3 months in.... news from the SCEP task & finish groups
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All paths lead to 22nd September 2017...

This newsletter summarises thoughts and learning from each of the initial meetings for the 7 task & finish groups.  There are also ACTION points listed - can you help with any of them?  (Let Sophie know if you can.)

All of the task & finish groups are working towards being able to share our vision for the SCEP with attendees to the SCEP conference that will be held in Sheffield city centre on 22nd September - save the date!  More information soon.  To register your interest contact Sophie Hunter.

Beyond July group

In meeting*1, the Beyond July group focused on action planning for the 22nd September conference.  It was felt that the following needed to be addressed by the conference:

  1. What the aims of the SCEP are.
  2. What the proposed structure of the SCEP looks like.
  3. How the SCEP will be financed in the short and long term.
  4. Who is the SCEP for?
  5. What they get if they join (data, research, resources, training, opportunities to collaborate and partner with a wide range of people across the city) – what they have to give if they join (data? money?)
  6. What they can access if they don’t join (resources, themes, ideas)?
CONFERENCE ACTION: We are keen to have local/national/international speakers to inspire about cultural education – who can suggest names?
CONFERENCE ACTION: It would be good to have artistic input in the conference, and a launch for the SCEP’s first theme – any thoughts?
Next Governance meetings: 19th May & 8th June
Governance group
In meeting*1, as a step toward outlining SCEP partnership agreement, the group considered potential stakeholders as well as responding to a draft Memorandum of Understanding.

The group have agreed to meet once in May to hone to SCEP’s vision, aims and objectives, and once in June to create an action plan for the SCEP through engaging in a Theory of Change process.
Next Training meeting: 16th May.
Training group
In meeting*1, the group decided we couldn’t create a training offer until we were clear what the SCEP was going to be doing & offering.

It was felt that anything offered now/in the next 6 months should be informative and about the SCEP and what it is.

We agreed that we needed to be clear what training was out there, so that SCEP role was to signpost to existing training where appropriate (e.g. CapeUK, SNAP, VAS, ITC, other LCEPs in the area) rather than reinventing the wheel. 

Agreed that training is likely to be for both artists/cultural practitioners and teachers, at both advanced and beginner levels, as well as for non school settings.

Advocacy is likely to be key – being able to back up and explain why is cultural learning important. 
Next Research Collective meeting: 19th May.
Research Collective
In meeting*1, the group considered its role; ensuring the SCEP can work strategically across the city by informing its work.
Research will help the SCEP establish priorities. 
Learn Sheffield priorities are:
  • Sheffield as a Learning Resource
  • Every Child having the opportunity to engage in arts and culture,
so we asked if we should be focused on these first?
Communications meeting: 26th May.  
This will be a branding meeting, led by Eleven Design.  All welcome!

Meanwhile Eleven Design have created a lovely brochure for us, outlining what's happening in this task & finish period.  It's available as a lovely paper brochure or in a pdf format.  Please take a look here. If you want copies to hand out, contact Sophie.
Next Beyond July meeting is 15th May when we will be planning the conference & visiting venues.
Next Finance meeting: 10th May.
Finance group
In meeting*1, the group considered finance for the short-term 6 month task & finish period:  CapeUK have offered £4,000 seed money, with the proviso that the SCEP considers how Artsmark and Arts Award might be embedded as “tools for driving arts and cultural engagement across the city”.
FINANCE ACTION: for ACE Partnership Investment, we need matched funding that is NON ARTS – e.g. housing associations, sports clubs.  Who can we approach?
FINANCE ACTION: Consider other potential avenues for funding the SCEP – both the partnership and potential cross-city projects. 

TRAINING ACTION: We need to know what training exists in Sheffield & elsewhere – where are the gaps?
TRAINING ACTION: the group will devise a training questionnaire, asking potential users about their training needs – we need to consider appropriate timing.
Resources group has not yet met.  We are awaiting the results of user research by Paper Studio on 12/13 June before we meet.
RESEARCH ACTION: how do we develop a socio-economic map of the city, as well as where expertise/knowledge/ organisations/facilities are based?  Does this research already exist?  Where do we go to find out?
RESEARCH ACTION: what can the existing research done by the Sheffield Music Hub tell us?
RESEARCH ACTION: National Taking Part survey: what do the Sheffield figures tell us?  Ditto Every Child Matters.
RESEARCH ACTION: Herd of Sheffield: how do we access data from Sheffield Children’s Hospital and Children’s University activity data?
Interesting links:

Arts Council England: New plans for a 25 year Creative Talent Plan

Diversity: Taking Part report indicates a decline in diversity

A new ACE report on diversity: Every Child: equality and diversity in arts and culture, with, by and for young people

Early Years: new research about arts and cultural provision for children in Yorkshire

Early Years: Joseph Rowntree Foundation analysis shows parts of the country where under 5’s fall behind

Why Creative Learning?  Inspirational reading below:
Children need art and stories as much as they need love

Sir Ken Robinson

Sheffield bid: This is Sheffield

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