Muscle testing for food allergies
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Happy Springtime! 

Are you warming up in the sunshine, like a lizard does on a rock? Dallas road is full of rocks to warm up on! It's also a great place to work on your feet and proprioceptors in the body by challenging them with a 30 minute, or more, walk on the smaller rocks or along the driftwood. Also good for your balance in general.
Gardeners are out in full force as well. Some of you have come in over tired with sore arms, backs, and legs. But do not stop, keep it up! Maybe take more breaks and enjoy where you are the middle of a very lovely growth spurt. Sit and smell the green. 
Coming up this summer for my toolbox is another workshop with Sheila Lukasiewich and her level 2 Zero Balancing. Its been a great addition to my practice, as well as self care from Sheila. More info about it here:
This spring I also took a course on the neuroendocrine system and how osteopathy can help balance the endocrine and exocrine glands of the body. Its very subtle work that is a part of how we function on a daily basis. One of the many reasons I love osteopathy, we are not just body parts, or have one system out of balance, there is a cascade of events that happens within, as our body wants to keep centered and balanced. As the investigator, I must check all the systems and find out where the imbalance is, and what the body (you the patient) needs to maintain or return to homeostasis, or balance.

Coming to the Johnson street clinic on

Saturday June 17


How Muscle Testing Can Help with a Food Allergy

Food allergies are caused by a parasite you don't know you have. You eat the parasite's favourite food, it eats it's favourite food, it excretes waste after eating, your body processes the waste, experiences all the symptoms of a food allergy, and not knowing you have a parasite, you identify the food as the originating variable and blame your immune system for attacking the food. This thought process misses two steps: 1) there will be a parasite you don't know you have, 2) your immune system is responding to parasite feces and/or eggs, not the food itself. Once these two variables fall into place, it only remains to identify which parasite is causing the symptoms and how to eliminate it. A scientific Muscle Testing analysis can cover the identification, and there are various ways to eliminate a parasite once you know you have it (Medicine, Sound frequencies and Medicinal Herbs, although herbs are ineffective surprisingly often). 
For the purposes of understanding food allergies, it will make the most sense if we understand that the very term "food allergy" is misleading, since it reinforces the incorrect assumption that the body develops a sensitivity to a food. Replacing this misconception is the understanding that parasites are the root causes of all of the following: gluten allergies, including celiac; milk allergies; egg allergies; all nut allergies including anaphylactic response; shellfish, fruit and reactions to meat, soy, peppers, etc. By extension, this covers most skin rashes and all digestive disorders, from constipation, bloating and diarrhea to the gradations we use the terms IBS, colitis and Crohn's to describe, as well as most of the digestive medical conditions like Diverticulitis/osus, Ulcers, acid reflux and the various skin rashes that are otherwise written off as a rash, rosacea, eczema or psoriasis.
Considering the scope of these claims, it quickly becomes apparent that many people to some degree have a parasite. The severity of the symptoms are a reflection of variables such as number of species, quantity within a single species and locations of each. Typically as symptoms become worse, the desire to identify & eliminate the parasites becomes greater. Here is an outline to some of the considerations in identifying and eliminating parasites:

Book online for Saturday June 17 in Victoria on his website above. This is a special visit for this summer only. 
Copyright © 2017 Cindy J. Filler, DOMP, All rights reserved.

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