
What's new this month from The French Class...

April 2017

Student Quote of the Month

“All of your instructors are wonderful!”


The following businesses sponsor our Holiday party every year: 

Absinthe Brasserie & Bar, Bisou Bistronomy, Bistro Central Park, Buena Vista Winery, Café de la Presse, Fabrique Délices, Fillmore Bake Shop, Fringale Restaurant, Jeanne d’Arc Restaurant, La Folie Restaurant, Mathilde Restaurant, San Francisco Wine Trading Company, Sweet Things Bakery and Zuni Café.

Dites-le parfaitement / Say it perfectly

Il faut que je vous demande quelque chose.

I have something to ask you.


After the “Boom!” comes the “Blah!” Two words that may best describe the transition from the 60’s to 70’s. Unemployment jumped from 2.2% to 5.4% and continued to rise. The media started to frantically use the word “La crise” (the crisis), and continued to routinely do so for the next 40 years. It contributed to push the French people into a sense of helplessness. Young adults in the 70s were bombarded with terms such as: la crise, le chômage (unemployment), le manque de débouchés (the lack of professional outlets). Students were told that their college degree would only lead to the unemployment office. These pessimistic views impacted a whole generation. 

Jacques Chaban-Delmas, Prime minister between 1969 and 1972, acknowledged this phenomenon with his famous declaration: “Les Français sont moroses” (French people are sullen). The media loved the term! As a response to the May’68 rebellion and concerned by the fact that the French economy was falling behind, he launched a plan for “une nouvelle société, prospère, jeune, généreuse et libérée” (a new society, thriving, young, generous and more free). His efforts didn’t draw much support, neither right nor left. 

Several students’ organizations tried to revive the spirit of May 68. Many demonstrations took place against government reforms and fascism around the world, particularly when the American giant ITT financed a coup in Chile leading to the assassination of President Salvador Allende. As we will see later, the 70s were a transition to a more conservative and less politically active France.



Après le “Boom!” vient le “Bof!” Deux mots qui décrivent le mieux la transition entre les années 60 et 70. Le chômage est passé de 2,2% à 5,4% et a continué à monter. Les médias ont commencé à utiliser frénétiquement le mot “la crise” et ont continué à le faire de façon routinière pendant les 40 prochaines années. Ceci a contribué à donner aux Français un sens d’impuissance. Les jeunes adultes des années 70 étaient bombardés de termes tels que : la crise, le chômage, le manque de débouchés. Les étudiants s’entendaient dire que leur diplôme universitaire ne les conduirait qu’au bureau du chômage. Ces idées pesssimistes ont influencé toute une génération.

Jacques Chaban-Delmas, Premier ministre entre 1969 et 1972, a reconnu ce phénomène dans sa célèbre déclaration : “Les Français sont moroses.” Les médias ont adoré le terme! En réponse à la rébellion de mai 68 et soucieux de voir l’économie de la France prendre du retard, il a lancé un plan pour “une nouvelle société, prospère, jeune, généreuse et libérée.” Ses efforts n’ont pas obtenu beaucoup de soutien, ni à gauche, ni à droite.

Plusieurs organisations étudiantes ont tenté de raviver l’esprit de mai 68. De nombreuses manifestations ont eu lieu contre les réformes du gouvernement et contre le facisme dans le monde, particulièrement lorsque le géant américain ITT a financé un coup d’Etat au Chili menant à l’assassinat de son Président, Salvador Allende. Comme nous le verrons plus tard, les années 70 ont été une transition vers une France plus conservatrice et moins active politiquement.

Qui a dit? Who said?

«Certains diront que je suis entêtée mais comment ne pas l’être quand on croit à la 
cause que l’on défend.»

Some will say that I am stubborn, but how not to be, when one believes in the cause one defends.

Faites défiler le texte vers le bas pour voir la réponse.

Scroll down to see the answer.


All conferences are $20. Our conferences are best for levels 5 to 8.

Please sign up at least 24 hours in advance. Call (415) 362-3666


Presented in French by Laurence DELAHAYE

This conference is offered 3 times:

Wednesday, April 5th from 12:30 to 2:00 p.m.

Thursday, April 6th from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Saturday, April 8th from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Discover new aspects of this historical neighborhood located in the heart of Paris. This very interactive presentation will cover History, hôtels particuliers, gardens, museums, restaurants and boutiques. There is so much to say about le Marais, one of the oldest quartiers de Paris.
Please sign up at the front desk or call in advance (415) 362-3666.


Presented in French by Laurence ROMAIRE 

This conference is offered 3 times:

Monday, April 24th from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. 

Wednesday, April 26th, from 1:30 to 3:00 p.m.

Saturday, April 29th from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m.

Discover new aspects of this historical neighborhood located in the heart of Paris. This very interactive presentation will cover History, hôtels particuliers, gardens, museums, restaurants and boutiques. There is so much to say about le Marais, one of the oldest quartiers de Paris.L’ïle de la Réunion is in the Indian Ocean, east of Madagascar. French people settled on this island in the 17th century and it became an overseas department in 1946. Discover this lush land and its traditions and culture.
Please sign up at the front desk or call in advance (415) 362-3666.

Purchasing an Apartment in Paris

If you are interested in learning more about turn-key acquisition and renovation services in Paris, contact Catherine Aubale Epstein at Paris Immo Realty:
(866) 497-2747

Rent an apartment in Paris

Great locations, rates and management. The French Class students get a discount.

Un verbe à la fois!

One verb at a time!

See what you can say with a very simple verb…




to smell, to feel


Ces fleurs sentent bon.

These flowers smell good.


La pièce sentait la canelle.

The room was smelling like cinnamon.

passé composé

J’ai senti qu’il avait besoin d’aide.

I felt he needed help.


Si tu ouvres la fenêtre, tu sentiras l’air frais du jardin.

If you open the window, you’ll smell the fresh air from the garden.

conditionnel présent

Si tu l’écoutais, tu sentirais qu’il a besoin d’aide.

If you were listening to him, you’d feel he needs help.

subjonctif présent

Il faut que je me sente bien pour donner la conférence demain.

I have to feel well in order to present at the conference tomorrow.

Learn French From Your Home Or Office

Learn French face to face with your teacher on SKYPE or FACETIME, just like in our classroom. Skype is FREE and VERY easy to install and use. 
Go to the Private Lessons page on our website for more details and rates, or call us at (415) 362-3666. 


Trouvez la préposition correcte 

1. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin est né _____ Paris _____ 1622.

2. C’était le fils _____ un tapissier.

3. Il est allé _____ l’école _____ les Jésuites.

4. Ensuite, il a fait des études _____ droit _____ Orléans.

5. Il a fondé “L’illustre Théâtre” _____ Madeleine Béjart.

6. Il a pris le nom _____ Molière _____ 1644.

7. Il s’est installé ____ la Salle du Petit-Bourbon _____ son retour _____ Paris.

8. Il est mort _____ scène _____ jouant Le Malade Imaginaire.

Voir les réponses plus bas. See answers below

Faites défiler le texte vers le bas ou cliquez sur la clé pour voir les réponses.
Scroll down or click the key to see the answers.


1. Go to the Saint-Ouen, the largest Flea Market in Europe.

2. Spend time at the Saxe Breteuil Market on Thursday or Saturday.

3. Discover quiet hidden passages such as Galerie Vivienne.

4. Walk along the Seine and speak with “Les Bouquinistes.”

5. Taste a foie gras macaron by Pierre Hermé.

6. Attend Jim Haynes supper club. (Google for info.)

7. Have a picnic in the Parc Monceau.

8. Eat Algerian couscous in a specialty restaurant.

A Simple Fact To Learn More French

If you learn one simple sentence in French every day, you will learn 365 French expressions in a year.  For example: 

Vous croyez?
Do you think so?

Read The French Class Newsletter and learn hundreds of expressions per year, for free! Keep reading! Keep learning!

Quelques phrases utiles /
A few useful sentences

Je reviendrai demain.
I will come back tomorrow.

Je vous verrai la semaine prochaine.
I will see you next week.

Pronunciation Quick Fix...

$20 for a one-on-one 25-minute practice to improve your pronunciation. Schedule your pronunciation quick fix before or after your class. Call us now at (415) 362-3666 or just come to the front desk to make an appointment.

Un petit peu de grammaire /
A little bit of grammar

Le subjonctif

Il faut qu’il s’en aille.
He has to leave.

J’aimerais qu’elle revienne.
I’d like her to come back.

Il faudrait qu’on s’en souvienne.
We should remember it.

Pourvu qu’ils n’aient pas eu un accident.
I do hope that they didn’t have an accident.

Je suis si content(e) que vous soyez venu(e)(s)
I’m so happy you came.

Visit our website and find a class for your level. Don’t hesitate to call us at (415) 362-3666 if you have any questions regarding the appropriate level for you or if you would like a free assessment.

Your Victory of the Month

Keeping a positive attitude while learning will help you learn faster and will also make learning so much more pleasant! Save a few minutes every day to open your French book and review what you just learned. Set small goals. For example, learn how to say one sentence:
J’ai acheté du fromage.
I bought cheese.

My French 2 Cents

Have your own French tutor for 2 cents per day!

Here is how it works in 4 easy steps:

  • pay $7.30 for a one-year subscription to this amazing program
  • receive a welcome email
  • send your questions to the e-mail address you are given
  • receive a prompt answer

It is that easy!

Please note that "My French 2 Cents" is not a translation service.
To subscribe: Call us at 415.362.3666 or send an e-mail to Contact us to subscribe.


our large conference room for your professional events


Great rate. Up to 25 people. Very convenient downtown location. 

Please contact: for more information.



A seminar for stubborn women

Facilitated in English by Dominique Brémond

This month’s topic:

Why we should never say,  “I’m not a business person.”

Saturday, April 8
2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Sliding scale $5 to $25

Please join our creative, warm, fun and supportive group to explore options and ideas about how to develop a skill, make a career change or improve your existing business.



Presented by Dominique Bremond.

Explore your options and ideas about how to develop a skill, make a career change or improve your existing business.

The French Class Meet Up

San Francisco Bilingual French/English Meetup. Please check in and sign up at if you would like to attend our monthly bilingual event.

This is a Meetup, not a class.

Learn more French everyday on our two Facebook pages

French Class FacebookThe French Class: French verb of the day
Dominique Bremond's page: French expression of the day and information about France

Qui a dit? Who said? La réponse

«Certains diront que je suis entêtée mais comment ne pas l’être quand on croit à la cause que l’on défend.»
Some will say that I am stubborn, but how not to be, when one believes in the cause one defends.

It was Danielle Mitterrand (1924-2011). She became a member of the French resistance when she was 17. Her sister, who was also part of the French underground movement against the Nazis, introduced her to another young resistant, François Mitterrand, who later became the French President. She married him in 1994 and had three children. She created her own foundation, “France-Libertés,” and was very politically active and fought for human rights and justice in countries such as Cuba, Turkey, Tibet and Israel.

Les réponses :

Trouvez la préposition correcte

1. Jean-Baptiste Poquelin est né à Paris en1622. JBP was born in Paris in 1622.

2. C’était le fils d’un tapissier. He was the son of an upholsterer.

3. Il est allé à l’école chez les Jésuites. He went to a school run by Jesuits.

4. Ensuite, il a fait des études de droit à Orléans. Then, he studied law in Orléans.

5. Il a fondé “L’illustre Théâtre” avec Madeleine Béjart. He founded the L.T. with M.B.

6. Il a pris le nom de Molière en 1644. He took the name Molère in 1644.

7. Il s’est installé dans la Salle du Petit-Bourbon à son retour à Paris. He settled in the P.B. room after he returned to Paris.

8. Il est mort sur scène en jouant Le Malade Imaginaire. He died on stage while playing The Imaginary Invalid.


- March 6th to April 29th

- May 1st to June 24th

- June 26th to August 19th

- August 28th to October 21st

- October 23rd to December 16th


1. All day intensive on Saturday, June 24th

2. Four-day intensive from August 21st to August 24th

3. All day intensive on Saturday, August 26th 

4. Four-day intensive from December 18th to December 21st


- Are the levels offered separately?

Yes. You sign up for the intensive course corresponding to your current level. Levels offered are usually from 1 to 7. We recommend a free assessment of your level before you sign up. Assessments may be provided over the phone or on Skype if you don’t have the time to come to the school.

- Do I have to sign up in advance?

Signing up in advance is highly recommended so we can offer the level and time you want. Groups with fewer than 4 students are canceled 3 days before the intensive. In order to sign up, you need to call, register and give a credit number or remit payment. 

- What do we do during the intensive? 

The intensive courses focus on conversation and oral comprehension, but we also review grammar relevant for each level, practice pronunciation, and introduce a lot of useful vocabulary for every day conversation.

- Do I have to attend the entire intensive?

Not necessarily. If there is space, you may also attend and pay per day.

- What happens if I register and cannot attend? 

We are sorry we cannot offer refunds or credits after the no refund date announced on our web site. We cannot make exceptions to our policy.


French Lessons Online

You moved away?
Please keep in touch, keep speaking French!

  • You can continue studying French with us on line with Skype. Learn more about it.
  • You may still benefit from reading new quick tips every month. 


Listen for FREE

Audio links on The French Class web site.
Visit this page often for updated content. A bientôt!

Merci d'avoir lu notre bulletin électronique! 
Thank you for reading The French Class Newsletter! Please stay in touch!  

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Our location and mailing address is:
The French Class 584 Castro Street Suite 362 San Francisco, CA 94114 USA