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Dear Sisters, Associates and Sojourners,

As this week unfolded with more political partisanship, the nuclear option being used to confirm a Supreme Court Justice, the bombing of Syria, more violence and corruption around the nation and unprecedented compromises of tax payers money and priorities--we arrive at Palm Sunday!

And, now, a Congressional recess, so take a breath--a short, but, deep one!  Try to visit or call them while they are in their "home place."  Voice your concerns about immigration, deportation, refugees being denied entry to the US,  the environmental protections being rolled back or ended!  Whatever is your passion and issue:  Let them know! 

Then, pray intensely for justice and compassion for them and those impacted by their decisions: immigrants and refugees; for those trafficked and incarcerated; for those struggling to stay employed, healthy and educated!  
All these challenges and soon, the budget debates start in earnest.  Will the focus be on those most in need, or those with the most greed? 

Here's a piece from Coalition on Human Needs that describes very clearly the impending choices: We need a budget that not just keeps us safe and secure, but also provides opportunities and gives us all the chance to succeed. We need to improve is access to healthcare, housing, education, a clean environment, career opportunities, and social services. We need to safeguard vital programs such as SNAP/food stamps, SSI, Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid, which lift millions out of poverty. We need the economic security that affordable childcare, housing assistance, the Earned Income Tax Credit, and Child Tax Credit provide.  We need to invest in infrastructure, to prevent environmental disasters and protect local communities and to renew our nation’s railways, roads, bridges, schools and waterways - the same infrastructure that created so many jobs in the mid-20th century and is now due for repair. We need public works projects that will propel our economy forward, projects that would create hundreds of thousands of jobs in the construction and manufacturing industries.

Again, you have been intentional about your prayers and sacrifices, your advocacy--with calls and letters! Thank you! You are a witness to NEW LIFE!
These next 10 days, stay focused on planning for EARTH DAY, April 22 (resources here), and the end of the first 100 days, April 29 and the walks--whether with SIERRA350, or the PEOPLES CLIMATE MARCH. If you need any ideas or resources, please let me know.


P.S. - Check out this Women's Way of the Cross resource >>

President Trump is considering a drastic plan to revoke the national monument status of the Bears Ears region in southeastern Utah. The Bears Ears — 1.35 million acres of public lands near Canyonlands National Park — has been home to Native American tribes for millennia.

Learn More >>

Remember to see the JPIC webpage for a list of all resources.

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