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Good afternoon dear reader & welcome to my world for another week. Firstly, today a warning & an apology. I think this could be construed as a rant! Because businesses are still failing way short of the mark on fundamentals. I attended an Institute of Directors luncheon on Thursday this week & the speaker was one Andy Symons from PWC speaking on Innovation & the Essential Eight technologies. Absolutely fascinating stuff, if you can believe these things will happen.

For example, you would think today as we move well into the 21st Century & the concept of business racks up more & more experience as each year goes by, the same businesses would grasp the simple reality, there is only one place their money comes from. As I listened to Mr Symons extrapolate the rapid advances, if you did think these things you would be mistaken, wrong & wide off the mark.

With a few exceptions there appears to be very little evidence to suggest businesses either understand there is only one place their money comes from, or when & if they do, they orientate their very existence to this source. Personally, I am tired of (& in no particular order):

  • Finding the experience of purchasing products & services so bloody difficult, irritating or unsatisfying.
  • Having to deal with nincompoops who seem to struggle to know their own name or what day it is, let alone what it is they ought to know in order to fulfill their role.
  • Increasingly poor quality design & manufacturing. It appears now as accepted practice for manufactured products to be regarded as disposable within a very short period of time (& let us not get into any discussion regarding the plastic surrounding many such objects…).
  • Increasingly dreadful standards of support, back up & after sales service.
  • Loud, aggressive, mind bogglingly awful marketing communication campaigns which promise the earth & deliver not a fraction of the promise.
  • Governments who do not have the faintest idea for the true concept of business & what is required to nurture, support & reward (or at least incentivize) successful business performance.
  • Marketing buffoons who have become obsessed with social media whilst demonstrating a complete lack of understanding for the marketing concept itself.
  • ‘Beanies’ who have driven costs down to a bare minimum (& sometimes beyond) without any understanding oo the need to drive sales up & how to achieve this.
I could go on I suspect, but I better not, because you dear reader, deserve better than a grumpy old fart whinging on & on. So, to my point? Business success is not a complex concept. The role of marketing in contributing to business success is not a complex concept either. Someone wants something, & someone else is willing & able to provide it. The cost is a dollar, the cost of acquiring it is two dollars, the difference is a dollar & this is called profit!

That my friends is it. No MBA required. And now all we have to do is do it again. And again. And again. How hard can this be? How hard can it be to constantly strive to identify those needs, fulfil those needs & do so at a profit? Hard work? Yes. But intellectually hard? No.

Whether you are engaged in one transaction a day, or 20 million transactions a day, the fundamental rules are the same & have been since cattle & crops, not dollars, were the negotiable currency. So, why & how have we lost track of them? Well one can only speculate & the issues keep arising…

However, I believe we have a clue following a recent computer processing problem we had. In seeking resolution of what I consider a relatively straight forward technical issue, we were clearly struggling to get this persons attention. When I thought we had it, I struggled to keep their attention (away for a keyboard & screen & me & my problem). I struggle to get any clear answers on what the problem might be & how they might be able to resolve it.

But the real bombshell was delivered when I asked: “You do not really care about my problem, do you?” To which I received a response: “No, not really”.

Is this the answer? It just might be. Because the secret ingredient of business success, in my humble opinion, is that we must give a damn. And if you do not? Then return to the first paragraph & read this rant again. ThankQ Andy Symons for your inspiration this week…

Thank you for taking the time to be with me once again. I hope my journey may encourage you also. This is Kenn Butler in Paradise, Nelson, with my best wishes for your week ahead.

Kenn Butler
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