all opioid and other substance use incidents, how to increase the availability of NARCAN in our rural region as well as documenting the number of treatment and recovery beds. We are also using data to increase the supply of certified sober housing, which we know is crucial. We also want to map recovery friendly employers and other training opportunities for individuals coming back to the workforce. It is exciting to see how these potential actions are taking shape. Interested in becoming a part of those conversations? Don't hesitate to drop me a note at

This week, I also had the pleasure of representing the Task Force as part of the 2017 Commonwealth Conversations, held in Western Massachusetts on March 28. Initiated by Senate President Stan Rosenberg (D-Amherst), Commonwealth Conversations is designed to bring "Beacon Hill to you" by having Senators travel throughout the state to listen and learn from their constituents. Previous Commonwealth Conversations have used community voices to shape important legislative priorities to meet identified needs. 

As part of the 2017 Commonwealth Conversations this year, a Transportation Forum was also held on March 28 in Springfield. This session was well attended by other Franklin County entities, including the Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA), the Franklin Regional Council of Governments and the RECOVER Project. At our table, Tina Cote, Executive Director of the FRTA with her Board Chair and staff; Michael Lewis, the Director of the RECOVER Project; and I were able to chat with Senator Sonia Chang-Diaz about the challenges of providing public transportation in a rural area, especially for those individuals seeking treatment and recovery services.

Finally, the Franklin County Justice Center's Building Dedication Ceremony is Friday, April 7, 2 PM at 43 Hope Street in Greenfield. If you are in the area, do drop by and see us in Room 1705 within the Court Service Center (1st door to the right after you go through security.) We'd love to see you!



Debra McLaughlin, Coordinator
Opioid Task Force for Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region

OTF Members in the News

"Working towards a drug-free cultureGreenfield Recorder
"It's never too early to give good messages to kids." ~ David E. Sullivan, Northwestern District Attorney and OTF Co-Chair 

"Bialecki throwing hat in ring" - Greenfield Recorder
"I'm known for listening to people." ~ Rebecca Bialecki,
Vice-President - Heywood Hospital, OTF Executive Council Member and Candidate for Athol Board of Selectmen 

Contributed photos by Greenfield Recorder

March 23 Reality Fair Recap

We were proud sponsors of this year's 4th Annual Reality Fair held this year at Greenfield Community College! The Reality Fair is a chance for our region's high school students to learn financial literacy skills through hands-on experiences. This is a great opportunity for young adults to increase their independent living skills to allow them to feel more confident about the life choices they will confront. Making good decisions is one of the 40 development assets identified by the Search Institute as necessary for young people to grow into caring, healthy and responsible adults.

The goal of the event is for students to afford required items on a budget worksheet, all within an assigned monthly salary. Students 'pay for' basics such as housing, college education, utilities, transportation, food, clothing and even pets! Participation in this day-long event gives young adults new found awareness of their forthcoming responsibilities.

From left to right: OTF Staff Tess Jurgensen, OTF Coordinator Debra McLaughlin,
Representative Paul Mark, OTF Co-Chair and Register of Probate John Merrigan,
OTF Co-Chair and Franklin County Sheriff Chris Donelan, and Susan Dillon, Reality Fair Organizer. (Photos: Debra McLaughlin, OTF and Reality Fair Volunteer)

March 29 "YOU LEAD!" Middle School Youth Conference a Success

Youth Leading Everywhere! 

On Wednesday, March 29, middle school students from Franklin and Hampshire counties gathered at Greenfield Community College for the 5th Annual YOU LEAD! Middle School Conference for student leaders and advisors. Sponsored by the Northwestern District Attorney David E. Sullivan's office, the Massachusetts Interscholastic Athletic Association and the Opioid Task Force, this conference provided opportunities for students to develop leadership skills, work towards creating drug-free cultures and inspire healthy lifestyles among their peers. 
   (Photo: Northwestern District Attorney's Office)
Franklin County schools that participated were the Greenfield Middle School, the Great Falls Middle School (Gill-Montague), and middle schoolers from the Pioneer Valley Regional School. 

Northwestern District Attorney and OTF Co-Chair David Sullivan poses with youth leaders from Pioneer Valley Regional School District (top left) and the Greater Falls Middle School (top right). (Photos: Debra McLaughlin, OTF)

Youth For Change Operation Prevention Video

Did you know...

  • Heroin abuse among first time users ages 12 or older has increased by nearly 60% in the last decade?
  • 1 in 11 high schoolers report it would be easy to get heroin?
  • 60% of 10th graders will use heroin in their lifetime?
Check out this awesome opioid-prevention video made by the Greenfield Safe Schools Safe Streets Youth for Change group! 

To learn more about the Operation Prevention video challenge, click here.

Franklin County Van Sharing Survey - April 4 Deadline

The Franklin Regional Council of Governments (FRCOG) is conducting a feasibility study for a Van Sharing Program in the Franklin County region.  As part of this study, they are surveying local social service providers to gauge the level of interest in a Van Sharing Program.
If you work for a social service agency and want to fill out the survey, click here.

Please note that the target audience for this survey is service providers in Franklin County, the North Quabbin Region, and Hampshire County. 

For questions or more information, please contact Megan Rhodes, Senior Transportation and Land Use Planner at the FRCOG:

The deadline to fill out this survey is April 4th.

April 5 Supervised Injection Facilities Presentation at UMASS

You are cordially invited to attend the Supervised Injection Facilities Presentation:

When? April 5, 2017, 5:30-7:00 pm  

Where? College of Nursing UMass Amherst
651 North Pleasant Street, Amherst
Skinner Hall Room 112

The SIFMA NOW Coalition will be presenting a screening of the short documentary "Everywhere But Safe" about public injecting in NYC followed by a panel discussion then question & answer session.

Click the image above for details and a PDF flyer. 

Spotlight Programs at GCC - April 6 & April 13

The best way to learn about a Greenfield Community College (GCC) program is to experience it in person. Spotlight events are a great place to start! Upcoming spotlight events include:

• April 5th - Business, Social Sciences, Education, & Criminal Justice 
• April 13th - Visual & Performing Arts, Humanities

Events begin at 6 p.m. in the Main Campus Core Lobby.

Click here to RSVP or call 413-775-1801 for information.

April 6 Engaging Elected Officials Workshop

Join Hampshire HOPE on Thursday, April 6, at the Hadley Farms Meeting House for a workshop and discussion about strategically engaging elected officials. 
  1. Learn the basics of state-level advocacy for health policy change
  2. Create a unifying message to share concerns related to substance use prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery
  3. Develop a plan for communicating to elected officials of others with influence over policy change

Click the image above for details and a PDF flyer.

April 6 Parenting in the Age of Legal Marijuana Workshop

An Evening Event for Adults who Raise, Care for and Educate Young People.
Thursday, April 6, 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm at the Franklin County Tech School. A light dinner will be served from 5:30 pm to 6:00 pm.
  • What are the effects of marijuana on the teen brain?
  • What should I tell my teen about marijuana now that it’s legal for adults?
  • What should I know about vaping and edibles? 
Click the image for details and a PDF flyer. 

April 7 Franklin County Justice Center Opening Ceremony

Please join us for the Opening Ceremony of the Franklin County Justice Center on Friday, April 7, 2017, 2:00 PM

Click the image above for details. 

April 8 Annual Athol-Orange River Rat Parade

This year's Athol-Orange River Rat Parade will take place on Saturday, April 8th. Do you want to get involved? If so, march wth the North Quabbin Substance Abuse Task Force (NQSATF) to show your support for substance abuse prevention, intervention, treatment and recovery! 

NQSATF volunteers will be meeting on School Street in Athol near the “School St. Apartments” at 8:30am for the parade to begin at 9:30. The parade goes to the Ocean State Job lot parking lot; feel free to leave a vehicle there, by Riverbend School, or at the Athol CCD center. 

All are welcome - wear purple to show your support! For questions or more information, please contact Heather Bialecki-Canning (, Cindy Gonzalez ( or click here for more information. 

In the news...
The Recorder: The ‘Super Bowl’ of canoe racing: 54th Athol-Orange River Rat Race coming April 8

April 24-28 Recovery Coach Academy Training!

The RECOVER Project is hosting a Recovery Coach Academy training between April 24th and April 28th, from 8:30 am - 4:30 pm at The Episcopal Church of St. James and Andrew in Greenfield. If you're interested in becoming a recovery coach, this is a wonderful opportunity!

Seating is limited - interested community members should fill out the application as soon as possible. 

This training is facilitated by Michael Lewis, RECOVER Project Director, and Kaitlyn John, Peer Involvement and
Leadership Coordinator. 

For questions or more information, please contact Sue Bouchard at
Click the image above for details and a PDF flyer.

To learn more about the RECOVER Project, visit their website

April 26 Western MA Health Equity Policy Assembly

Learn how you can help advocate for state policy priorities that advance health equity in Western Massachusetts. Policies to be addressed include:
  • Food security
  • Transportation
  • Economic justice
  • Community-clinical health integration 
  • ...and more!
April 26, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm
Shriners Hospital Community Room, Springfield, MA

Click here to register.
Click the image above for details and a PDF flyer. 

May 11-12 Nurturing Families Through Recovery Training

The Institute for Health and Recovery (IHR) is hosting a two-day training about The Nurturing Program for Families in Substance Abuse Treatment and Recovery; a structured program through which parents can explore their own histories, understand forces affecting their families, and build skills to help their families recover. 

When? May 11th and 12th
9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Wellesley Free Library,
530 Washington St.
Wellesley, MA

Substance Use Counselors, Mental Health Counselors, Early Intervention Professionals, Parent Educators, Social Workers and Parenting Group Leaders are encouraged to attend!
The deadline for registration is May 4th.

May 23 Moving Beyond Stigma Conference

William James College is hosting a conference about the association between stigma and substance use disorders. Learning objectives of this forum are to:
  • Shift the conversation about mental and substance use disorders 
  • Mobilize support for those with substance use disorders and mental illness who are affected by stigma
When? Tuesday, May 23, 2017, 8:00 am - 3:30 pm
Where? Back Bay Events Center, 180 Berkeley Street, Boston, MA 02116
Click here for registration and program details. 

June 3 Firebird 5K: Race Against Addiction

Have you registered for this year's Firebird 5K: Race Against Addiction? The Firebird 5K is a fundraiser to raise awareness about the disease of addiction. Runners, walkers, teams, and families are all welcome!

When? Saturday, June 3, 2017
8:00 am
Where? North Highland Pond, Greenfield
Check out the event
Click the image for details and a PDF flyer. 

June 14 4th Annual Healthy Men and Boys Summit 

Raising emotionally and socially connected boys: 
Exploring intersections of gender, race and trauma

The Summit is open to all but crafted toward practitioners and leaders in:
  • Social work
  • Education
  • Public and mental health
  • Parenting, and related practitioners who are committed to developing healthy boys and men
When? Wednesday, June 14, 2017 
8:30 am - 4:00 pm
Where? College of the Holy Cross
Worcester, MA

Click here for program details
and registration.

Resource: Transition From Jail and Prison Guidelines

SAMHSA recently released a new implementation guide, Successful Transition of People With Mental or Substance Use Disorders From Jail and Prison:

"This resource provides behavioral health, correctional, and community stakeholders with 10 guidelines to effectively transition people with mental or substance use disorders from institutional correctional settings into the community, as well as examples of local implementation of successful strategies for managing this transition."

Congratulations to our partners at the Franklin County Sheriff's Office for being recognized as a national model for this important work! (see page 10). 
To view the entire guide, click here

Interested in learning more? SAMHSA is hosting a webinar about the guide on Thursday, April 20, at 2:00 PM. Click here to register.

Resource: Finding SUD Services

The Massachusetts Behavioral Health Partnership (MBHP) website offers a search engine for substance use disorder (SUD) beds in real time throughout Massachusetts. The MBHP website allows users to search by age, service type and location. MBHP also offers information about:
  • Acute Treatment Services (ATS)
  • Clinical Stabilization Services (CSS)
  • Transitional Support Services (TSS)
  • Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) 

Be Aware! Mass Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

The CDC estimates that up to 1 in 20 children in the US have Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder (FASD).

"massFAS envisions a Commonwealth in which all individuals with a Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) have full access throughout their lifetime to all the supports and services they require to be contributing, productive, and fulfilled members of our community, to the fullest extent of their desire and capability."

To learn more, check out their new website and Facebook page.
Click here for a fact sheet about Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.

FRTA Transportation Resources

Are you looking for information about public transportation in our region? The Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA) website offers great resources including:
  • Fixed route bus schedules and maps
  • Help planning your trip with Google maps
  • A live interactive bus tracker
  • Mobile apps
  • Information about local transportation programs including Demand Response, MassHealth Transportation, and Med Ride
Bus schedules are also available in the Franklin County Justice Center Court Service Center.
Do you have information, resources or upcoming events you would like to include in our newsletter? We want to hear from you! Newsletter content can be sent to Tess Jurgensen at 


And Resources
Click below for overdose prevention materials that can be downloaded, printed and shared at your community organization.
Click here to download our one-page Drug and Alcohol Addiction and Recovery Resource Guide 

Click here for online educational materials for healthcare providers about prescribing and distributing naloxone. 

Click here for online training resources about how to respond to an opioid overdose.

Join the State Without StigMA Campaign!  


Upcoming Task Force
Committee Meetings:

Treatment and Recovery
Friday, April 7th 10-11:30 am
GCC Downtown
270 Main Street in Greenfield

Please email Deb Neubauer at if you would like to join for this meeting.

Education and Prevention
Wednesday, April 19th 10:30-12 pm
Location TBD

Please email Tess Jurgensen at if you would like to join for this meeting.

Healthcare Solutions
Friday, April 28th 10-12 pm
Olver Transit Center
12 Olive Street in Greenfield

Please email Phoebe Walker at if you would like to join for this meeting. 

Law Enforcement and Justice Committee
Monday, May 22nd 1-2 pm
Franklin County Sheriff's Office
160 Elm Street in Greenfield

Please email Tess Jurgensen at if you would like to join for this meeting. 
Save a Life. Call 911.
You are Protected by the
Good Samaritan Law.


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Opioid Task Force of Franklin County and the North Quabbin Region · 43 Hope Street, Room 1705 · Greenfield, MA 01301 · USA

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