

Recent topics at

Real yoga: the individual's pursuit
Injuries and yoga: thoughtful practice
Self-Study: listen to the connection


Our cozy, hands-on, workshop-oriented studio is on Des Moines' Southside: 4214 Fleur Dr., Ste. 14-A in the Airport Plaza Shopping Center (2nd floor).

The regular class schedule is:
*Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 9:40 a.m.

*Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 5:30 p.m. to 6:40 p.m. 

If you're new to the studio, your first session is free! After that, each session is $20.

Members can attend any class; non-members can practice in any class for $20 a session.
Studio Schedule Updates:
As we usually do, Saturday classes will be suspended May through September. The last one is Saturday, April 22nd, so I hope to see you! We had a DANCE PARTY last Saturday before practice, and it was WILD! (Well, as wild as you can be on a Saturday morning!) SO much fun! So join us on April 22nd from 8:30 a.m. to 10 a.m.

Class is free to members; $20 for non-members. Guests always welcome, so bring a friend! Registration required for all attendees the Thursday prior to class.

Planning ahead:
The studio will be closed for all classes on Thursday, May 4th and Monday, May 8th.

Additionally, there won't be evening class on Thursday, May 11th because I'm going to geek out and go to AViD for author Nathan Hill. Join in the fun!

Saturday, April 22nd - Another Untethered Soul Discussion
If you'd like to discuss Michael Singer's The Untethered Soul to its conclusion, we'll meet Saturday, April 22nd from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Panera on Fleur. Come to Saturday class first, or just meet us at Panera!

New Book for Yoga Book Club: Your Body Speaks Your Mind
I've started Your Body Speaks Your Mind by Deb Shapiro. The subtitle is "decoding the emotional, psychological, and spiritual messages that underline illness." Listening to the connection of the mind, body, and spirit is a powerful experience. If you'd like to join me in reading it, it should be readily available at the library or in used paperback.

We'll arrange for a book club about it later in the spring.

At the Studio - Look for the Light, Look for Parking
First: as the weather gets warmer, I often take the opportunity to walk or bike up to the studio. So, you may not see my car, but always look for the light in the front window!

Second: some of you have noticed that evening parking is a little more crowded due to the overflow of attendees at Farrell's. It comes and goes in waves. I've talked with property management, and it feels confident there should still be plenty of room for you against the buildings and/or in the lighted middle section. If there are signs posted in front of a business, it's helpful to see if the business is open first, and then that space may be available if the business closed at 5 or 5:30 p.m. But just to be on the safe side, keep to the middle parking area and along the buildings. Thank you for your patience!

Looking Ahead: Essential Oils Workshop!
I'm finalizing details with a presenter for this workshop and, based on responses, will pick a Saturday morning in May for the session! More details soon!

New Beginners' Workshop Attendees: Welcome!
Please extend a welcome to Alex, Heather, and Bonni, the intrepid new yogis in the current beginners' workshop series! They're incredibly eager and devoted to learning all they can! The next time you see them, please share your experiences and encouragement.

Thank You for Your Referrals!
Just like any small business, the studio becomes stronger with the help of your referrals. You're building a special community of like minds who populate our studio with shared purpose. It's so delightful to meet the new people you think will benefit from what we do, and I appreciate your efforts.

Private Sessions
A private student says he prefers private sessions with TKY because: "I have undivided attention to focus on my special needs and feel I move forward more effectively because of this attention." 

Thank you! Namaste.

Sometimes group classes aren't for everyone. Whether it's due to scheduling conflicts, personal circumstances, injury or illness recovery, or just to relish quiet time focused on  yourself, private sessions are an intimate, transformative way to explore yoga in a meaningful manner, one-to-one, accessing a more effective practice. If you or someone you know desires this type of personal attention, ask me for referral cards to share.

Meditation Around Town: April 20th
Dennis Kelly continues to find wonderful meditation leaders to expand your opportunity to learn more about this practice. On Thursday, April 18th, Kimberly Graham will lead a session starting at 6 p.m. at the lovely jazz club, Noce, 1326 Walnut St. Visit Meditation Around Town to learn more.

A Repeat: Sound Therapy Link: Synch Project with Marconi Union
Because some people asked for the link again, here's a repeat of the link to "Adrift", the 20-minute version of an atmospheric piece created by my friend at the Synch Project with Marconi Union (who we've listened to before.) The general consensus: awesome! Some people went into a deep rest, while others fell completely asleep -- even those who struggle with insomnia. This isn't an app -- you can visit this site on your cell phone and it should work fine, although it seems to work better with cellular data than wi-fi. Enjoy!

Barb Martin is a woman about town, no doubt about it! A beautiful spirit, few things slow her down or keep her from being involved in the community and in the arts. We started working together privately last summer but, based on pain from an old injury, I told her to STOP doing yoga! Yes, stop! I recommended bodywork therapists that could help work on her shoulders and other areas to alleviate the pain. After successful treatment, she came back to the studio, where she practices frequently each month. Six months ago, this beautiful Cobra lift simply wasn't accessible, but with bodywork therapy and consistent practice, Barb's natural regal nature shines through, free of pain. Thank you for your presence, Barb!

If you have fun yoga photos, please send them to me, and you might be in the next newsletter!

Strength in Yoga: Yes!
The model above, in a bound version of Revolved Chair Pose, appears to be quite strong. You can see active muscles flexing in both his legs and arms. (Try not to fixate on the knees coming out over the toes, like I am. Just remember not to do that in your practice!)

In a micro-version of yoga mythology, Chair pose is reflective of the story of Rama, who was forced into exile due to political conflict. In ancient India, only royalty sat off the ground, usually on thrones, in order to be present and see and be seen. Bharata, the forced ruler during Rama's exile, didn't believe he deserved to displace Rama as the political powers wanted. So he never sat upon Rama's throne--instead, he put a pair of sandals on the seat to indicate the rightful king's absence, and the strength represented in that symbol.

Many poses in yoga, such as Chair, or Utkatasasana, are designed to build strength. The Sanskrit meaning of Utkata is "fierce", "superior", and "difficult", so that gives you an idea of the intent of the pose. because Chair isn't as much that as it is a throne.  Metaphorically, the Chair posture allows for an exploration of powerful concepts of purpose, and the strength required to fulfill that purpose.

So when you move into strength-building poses, recognize the physical effort, but allow yourself to delve deeper. Yes, with deliberate focus, you can power up through your core, thighs, arms, etc....and those may be the verbal cues I give you. A diverse yoga practice can certainly provide those benefits.

However, your internal cues will represent what's most important to you as you rise from your strength foundation into other areas of your life. What is your purpose? How will you realize it? Why does it matter? So many options!

Please forward this newsletter to anyone you feel might benefit from accessing strength in a variety of ways. Let's continue to build our community by encouraging new attendees and each other to find our best selves.


The positive energy you bring into the studio radiates strength, confidence, and purpose. Thank you for sharing these elements of self with us! 





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