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  Doing some recent 1:1 coaching with what be more like LIFE COACHING than my profession 'LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT / EXECUTIVE COACHING'... It caused me to do some re-reading of these pieces below which I know is some 'stuff' all of us can use as on........

    SOME PIECES FOR US TO ALL PONDER in our own 'personal leadership'...
  • Find your Transparency Line with all people.Go for it …it is that place where anything/everything good between you can and will happen.
  • We all know and realize how wealth and materialism can be the destruction of man.Be careful with this if you become successful in this regard - ‘Possessing wealth is not wrong, but wealth possessing you is’
  • Most of us having experienced ‘some amount of life’ already have come to realize that many things could have turned out better if ‘we had just been where we should have been’ at that moment. Ponder that one for a moment…
  • Help someone today; if you make THEIR day better, so will YOURS be!
  • Open doors for others.Let them enter the elevator first.Think of ‘them’ first… I’m just sayin’
  • It is our nature that we are all ‘anything BUT open-minded’ - regarding how things should be, should be done, etc. Q: Are you a perfectionist and have to have things done YOUR way?BTW, if you are this way and you are in a leadership role - this is a REAL problem?!?
  • If you ask someone how they are doing…?Maybe now and then, actually stop and really listen.If you don’t care, why ask; it will be taken as a totally insincere question you realize? If they ask you, tell them (after asking if they really want to know ;).
  • Don’t let the negative interactions with ‘one person’ in life turn you against the rest of the people in the world.You know that person (friend, family or foe) that lied and betrayed you; that was him/her – NOT everyone else.Do not let one person make you into a distrusting individual who won’t let others in your life.Most people are good!!! You heard it here first.
  • If you struggle with ‘losing, admitting mistakes, with being wrong or not being right’ are wrong and you really need to get past it!LEARN to be okay with being wrong, looking stupid, mistakes, failure, etc. We all cannot know everything or always be right – there are only a few of us around ;).Besides BE-ing HUMBLE is a good thing.
  • If you are a young adult at the beginning stages of life, know this: You don’t know what you don’t know.Seek wisdom by listening to those who have been where you are…It doesn’t mean they are smarter than you, just older and know more about some stuff. The significant person listens and learns from others who have been down your road.They may not just be merely old, they may know stuff.
  • Realize that ‘your’ common-sense is not others?!?What is obvious to you is not necessarily obvious to everyone else.Trust the coach on this - not understanding this dynamic is one of the biggest struggles for people in working with others, teamwork, decision-making, work success, etc.
  • Furthermore, realize that others are not necessarily going to always see things the way you do – in many cases this is a good thing.This does not mean they are the enemy.Difference (and diversity) is not a bad thing unless unresolved. And in regards to all this: vice versa?!?
  • Focus on others.It will keep you happy and out of sorrow, depression and self-pity. When you are wallowing in your own sorrows, throw your focus on others, it will serve you well.
  • Find ‘Accountability Partners’ in your life to help you with the practice of these 8 Principles of Significance
  • Routinely thank everyone who helped you in your world …or is at the moment.
  • That person behind the counter (serving/helping you or otherwise having to deal with you) did not make the last two weeks miserable cloudy and rainy. Nor did they did cause your emergency or make you miserable.Don’t take it out on them.They have their own stuff to deal with and have no reason to be blamed for yours.BE sunshine to others as often as you can muster it up!
  • There is ‘ONE in every crowd’ - you know what I mean, huh?Now if you do NOT know what I mean or don’t see one in every crowd,  …well you might just be the ONE.  You know what I mean?

*** 'pieces' from my 2012 book 'SIGNIFICANCE Starts Now - how we live our life matters'


                                           (I also do 'LIFE COACHING' as well)
Available for Executive Leadership Coaching (ELC) …. If you are a mid-senior level leader/manager serious about the following, lets talk!
  • Career progression/growth
  • Relationship understanding and repairing
  • Communication challenges
  • Negotiating, Facilitating and Presentation
  • Realizing your flat-spots and how to address
  • Consensus in leading
  • Your Relationship Sphere - relationship challenges vertically and horizontally
 Let me use my 30 years of Leadership, OD, Management Development, Growing People and Behavioral Change skills to help you move where you want to go…

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"Look forward to continuing our conversations", D. Booker


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