Care in hand, Love in heart.   传达关心,爱在耕心。
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翁瑞良(巴生)因糖尿病细菌感染截掉左脚。单靠残疾人士(OKU) 援助金两百令吉和家用补贴过生活;向政府申请义肢安装却迟迟没有下落。生性乐观的翁瑞良,并没有因截肢而消极,他希望能尽快安装义肢,回到工作岗位,替家人分担忧愁。
耕心慈善成功为翁瑞良申请到 LIMBS FOR LIFE ORGANISATION 提供的免费装置义腿。在新年前,义工载翁瑞良去安装义腿,希望他全力配合后期的康复训练, 早日回归社会后和他家人一起做工,更積極又快乐的过好每一天。

Disability is not limitation of my spirit!

Yoong Swee Leong has suffered from diabetes a year ago and he was forced to amputate his left foot due to bacterial infection. He used to worked as the restaurant mee stall worker with his father together and has gone into unemployment due to his physical condition. He has no income, so the JKM (Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysia) subsidies him for Rm200 and his family take care of him all year long. He tried to apply for the installation of prosthetic leg with JKM in May 2016 but he has no luck. He is a healthy and optimistic guy who only hopes to install the prosthesis leg as soon as possible to get back to work one day.
Great Heart Charity has successfully applied the free installation of his prosthetic leg in the LIMBS FOR LIFE ORGANISATION. Before Chinese New year 2017, Great Heart volunteer helped to fetch Yoong Swee Leong to Limbs for Life Organisation to do the installation procedure. We hope he can fully cooperate with the  rehabilitation training and return to work as early as possible.
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家里上有年迈的父母需要赡养, 下有四名年纪尚小的儿女需要抚育,开销极大,突如其来的灾难使这个小康之家陷入痛苦与困窘之中。
耕心慈善已在去年年尾给予徐金山每个月RM300 的日常用品援助金,为期六个月,但家里的开销庞大,希望大众可以继续捐款来帮助。

The trouble start with an Exploded Lorry Tyre!

Shiu Kim San was faced with a horrible accident during work. When he is changing the lorry tires and filling it with air, the tires accidentally exploded and he was injured badly on his limbs. 
He was admitted into the Hospital Klang immediately and going through two hospital operation for his critical condition. Fortunately, its not fatal and he needs to rest in home for the rehabilitation. However, he still needs to take care of his parents, and four of his children with no ability to work. This drastic change in life has lead him and his family to fall into despair and agony.
Great Heart charity has been supporting Shiu Kim San for six months in grocery support, but they hoped the public can helped them to go through this difficult transition period because their living expense is huge and they really needed help.
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"耕心慈善的援助金对她的身体有很大的帮助。我都会买鱼、鸡和猪肉,还有药材给姐姐进补,不然姐姐的健康会越来越差。” ——— 收益者(林婆婆)的妹妹。

看着姐姐日渐消瘦,身体虚弱,她叹气说自己真的无能力给姐姐吃补品。75岁的林婆婆,随着身体各器官的退化, 听觉、心脏和膝盖都有问题,骨骼更日趋 “脆弱”。她71 岁的二妹说: 单身的姐姐每月只有政府RM300的援助金来买药物。最小的弟弟都六十多岁了,能为姐姐做的只是缴付水电费。这些年,姐姐吃的、用的都是由她提供。

耕心慈善给予Lim Kim Eng 婆婆 每月RM300的粮食和日用品援助金,为期1年。

Old Single Lady Living Alone

75-year-old women, with hearing, heart and knee problems, and fragile bones, is only supported by RM300 from government aid to buy medicine. Her youngest brother who aged more than sixty years old can only help her sister is to pay utilities and the rental is supported by her younger sister. 
They are afraid that her body is getting really weak when they could not afford to buy some chicken or meat for her sister to enhance her body protein. She is very grateful to say that Great Heart Charity is helping her to buy fish, chicken, pork and herbs in order to enhance the physical health of Kim Eng.
Great Heart Charity will be helping Lim Kim Eng's for RM300 monthly on healthy food for one year.

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耕心慈善邀请你,一起为叶女士改善家境而出一份力 :)

The Electronic Battery to keep My Heartbeat

Yap Lay Hua is a single mother who undergo heart operation few years ago due to heart failure.
Her husband passed away few years ago, it makes her family lost the financial support, she is too weak to work while her kids are still studying in schools and college, therefore the burden of support the family dropped to the shoulder of her eldest son who only earned Rm800 salary monthly by working as computer salesman.
Six months ago, Great Heart Charity Association has support Yap's family for Rm300 grocery support until now. In this period of time, her eldest son get another job that has higher salary (Rm1200) and her daughter who studied in college utilized her sem break fully by doing the part time tuition job.
However, Yap's family still hoping more people can help her in groceries support because her son's job is still unstable and more money is needed to cover home expense.
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家庭因素让个性独立坚强的她自初中起就开始打工。周末的肉骨茶档口;放学后的大炒档口,有时凌晨十二点都会看见他打工的身影 。从不喊累也不偷懒,晚上熬夜,白天上课精神不济,因她每月需自己还她的生活费,还有Rm200 上学的交通费。
耕心慈善决定帮助欣莹小妹妹半年的房租RM250和上学的巴士费RM 80 。希望大家可以透过耕心慈善来继续支持她至少2年以上到18岁毕业为止。

The Determination and Independence coming from the age of 17

Lim Xin Ying parents has been separated since she is a little kid. Few months ago, her father expelled her out from the house due to some argument. She had to make a police report with her friend’s parents and they permitted Lim stay in their house temporarily.
Lim is really an independent girl. Since the ages of 13, she started to work as a waitress in hawker center and bah kut teh restaurant. The reason she needs to work is because she needed to cover her own living expense, and the transportation fee to school.
During the assessment, she insisted she is going to work while studying high school. One of the kind-hearted employer has employed her as an office clerk with the salary of RM800. Another kind-hearted landlord has given her low rental of Rm250 monthly for her room accommodation.
Great Heart Charity will be sponsoring Lim RM250 rental every month and school transportation fee of RM80 that lasted for half year. However, we needed more helping hand to help Lim Xin Ying until she graduated her high school in 2 years’ time.
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“ 当我老了,心酸谁知道......陈先生曾是收入两千元的烧焊工,然而步入年迈的身躯开始不堪负荷体力活,从而失去了这份工作。”
他们在5月后每个月至少需要Rm250租金支持,因为三名孩子的教育费和生活费用很大,仅仅爸爸的Rm1000 人工是无法养育一家人。


When Daddy is getting Older

Tan Hock Chuan used to be working as a welder in iron factory with his Rm2000 salary. However, when he gets older, he started to lose his strength and then unable to work there anymore. He has been unemployed for few months due to his weak physical condition. Fortunately in March, he get a new job as a security guard in Econmart with Rm1000 salary. 
Few months of unemployment makes his family unable to afford his house rental and foods. His wife, Mei Fong even tried to collect rubbish cans and cartons on the road in order to earn more income.
Support: Great Heart Charity has helped Tan’s family in her rental debt (Rm1250) and groceries for them in March so their kids aren’t starving, and Rm250 rental support for April and May 2017 As a token of appreciation, Mei Fong helped us to clean the Great Heart community centre. However, they still needed at least Rm250 rental support every month because their living expense is huge with 3 kids.

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Ms.Hemavathy 饱受关节炎折磨无法行走, 丈夫离世让家里的经济陷入困境,如今单靠政府的援助金与三位孩子及年迈的母亲一起在市郊区生活。

Hemavathy在家里都是用滚动椅子代步,她所拥有的老款轮椅铁架重需吃力推动、尺寸大不便携带,只有到医院复诊才使用它;这一天,经过了一个小时的车程来到了丹绒马林 ,我们亲手把轮椅送到 Hemavathy 的手中,这款轻盈的轮椅让她能方便出入。她的母亲和孩子兴奋不已,孩子们说终于可以轻松带妈妈一起到公园散步或到超市买日用品了! 不必担心推不动轮椅了!

尽管命运坎坷,Hemavathy 相信这是上天对她的一种磨练。她也非常感谢我们在过去的一年里给予她的家庭每月RM300的日用品援助金,在她最艰难的日子里扶她一把,还有我们帮她买的这款轻盈的轮椅,让她行动更加方便。她希望更多人可以继续帮助她在每个月的日常用品里的开销,因她还有3个孩子要养。

The Happiness of receiving a new Wheelchair

Hemavathy is a single Indian women who suffered from arthritis tremendously and could not walk. Her husband passed away last year and she is forced to take three of her children and move to suburbs nearby Tanjung Malim to reduce the living costs and ease her mother to take care of her.
Hemavathy move around the house using the office chair because her previous wheelchair is too heavy and is very inconvenient to use. Today, after 1 hour of drive from Kota Kemuning to Tanjung Malim, we have delivered a light-weight wheelchair for Hema to use and move around freely and safely. She and her kids are super excited and they said they can finally bring their mum around for shopping and park or anywhere they wanted freely. 
Hema is very grateful to us for giving her family RM300 worth of daily necessities every month for 1 year straight since last year. She is extremely glad that Great Heart Charity bought a new wheelchair for her as well. She only hoped that more people can continue to support her on her monthly groceries because she still has 3 kids to feed.
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As long as you are still be with Me

Lau Chai Fook, 72 year old. He was married with no children and he lives together with his wife. Due to the citizen registration problem in the 60’s, his red identity card makes him could not apply the benefits for Jabatan Kebajikan Malaysia and he needs to pay for huge medical costs even if admitted into government hospital. Therefore, he just use the medicine temporarily to control his heart ailment.
 Lao Chai Fook’s foot is not in a good condition and needed to rely on stick for walking.  His wife has eyes problem and unable to work as well. They only can rely on their brothers and sisters for the groceries help. However, they still needed RM300 rental monthly to pay the landlord for his accommodation. They are really pitiful and too old to be able to self-sustained and they needed help from public.
Great Heart Charity has been funded 6 months rental fee for Lau Chai Fook and it will be stopping soon. We hope everyone can help Great Heart Charity for this old married couple have a home to stay.
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