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Education is for improving the lives of others and for leaving your community and world better than you found it
Marian Wright Edelman

Helping Teens Connect With Their Community

Teens can—and do!—improve the communities they live in.  While families provide the love and support needed for teens to become more independent, teens active in their community will:

  • Do better in school.
  • Find it easier to stay out of trouble.
  • Be less likely to become depressed or suicidal.

Why Should Teens Be Involved In Their Community?

  • Participating in community activities gives more opportunities to become an independent and successful adult.
  • It provides a group of friends who can help a teen learn more about them self and his talents and help him make better decisions.
  • By connecting with the community, a teen is never alone. He has a place to go and people to talk with when he needs it.
  • The more a teen helps others, the better he feels and the more likely that someone will be there for him.

How Your Teen Can Make Community Connections

Helping Others

  • Ask about service projects. Check with your child's school or where you worship about volunteering at homeless shelters, soup kitchens, nursing homes, or child care centers.
  • Get involved in a political campaign.
  • Tutor children at the library or become a coach.
  • Help clean up the neighborhood.

Doing What They Love

  • Encourage your teen to try different things until he discovers his passion. Art, music, writing, drama, or sports are just some examples.

Keeping in Touch with Family Members

  • Teach your teen about her  family—both near and far. Get her to ask about family stories and history. Get in touch with family your teen has not met or has not seen for a while or plan a family reunion.

Getting to Know Neighbors

  • Have your teen talk with people who have different cultural backgrounds, religious or spiritual beliefs, and political values.

Nobody Succeeds Alone— Everyone Needs Help

There are many people in your community who can help your child succeed.

  • A teacher, coach, or counselor at school can help point your child in the right direction.
  • A neighbor, relative, friend’s parent, or your boss can give your child the advice he need to make decisions.
  • A spiritual leader or an adult at an after-school activity or club can help your child through a hard time.

Remember, being involved in the community will help your child become independent, develop new skills, and help others.

Source  Connected Kids: Safe, Strong, Secure ( American Academy of Pediatrics)
Just like there are many myths surrounding the 4/20 or 420 term (and believe us - there are LOTS of myths), there are also lots of myths around marijuana itself.  Stay informed with facts. 
And talk to your teen!

Family and Community Involvement in Schools

Schools, parents, and the community should work together to promote the health, well being, and learning of all students. When schools actively involve parents and engage community resources they are able to respond more effectively to the health-related needs of students.

Family and community involvements foster partnerships among schools, family and community groups, and individuals. These partnerships help children and youth develop healthy behaviors and promote healthy families.

Research shows that students whose parents are involved in their education are more likely to:

  • Attend school more regularly
  • Complete homework more consistently
  • Earn higher grades and test scores
  • Graduate and go on to college
  • Have better social skills
  • Show improved behavior
  • Have better relationships with their parents
  • Have higher self-esteem

Additionally, linking community activities to the classroom

  • Improves school-related behaviors
  • Positively impacts academic achievement
  • Reduces school suspension rates

April is Alcohol Awareness Month

Connecting the Dots:  Opportunities for Recovery is the theme and will be filled with events aimed at educating people about the treatment and prevention of alcoholism, particularly among our youth, and the important role that parents can play in giving kids a better understanding of the impact that alcohol can have on their lives.

Tips to Prevent Teen Drinking:

» Talk early and often, in developmentally appropriate ways, with children and teens about your concerns—and theirs—regarding alcohol. Adolescents who know their parents’ opinions about youth drinking are more likely to fall in line with their expectations.

» Establish policies early on, and be consistent in setting expectations and enforcing rules. Adolescents do feel that parents should have a say in decisions about drinking, and they maintain this deference to parental authority as long as they perceive the message to be legitimate. Consistency is key!

» Monitor where teens are gathering and supervise what they are doing. 

» Be aware of RI’s laws about providing alcohol to your own children.

» Never provide alcohol to someone else’s child.

Copyright © 2016  NK Prevention Coalition, All rights reserved.
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