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Happy April, Friends!

That late March freeze did kill our spring blossoms. Sadness . . .  Only one brave azalea managed to bloom, but no rhododendrons, and no pear or cherry trees. Thankfully, the cherry blossoms in D.C. still were lovely, but I sorely missed the beauty of our local Maryland Spring. There's always next year.

I'm new to this newsletter stuff, and I'm learning from my author friends as I go. Please let me know what you like, what you don't, and suggest anything you'd like to see. I might be a bit slow, but a do read and answer every email. I love getting feedback from you.

With that in mind, here's what I have for you today.
1. A BOGO to spice up the official promo tour for "Sweet Water" 
2. A delicious and elegant cookie bar for Easter.
3. A "Name My Next Book" contest.
4. News about awards and new old books. What???
5. A brain-teasing puzzle and contest
6. A sneak peak at my behind the scenes pop star connection
7. A $0.99 deal on the launch of a sweet contemporary romance by an award-winning author who's aiming for the USA Today Bestsellers' list!

So here we go!
"SWEET WATER," went live March 7th!
We just began the official promo tour, so to spice things up, I'm offering a BOGO. Buy "Sweet Water" at $2.99 and I'll give you a free book of your choice from these titles:

The Dragons of Alsace Farm (Inspir. Fic.)
Dawn's Early Light (Hist. Fict.)
Awakening Avery (Women's Fict.)

The covers of the free books are pictured below. Purchase "Sweet Water," then visit this link and comment to tell me which book you'd like.
Only newsletter subscribers have a choice of three. 

"The Dragons of Alsace Farm" is the default free book unless you name one of the others.

"Dragons" won the New Apple 2016 Medallion for Inspirational Fiction. It's also a Whitney Awards finalist and a finalist for a RONE Award.

Or you can choose one of these two books below.

I'm a grandma, and Grandma's food has to taste great! These rich, delicious bar cookies are my new go-to when I need something tasty, elegant, and easy. The frosting can be dressed up for any occasion or holiday, but with their delicate icing, they are especially perfect for Easter.

Click the link in the title to be taken to the amazing creator's site for this and other delicious recipes.
To our history-loving readers,
and all you who would like to try some historical fiction, eleven historical fiction authors are each providing one of their books for free in exchange for the chance to introduce themselves to new readers. Here's the link, but it won't be active until Wednesday, April 5th.

I am the WORST at titles and covers. These are terrible problems for an author. When choosing my kitchen wallpaper years ago, I took samples to my sons' ballgames and asked the spectators to vote on their favorite. I bought the pattern that received the most votes. Pitiful . . . .

I have the same issues with covers and titles. I can't choose. I began this manuscript with the title "The Shell Game," but switched it to "Leverage" because it seemed more snappy. Clearly, I need your help.
Would you read this blurb, then tell me if 
you'd choose either of those titles? Can you suggest one of your own? If I choose yours, you'll win the gift card. If you prefer one I've already named, tell me which one, and I'll throw your name in a drawing for the card. THANKS!
Award-winning author LIz Isaacson is offering "Before The Leap," the debut novel in her new Gold Valley Romance Series, to readers for the introductory price of $0.99!
Jace Lovell only has one thing left after his fiancé abandons him at the altar: his job at Horseshoe Home Ranch.

Belle Edmunds is back in Gold Valley after she lost her job at a prestigious design firm in California.

Can Jace find a way to forgive her before it's too late?

Book One in the Gold Valley Romance series.

Link to buy:

Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Dragons of Alsace Farm by Laurie L.C. Lewis

The Dragons of Alsace Farm

by Laurie L.C. Lewis

Giveaway ends April 10, 2017.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway
This puzzle drove me batty. You have to consider the order of operations, and really study each image to understand its value. Good luck! The first one to get it right wins a free book!
One of my wonderful daughters-in-law is the sister of pop star Alex Aiono. Alex is touring right now, and last week, he was playing in D.C. Since we're close by, my daughter and I were given the star treatment with VIP passes and backstage time with Alex and his younger sister/ tour companion. 

We had met before, for the wedding of course. Great memories there.  Alex sent each family member of the happy couple a video of dance steps so we could all pop up at the reception and break into a Flash Mob dance routine. That's who Alex is. Talented, devoted to family, and very kind.

What I learned at the concert:
Alex is amazingly talented and gracious. 

Concerts are loud, standing, not sitting events, with screaming tweens.
I am old. Hand me some popcorn and the remote.
See more of Alex on Youtube here. His tour heads to Europe next. Any of you from Europe? Catch his show!
The Real Heroes of "SWEET WATER."
I was introduced to a Mother Superior named Mother Eugenie who heads a convent in the rebel-seiged Ivory Coast. These courageous nuns support themselves through a variety of micro-industries, and use their funds to assist and educate the many children orphaned by war and disease while living under the threat of rebel attacks. Mother Eugenie, her nuns, the orphans, and these micro-businesses, are themes in SWEET WATER. You can donate to these nuns and their work through their Go Fund Me Page here.  Every dollar helps. 
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