April is Alcohol Awareness Month
Connecting the Dots: Opportunities for Recovery is the theme and will be filled with events aimed at educating people about the treatment and prevention of alcoholism, particularly among our youth, and the important role that parents can play in giving kids a better understanding of the impact that alcohol can have on their lives.
Tips to Prevent Teen Drinking:
» Talk early and often, in developmentally appropriate ways, with children and teens about your concerns—and theirs—regarding alcohol. Adolescents who know their parents’ opinions about youth drinking are more likely to fall in line with their expectations.
» Establish policies early on, and be consistent in setting expectations and enforcing rules. Adolescents do feel that parents should have a say in decisions about drinking, and they maintain this deference to parental authority as long as they perceive the message to be legitimate. Consistency is key!
» Monitor where teens are gathering and supervise what they are doing.
» Be aware of RI’s laws about providing alcohol to your own children.
» Never provide alcohol to someone else’s child.