JFP Update April 2017
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Jesus Film Partnership
Penn-Jersey District Missions
First public showing of Jesus Film                                                                                   Bwaniha, Uganda, November 2014

April 2017 Update

The Penn-Jersey District's 3-year participation with the Jesus Film Partnership is concluding this month.  Because of the faithfulness of congregations across the district tens of thousands of persons in Suriname and Uganda have heard the good news of God's love and the salvation extended to us by the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, and thousands have responded to the invitation.  In addition, because of your generosity a church in the Kamuli District of Uganda now has a roof that is an answer to a 10-year prayer.

Population: 573,000;  Area: 63,250 sq.mi.

A major focus for the Jesus Film Team has been the area in and around the capital city of Paramaribo.  For showing the film in Toekomstweg the team rented a tent from Maziek, a Muslim believer.  When the team went to pay for the tent, Maziek began asking questions, and then asked the team to pray with him.  He and his wife are now Christians, have been baptized, and are looking for a location in the neighborhood where he can show the film and start a cell group.
Maziek testimony before baptism.
In the Latour neighborhood the film was shown to a small group because of rain and unreliable electricity.  However, a man named Humbert and some other young men were prayed for, and they expressed interest in attending a cell group.  At another showing of the film to a group of homeless people, twelve responded.  There is also a group of refugees that fled to Paramaribo during the civil war of 1986-1992 who are still living in Paramaribo; some of them have also responded to the Gospel.
Homeless in government shelter.
Civil war refugees still in Paramaribo.
Home made toys in OliaOlo.
Children at pastor's home.
The pastor in another neighborhood invited eleven children to view the film; they all responded; and plans are being made to host a kids club for the neighborhood.

There has also been some travel to the south to Amerindian villages and the maroon people.  In the maroon village of Santigron ancestor worship is very active as is the worship of the tribal god.  A Bible School student from there had gained permission to show the Jesus Film there, but not everybody was happy with that.  In another village, Kadjoe, even the second chief captain showed up to watch the film.  A young man from Paramaribo who used to live in Kadjoe is preparing to start a new cell group there.

Over the course of our 3-year partnership in Suriname the film has been shown 36 times to a total of 2371 persons (0.41% of population) with 337 responding (14% of viewers); twelve cell groups have been started.

Population: 35,919,000;  Area: 93,060 sq.mi.

In the village of Bwaniha people were slow to come to the showing of the Jesus Film, but half way through the film the crowd was very large.  At the end they asked for the film to be shown again.  More than 20 people responded and are now part of the Christian family.
Bwaniha, Uganda
Bwaniha, Uganda
In the village of Shamarede people got convicted when they watched the film, and they are being transformed.  The church is growing through door to door ministries conducted by the evangelists.  A lady here was told by a friend that she would be burying her children whenever she gave birth; Christ restored her hope through the ministry of the Jesus Film, and she has given birth to 2 children.
Sharmarede, Uganda
Shamarede, Uganda
In the village of Maum the church had deteriorated and was in need of revival.  When the Jesus Film team arrived, people came from near and far; most of them received Jesus as their personal savior.  Some of the people were those who had gone astray but are now rejoicing in the Lord after being prayed for.
Maum, Uganda
Maum, Uganda
As reported separately, a team from Penn-Jersey spent two weeks in Uganda helping put a roof on the Busanda Wesleyan Church in the Kamuli District.

Over the course of our 3-year partnership in Uganda the film has been shown 120 times to a total of 94,130 persons (0.26% of population) with 3639 responding (3.86% of viewers); 34 cell groups and 17 churches have been started.

"Ask me and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession."  Psalms 2:8 (NIV)
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