

The Church App Alternative 📱

If your church is considering having a mobile app made, check this out first. Now with ChurchMint, the first church a user follows will be set as the primary "Home" tab in the main app navigation for that user. This effecitvely sets your church's page as the main starting tab for anyone in your congregation who uses the ChurchMint app.

Better Push Messages 📨

Message too long to read? Clicking on push message banners will now navigate the user to a message detail screen in the app for that message. A great feature for those larger messages packed with information.

Get ChurchMint FREE For a Year

Due to a delay in our Facebook integration approval, the launch of ChurchMint's paid plans have been pushed back a few weeks. Use this opportunity to get ChurchMint FREE for your whole first year. Once our integration gets approved and the paid plans are up on the site, this offer will be gone.
Visit is live! A new update video will be released EVERY 1-2 WEEKS with more updates as they come!
Thanks for your interest in ChurchMint!