


Welcome to  
Public Archaeology 
Issue # 4

We hope you've enjoyed past issues of Public Archaeology Notes (see Archives, below). These newsletters contain lots of useful information. Please distribute Public Archaeology Notes to your networks, constituencies, and various communities. Please email us interesting news and resources so we can share with everyone! Contact info is at the bottom.

Volunteers at the Vermont Archaeology Heritage Center, Barre, Vermont, cataloging artifacts from the Perrigo I Site with State Archaeologist Jess Robinson and NRCS Jacob Clay. Thanks to volunteers Bob Van Arsdell, Ruth Hagerman, Eric Bowman, Karin Gottlieb, and Jack Sabon. Courtesy of the Vermont Archaeological Society.

Why Read This? 

Public Archaeology Notes (PAN) showcases useful information and resources to inspire our public archaeology work and strengthen our engagement and communication with our networks and communities. PAN also helps non-archaeologists learn about and participate in our work. 

Some Thoughts From Our Readers.....Let Us Know What YOU think!

If you are thinking - 'crap another email I won't read' it is pretty well spaced out with only three a year so far. Having read through all three of the newsletters I can tell you right now if you are interested in Public Archaeology it is well worth subscribing. Doug Rocks-Macqueen,  Doug's Archaeology Blog

Fantastic stuff! Lots of links to programming, articles, blogs, lesson plans, etc. by folks who have been on the front lines of public archaeology education.  Kevin Gidusko, Florida Public Archaeology Network, and Society for Historical Archaeology Public Education and Information Committee (PEIC)
I just spent an enjoyable 20 minutes reading the entire newsletter, which previously I had only skimmed.  You packed an immense amount of valuable info and links in there (and for the first time I understand what the heck Instagram is). Bonnie Pitblado,  University of Oklahoma
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the latest issue of Public Archaeology Notes, both for my own interests as a student passionate about public archaeology education and as the director of the new Oklahoma Public Archaeology Network (OKPAN). It's also given me a number of ideas and resources for OKPAN. Meghan J. Dudley,  Director of the Oklahoma Public Archaeology Network, University of Oklahoma
Thank you. This is a terrific resource! Inspiring! Dorothy Krass
Public #Archaeology Notes is fantastic! Lots of resources & info sharing! Jane Eva Baxter ‏@JaneEvaBaxter  
Thanks for including Project Archaeology in Public Archaeology Notes. It looks like a great resource! Courtney Agenten, Project Archaeology
I’ve been reading them and love them. Mel Harvey, Arkansas State Parks.

Who Are We?

Public Archaeology Notes are a collaborative effort by a consortium of individuals representing an alphabet soup of interested groups: the Society for American Archaeology (SAA), the SAA's Public Education Committee (PEC), the PEC's Network of State Coordinators, the SAA's Public Archaeology Interest Group (PAIG), the American Institute of Archaeology (AIA), and others. We are pleased to provide you with this collaborative effort. 
Giovanna Peebles, Public Archaeology Notes Editor

Thank you to our contributors to Issue #4:

Joe Bagley, Boston City Archaeologist
Beverly Chiarulli, Pennsylvania PEC State Coordinator
Robert Connolly, SAA Public Education Committee (PEC)
Gemma Hudgell, Maine PEC State Coordinator
Amy Johnson, Indiana PEC State Coordinator
Catherine Long, Georgia PEC State Coordinator
Rebecca Lynn Simon, Colorado PEC State Coordinator

Now's a Good Time for Vigilance, Action, Passion, Relationship-building and Politics

The Society for American Archaeology (SAA) has stepped up its advocacy to protect America's archaeological resources and programs (see above photo from the SAA Home page). SAA now makes it easy for its members to contact their Congressional delegation through its "Take Action Now" page. SAA has also resurrected its former Government Affairs Network State Representative (GANSR) system, comprising a volunteer member in each state who keeps SAA updated on state-level legislative and regulatory issues affecting archaeology. "The GAN representatives will help bring to bear the best-informed input possible to state and federal policymakers when it is required."

Some of us were privileged to have been able to attend the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) annual meeting in Vancouver, British Columbia, March 30 - April 2, 2017. The SAA's Public Education Committee (PEC) sponsored an excellent, standing room only Forum on "Heritage Matters: Archaeology and Community Engagement through Political Advocacy," chaired by PEC Chair Elizabeth Reetz, also Iowa PEC State Coordinator. Nine dynamic speakers each presented a five minute "case study" for successfully advocating for a critical issue. Every case study had these elements in common:
  • Find and work with partners - - it really does take a village.
  • To effect change, work at the local level.
  • Persevere, never give up.
  • Network, network, network.
  • Use both passion and facts along your journey.
If you are an archaeologist, you might be interested in joining the Archaeologists for a Just Future (AJF) Facebook Group, founded by archaeologist Barbara Voss, professor at Stanford University, and others to ensure that archaeologists get active and stay active in politics, among other goals. Co-administrator Chelsea Blackmore states, "THIS IS A GRASSROOTS INITIATIVE. Go ahead and DO STUFF! Contribute money, host a house party to raise funds, go register voters, phone bank! Watch this space for links and ideas. And when you do something, report back here to encourage us all to join in." 

The Archaeology Advocacy Alert Network (AAAN) Facebook page will keep you informed of state and national-level legislative or policy issues that need attention ASAP. AAAN is also a "closed" group but it's easy enough to join.

On Twitter (@COSSADC) follow the Consortium of Social Science Associations (COSSA) to keep abreast of immediate issues of concern and the status of various proposed legislation that impacts our nation's archaeology, anthropology, and heritage programs.
You can also track the #AnthroForward hashtag on Twitter to stay informed of issues and actions relating to anthropology and archaeology. Or, use this hashtag to share resources and suggestions for the broad anthropology community.
Robert Connolly's blog on "The Proposed Funding Cuts & the Impact on Small and Rural Museums" will hopefully encourage you to contact your Congressional delegation and let them know how the proposed budget cuts to the Institute of Museum and Library Services and the Corporation for National and Community Service, and to other precious programs, will impact your museums, your projects and programs, your students, and your communities.

You can't have too many public archaeology and advocacy sites. Here's one more, brand new (April 14, 2017), blog: Public Archaeology Advocacy. Blog creator Sarah Surface-Evans says that "Here you will find information and resources about archaeology and preservation meant for the public, educators, and policy makers." The "What's at Stake" handout provides talking points for your politicians. The "Archaeology and STEM" handout was created for the April 22, 2017, March for Science, but includes useful resources for educators anytime.

Spotlight: Happening Things in the United States and Canada, from Alabama to Yukon

Here's an awesome, creative happening! The Public Archaeology Twitter Conference (PATC, or Patsy) will be held on the 28 April 2017. There's seven public archaeology sessions and you can participate from your sofa.... or bed! Learn more below under Spotlight: Twitter.

The Pennsylvania State Museum showed off Pennsylvania archaeology at the annual Pennsylvania Farm Show, held in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, during January 7-14, 2017. Each year more than 4,000 visitors view the museum's exhibits. By far this is the largest attendance for an archaeology program in the Commonwealth. The 2017 archaeology focus was on Pennsylvania's petroglyphs of which 42 have been recorded. Kids were given the opportunity to tell their own stories by creating original "petroglyphs." Read more about this great hands-on activity. Photo courtesy of the Pennsylvania State Museum.
Save the Date! International Archaeology Day 2017 is on October 21. The Archaeological Institute of America actively seeks partners to host events and join in as supporting organizations to celebrate International Archaeology Day, which can be one day or the whole month of October. By the end March 2017, the AIA already had 65 collaborating organizations!
Last year, when IAD grew by nearly 200 events to a total of about 700 celebrations around the world, the AIA received the same number of sign ups as we currently hold by mid-June.  With that in mind, IAD 2017 is on pace to be the largest global celebration of archaeology yet. - See more at:
Last year, when IAD grew by nearly 200 events to a total of about 700 celebrations around the world, the AIA received the same number of sign ups as we currently hold by mid-June.  With that in mind, IAD 2017 is on pace to be the largest global celebration of archaeology yet. - See more at:
Last year, when IAD grew by nearly 200 events to a total of about 700 celebrations around the world, the AIA received the same number of sign ups as we currently hold by mid-June.  With that in mind, IAD 2017 is on pace to be the largest global celebration of archaeology yet. - See more at:
Last year, when IAD grew by nearly 200 events to a total of about 700 celebrations around the world, the AIA received the same number of sign ups as we currently hold by mid-June.  With that in mind, IAD 2017 is on pace to be the largest global celebration of archaeology yet. - See more at:
Last year, when IAD grew by nearly 200 events to a total of about 700 celebrations around the world, the AIA received the same number of sign ups as we currently hold by mid-June.  With that in mind, IAD 2017 is on pace to be the largest global celebration of archaeology yet. - See more at:

In the summer of 2016, University of Kentucky archaeologist Richard Jefferies and his crew of graduate and undergraduate students returned to Sapelo Island to continue work on the Sapelo Island Mission Period Archaeological Project.

Crow Canyon Archaeological Center is proud to announce its next multi-year project, The Northern Chaco Outliers Project. A 2016 History Colorado State Historical Fund grant supported site assessment, remote sensing, drone mapping, and planning of future research at the 5-acre Haynie site near Cortez. Crow Canyon’s Native American Advisory Group has visited the site and participated in a collaborative research design process with Crow Canyon staff. Full-time excavation will begin during the 2017 field season, and the project will continue through 2020. Excavations at the Haynie site will be conducted by Crow Canyon’s professional archaeologists working with participants in Crow Canyon’s educational programs: school groups, teen camps, adult excavation programs, and College Field School. Learn more about Crow Canyon’s Archaeology Research Program in which citizen scientists participate in excavation and archaeological research.
Text and Photographs Courtesy of Crow Canyon Archaeological Center.

Spotlight: Education, Curricula, and Lesson Plans

Check out a new, heritage education non-profit, The Heritage Education Network (THEN),
"an alliance for those who use, manage, teach or create information about past or present peoples and cultures." Although THEN seeks paying members, their website contains useful resources and will contain a lot more over time: "Over the course of the next year and a half, with funding from a Wenner-Gren Foundation Innovations in Public Awareness of Anthropology Grant, we will be adding substantial content to this site including an annotated bibliography of heritage education references and materials."
Another important, new, education start-up is The Journal of Archaeology and Education, "a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to disseminating research and sharing practices in archaeological education at all levels," from early childhood to graduate level. This free, open-access journal aims to "provide a home for the growing community of practitioners and scholars interested in sharing their first-hand experiences and research."

The "Archaeology and STEM" handout, created for the April 22, 2017, March for Science, includes useful resources for educators.
What's Indiana's Dr. Henry up to? Dr. Henry recently accompanied members of the Indiana Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology's archaeology team to the important Mounds State Park in Anderson, Indiana, to conduct fieldwork. Their work ensured that an upcoming ground-disturbing project within the park would not impact important archaeological deposits. Thanks for your help, Dr. Henry!

Spotlight: 3D and Virtual Archaeology, Virtual Museums, and On-line Collections

One of Vancouver's many great assets is the University of British Columbia's Museum of Anthropology. Many of us who attended the Society for American Archaeology annual meeting took the opportunity to visit this beautiful museum. One of the galleries contains thousands of ethnographic objects, either behind glass cases or in horizontal drawers (under glass, of course). Thus, it's an "open" storage facility. An array of computer monitors around the gallery allows you to link an exhibited object with its associated data set. This is a terrific resource for students and researchers of all ages.

Spotlight: Community Archaeology Programs

Led by Executive Director Carol McDavid, the Community Archaeology Research Institute is based in Houston, Texas, and provides a variety of important services to promote and protect the area's archaeological resources.

Archaeology in the Community offers the Young Archaeologists' Club Spring 2017, an archaeology camp for children ages 8 - 11 (raising 3rd Graders through 6th Graders). Kids get the opportunity to learn some archaeological techniques from archaeologists, attend field trips, and participate in a bit of field work, weather permitting. I sure wish my locale offered this when I was in 4rth Grade!
Owned by the Maine Coast Heritage Trust (Trust) and managed as a preserve allowing public visitation, 73 acre Treat Island is located at the entrance to Cobscook and Passamaquoddy bays, one of the easternmost points in Maine and also the United States.  Given its strategic setting, the island has had a complex history involving Native American settlement/land use, early European settlement, international border conflicts, military control, fishing and fish processing and federal Works Progress Administration (WPA) engineering projects undertaken as part of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal programs.  In the fall of 2016, the Trust used volunteers over five days to begin the process of identifying and documenting the island’s cultural resources. Northeast Archaeology Research Center, Inc. (NE ARC) provided a Project Director and two archaeological technicians assisted by three local Passamaquoddy Tribe field technicians. More than 30 volunteers participated, about one third of them local Native Americans. Sixty middle and high school students visited the island accompanied by teachers and chaperones. Students and volunteers helped to dig, screen, and backfill, and assisted with drawing test pit profiles and recording recovered artifacts. The project was made possible through considerable volunteer effort, not least the volunteer support of three local boat captains who provided daily transport to the island. The brief project was a great success. As well as initiating the identification and protection of the island's cultural resources, the survey had considerable local community involvement and impact, offering  public education about the archaeology of the Treat Island Preserve and archaeological methods and processes.  Contact Deirdre Whitehead for more information – 207-271-7701 or

Spotlight: Museum Resources

The American Institute for Conservation's Connecting to Collections Care website has a wide array of online resources that may be of help to your organization.

Spotlight: Open Access Digital Archaeological Publications

As reported above, The Journal of Archaeology and Education is an important, new, education initiative. It's "a peer-reviewed, open-access journal dedicated to disseminating research and sharing practices in archaeological education at all levels," from early childhood to graduate level. This free, open-access journal aims to " provide a home for the growing community of practitioners and scholars interested in sharing their first-hand experiences and research." Keep an eye out on this new resource.

Spotlight: Free Non-technical On-Line Publications 

Here's an informative, free, source of information if you want to learn more about Southwestern U.S. archaeology or stay current with what's happening in that part of the country.  "Southwest Archaeology Today (SAT) is a free e-mail news digest providing subscribers with information about current news and events in Southwest archaeology. Published weekly, SAT is maintained as a community networking tool for professional and avocational archaeologists in the American Southwest and Mexican Northwest."

Spotlight: Free Technical Online Publications

Volume 12, Number 1 of the Indiana Archaeology journal is now available on the Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology (DHPA) website. Indiana state law (Indiana Code 14-21-1-12) mandates that the DHPA develop a program of archaeological research and development, including the publication of information regarding archaeological resources in the state. This journal is one of the ways the DHPA continues to address that mandate. Archaeological investigations in the Journal were funded by Historic Preservation Fund monies.

Spotlight: Facebook Pages 

There may be a few out there who don't like cats..... a lot of us DO! Nothing like the combination of cats and archaeology! Check out Old Cawhawba Archaeological Park (Alabama) Facebook page!

Spotlight: YouTube and VIMEO

Doug Rocks-Macqueen has an important blog post on "Why People Don’t Want Their Conference Presentations Filmed… and Maybe Why You Shouldn’t Too." I'm a big proponent of video-taping (good quality, please!) lectures, programs, excavations, etc., as is Doug. But he offers some cautionary tales here. Doug notes, "This may seem like an odd post coming from someone like me, who has filmed over 1200 conference presentations and put them online,but I am a firm advocate that not everyone should have their conference presentations filmed. And no, it is not because of some snarky answer like, ‘because they suck at speaking’ or some other form of snide comment like that. No, there are some very serious reasons why not every conference presentation should be filmed and put online." Moral of the story: ALWAYS GET PERMISSION FROM THE SPEAKER BEFORE YOU FILM but read Doug's wise blog.

Spotlight: Who's Blogging and What Are They Blogging About? 

Sarah Miller's blog, "Going Public: The Dirt of Public Archaeology" had a thoughtful recent post on "Advocacy Tabs (2017 Edition): Where are they now?", following up her 2016 posting "Archaeology Advocacy: Where have all the tabs gone?" Bottom line: if your organization depends on raising monies from people, make sure your website clearly emphasizes "advocacy." An "advocacy" tab is a very good thing.

The Society for Historical Archaeology's Public Archaeology and Interpretation Committee (PAIC) writes an informative blog on a variety of topics of interest to everyone involved in public archaeology.

One of my favorite blogs is a tremendously useful posting by Boston City Archaeologist Joe Bagley on "Social Media Best Practices." It's a valuable, short read if you are still fearful of social media, or, if you just want some good "tips, tricks, and guidance" to social media. The City of Boston Archaeology Program "far surpasses all other Boston city social media pages." Joe says, "We shouldn’t be surprised as archaeology is interesting, engaging, and fun, but not every archaeology page succeeds. I can personally account for our success for one reason: We are original content producers." So what's "original content"? Joe explains that "Original content producer means that nearly 100% of my posts are content that I have created and are available nowhere else on the internet. That means, people who follow our pages will be the exclusive real-time consumers of new data, and that is my, and all other archaeologists, primary draw." Don't miss this read!

Spotlight: Tumblr

Some of us Tumblr aficionados really enjoy Stuff You Missed In History Class (missedinhistory). Someone, or more than one person, clearly expends a great deal of effort on these postings. Most of us don't have this type of time. So what to do? Here are some ideas for volunteer-power to at least create drafts that you can fact-check before posting: students (high school, undergraduate, or graduate), interns, retirees, and there's always your colleagues (5 colleagues doing 1 post a week = 5 posts.....). What are your favorite Tumblr pages?
The Florida Public Archaeology Network Northeast Region's Tumblr page shouts out "Archaeology: Going Public!". This team obviously has fun while they teach and explain.  
It's not everyday that one can take a photo of the REAL thing...... in person!! At the SAA Vancouver Annual Meeting! Thank you, Sarah Miller, Florida Public Archaeology Network Northeast Region. .

Spotlight: Instagram 

When using social media, don't forget to add hashtags (#)! The "Ultimate Guide to Instagram Hashtags in 2017" reports that "posts with at least one Instagram hashtag average 12.6% more engagement than posts without a hashtag."
2016 was a big year for OKPAN, the Oklahoma Public Archaeology Network. Instagram is a great way for OKPAN to get news and information out using good photos to help tell the story: "We became official this year and in the process we had the privilege to organize and take part in a number of events, including Oklahoma Archaeology Month, the first Oklahoma Archaeology Conference, visits to classrooms around Oklahoma, and much more. We are grateful to all who have taken part in making 2016 a success for OKPAN. Best wishes to all, and we'll see you in 2017 with plenty of new and exciting projects!"  #OKpubarch #OKPAN #oklahoma. Photo courtesy of OKPAN.

Spotlight: Twitter 

Here's an awesome happening! The Public Archaeology Twitter Conference (PATC, or Patsy) will be held on April 28, 2017. "It's on Twitter, so you don’t need to be anywhere, or travel, or even get out of bed." Stretched out on your sofa, you can participate in these seven conference sessions: public sector archaeology (politics, museums, policy etc); archaeology by the public (local archaeology societies, independent scholars etc); professionally-led community archaeology; open archaeology (open access, use of Wikipedia etc); academic public archaeology (theory etc); archaeology & education (informal and formal education); and archaeology & media (digital media, film, TV, archaeogaming etc).

Spotlight: Websites to Inspire us

Sapiens launched in January 2016. It "aims to transform how the public understands anthropology. Every piece of content is grounded in anthropological research, theories, or thinking. We present stories and perspectives that are authoritative, accessible, and relevant—but still lively and entertaining."  Sapiens is not just another newsletter:  "Through news coverage, features, commentaries, reviews, photo essays, and much more, we work closely with anthropologists and journalists to craft intriguing and innovative ways of sharing the discipline with a worldwide audience. To expand our reach, we syndicate articles at,, AeonThe Atlantic, and other publications. We are fully funded by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, but we maintain unconditional editorial independence." There are many great stories, such as this recent one on "The Ethical Battle Over Ancient DNA" by Michael Balter. Sign up to get Sapiens in your email!

The Society for Historical Archaeology's terrific new web page on "Abandoned Burial Grounds" is loaded with resources to help professional archaeologists, non-profit organizations, avocational archaeologists, and communities identify and preserve these sacred places.
The Oklahoma Public Archaeology Network is off to a great start! It's got a strong Home page visual and good navigation. Maybe add an "Advocacy" tab?

This Issue's Social Media Tips

Boston City Archaeologist Joe Bagley offers the following useful quick guide to social media. Read more above in Spotlight: Who's Blogging and What Are They Blogging About?
Facebook: “Look at what WE did.”
Twitter: “Look at what I did.”
Instagram: “Look at this pretty thing.”
Snapchat: “Look at this short video of someone with a cat face superimposed digging a hole before it auto-deletes.”
Tumblr: “I’ve got something to say.”
Pinterest: “Look at this pretty thing and save it.”



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As you can see, if you send interesting content, there's a pretty high chance we'll include it in the next issue! All contributions for future issues are welcome. 

Please contact Public Archaeology Notes Editor Giovanna Peebles with contributions, comments, and questions:
Follow us on the SAA PEC State Coordinators Facebook Page
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