Win-Fu Training Newsletter #27
Hello dear apprentices!
I have had a really busy start of the year :) It seems my monthly newsletter is now bi-monthly ;) We are living interesting times when it comes to operating systems as it is just a few days until Windows 10 1703 starts to roll out. If you can't wait you can download it from MSDN or use this link to get the tool for starting now. I've listed some tips and tricks and links for you to prepare for this. A pre-digested Google-portion for you :)
- Windows 10 IT Pro Content Map:
- What’s new for IT pros in the Windows 10 Creators Update:
- Microsoft want's to move from GPO's to MDM... I'm sorry for this, like most of you probably are as well, but I do understand that I need to prepare myself. Group Policy is there to stay for a long time as well but people should remember that Satya's vision is to make Windows an open platform. MDM is open while Group Policy is proprietary to Microsoft. Hence... Sadly, MDM wins. To take a look on your current environment and measuring how you can work with it with MDM, use this MDM Migration Analysis Tool (aka MMAT)
- So Server guys need to learn Desired Stata Configruation and client guys MDM - BTW. I hate both ;)
- As a Registry lover I loved this small change:
- Registry Editor (REGEDT32.EXE) now has an address bar, keyboard shortcuts, and abbreviations, such as HKCU (for HKEY_CURRENT_USER) and HKLM (for HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE).
- "Isn't it cool that 1703 has Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL)! Finally MS made this possible!" - No, it's not THAT cool as Windows NT since 1993 has had a Subsystem for UNIX. Now it's just changed to Linux. Finnish people thank MS for this of course :) But... It's not the big thing in Windows 10 1703....
That’s all for now! I hope to see you at a session or if nothing else at least on the Slack channel!
Wax On, Wax Off – Happy troubleshooting!
Twitter: @samilaiho
Don't be afraid to contact for any additional questions or comments.
Some general questions answered about the list:
- What's Win-Fu? - Win-Fu is the first and only martial art dedicated to mastering the Windows OS. Win-Fu training provides you with training courses to give you superb skills on administering and troubleshooting the Windows OS. The first ever certified Win-Fu BlackBelt trainer is Sami Laiho - to read more about him head to
- How did I end up on this list? - You have subscribed to the list or have been to sessions hosted by Sami or
- Why should I care? - This newsletter gives you valuable tips and tricks for free in every edition posted
- Can I unsubscribe? - You shouldn't but yes you can by going to:
- How can one subscribe to this newsletter? - Here: