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May 3, 2017  -  Issue #43

Transformation Is Essential To Working Happy

We are not meant to stay the same, but to live and grow and change. This is true, as well, for your career. What is transformation? It is change from one form to another. In your career, positive change is desirable.
Work is a place where you have what you need to transform in positive ways. What are those things? They are people, interconnectedness, common and individual goals, personalities, conflict, collaboration and proximity. What matters is that you use the conditions of your workplace for your own growth and transformations.
Here are some things that can hinder your transformation at work and prevent you from Working Happy:
  • Getting caught in dramas at work
  • Taking things personally
  • Having low awareness of what is happening around you
  • Being complacent
Transformation can be exciting, rejuvenating and good for both you and the world. Dedicate yourself to positive transformation and you will soon be working happy!
Email me if you'd like to go further with this. I’m happy to help you get started!

photo: rottonara,
Let's Talk
What's Up For You?

We love answering your questions on your journey to working happy!

Q: Since the Presidential election, politics has entered my workplace as never before. People seem to talk of it every day and there is quite a bit of tension and disagreement. I prefer to stay out of this energy, but find myself in the middle of it often. How can I keep myself away from politics in my workplace?

A: You are not alone. This is happening in many workplaces due to the polarity we find ourselves in these days. It is hard to be free of it – it is everywhere. I think dealing with it is both an inside and an outside job. Somehow, you need to find a point of view about it all, so that you can put it in its place. Why do you prefer to stay out of it? How does it not serve you? The answers to these questions may help you find an inner point of view that you can carry with you. When you find yourself in the midst of politics, you can remind yourself of your point of view and detach from the situation.

On the outside, it may be better to not engage at all. Find a neutral way to explain why getting involved in political discussions does not interest you. Try to make your explanation without blame of others and just about you. Be kind but firm. You never know, you may influence others in a positive way and, indirectly, lessen some of the tension. Do not let anyone “hook” you and try to drag you in. Keep your resolve strong and it will work out.
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Contact Working Happy
  • Respecting others fuels your own self-respect. 
  • Staying focused helps you get where you want to be. Aimless pursuits do not serve your transformation. See my blog post Drifting
  • Believe that you can work happy and it will happen.
Against The Wind
Challenges show up in transformation. Here is a column I wrote about facing them.
Facebook Page
I have an Ann Vanino Coaching page on Facebook that is dedicated to personal transformation. Check it out here.
Take Charge of Your Career
Let a Career Circle support you in taking a leap towards Working Happy!  New circles are starting this month! More Info: Click Here
The Manager's Hub Blog
The Managers Hub offers opinions, resources, creative ideas and tools relating to the art of managing.
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Meet Ann Vanino
“Ann had an amazing ability to know just what questions to ask, what statements to make, to create a huge shift in my perceptions. By doing so, she got me to a place of rapid deep change and helped me to open up and to move forward.”
Ann is a career and new directions coach whose passion is supporting people as they create the life they want to live and working in organizations to increase managers’ skills and self-confidence. Ann’s journey has taken her from a childhood in New York City, to an environmental career working for government in Washington DC and New York City, working in the private sector and founding her own business in Los Angeles. Subsequently, Ann embarked on a second career as a coach and now lives in the High Mojave Desert of southern California, where she continues her coaching and is inspired every day by the solitude, beauty and silence of the desert and mountains that surround her.

Ann is the author of four books: Chrysalis: Personal Transformation From The Inside Out, Power Stories, Leadership On Trial and Coaching Corner Volume 1. Visit her at
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Ann Vanino Coaching
PO Box 721461
Pinon Hills, CA 92372-1461

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