Ilios Project Updates: Making curriculum in the health professions more meaningful in a complex and changing world.
    curriculum management for the health professions


We are pleased to announce the immediate release of the latest update to Ilios.
This release, v3.30.0, contains a number of major features and improvements, including our new "Week at a Glance" view on the dashboard, providing a consolidated list of activities and materials for the current week. It also provides a link to a new page where a learner can review this information (in this format) week by week for the entire year, as well as previous years. We have also improved learning material search to include author name, and cleaned up a number of miscellaneous code issues. Finally, we fixed two recently identified bugs; one which caused problems when assigning instructors to offerings when they are also listed as course directors, and another which could cause the browser page not to load when attempting to re-edit offerings.

Week at a Glance::
Along with our Activities, Materials, and Calendar view of a learner's events, Ilios now provides a "Week at a Glance", which provides a summary of activities for a learner for each week, including actiivity description and line links to associated materials.

The new view also includes an "all weeks" link, which provides a week-by-week collapsible view of the same information throughout an entire year:

This allows learners to navigate easily thru their history for review, to produce PDF versions for annotation, and to reference past  activity.

We look forward to feedback from you regarding how we can extend and improve this feature as we refine it in the coming months.

if you have questions please don't hesitate to send us a note at

Highlights in this release:
  • API Changes: update to 1.17; no breaking changes. Extended endpoint for user events to included additional data for 'week at a  glance' 
  • Schema Changes: no breaking changes
  • Other Changes: updated learning material search to include author, added site changes to the alert trigger list, fixed instructor assignment bug in offerings, fixed blank page offering edit, corrected student counts on admin page.
The latest code and the complete changelog for this release, as always, are available for download here:

AMAZON TIME: If you are interested in hosting your Ilios instance on AWS, we now have a Ansible-deployed AWS-ready implementation of the Ilios code. Please contact us for more info.

TRAINING: Are you interested in getting a focused training for your power Ilios users and managers in your school or institution? We can do that for you: 1.5 - 2 days of focused training on the most effective ways to leverage Ilios as power users, and deliver information to your students and faculty in the best way possible, custom-tailored for your needs and methodologies. Please contact us if you are interested.

How to Update Your Frontend:
The Ilios frontend is always up-to-date on our content-delivery servers at Amazon S3, but you will need to regularly run a console command on your backend instance in order ensure that your users are seeing the latest version and that they are getting all the latest features and bugfixes. To make sure you users are receiving the latest frontend code at all times, just follow these steps:
# Log in to your Ilios API (backend) server and go to the root folder of your Ilios application ('/web/ilios'; for this example):
  $ cd /web/ilios3
# Then run the 'ilios:maintenance:update-frontend' console command, in the context of the user that runs your webservices (eg. 'apache'):
  $ sudo -u apache bin/console ilios:maintenance:update-frontend --env=prod
# When it is done, you will then see the message: 
  Frontend updated successfully!
# and that's it!

It is a good idea to run this command often (in a cron job, perhaps!) and after any backend update as well, of course!
Though you will probably never need to deploy the Ilios 3 Frontend on your own servers, the source for the frontend code can always be found at

The changelog for updates specific to the frontend can be viewed here.

Questions? Comments? Feedback? Please let us know at or in (if you have not yet joined our slack channel, you can get started here

Our online user guides are available at

the Ilios Team

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