Fishcare Victoria has updated their Newsletter to an E-newsletter. If you have any queries about this change, please contact us.
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Welcome to Fishcare Victoria's E-News


Hello Fishcare Volunteers and Supporters!

We have launched our updated website! On here we hope to make things a lot more user friendly for those of you who may be volunteers, interested in undertaking our Fishcare clinics or just want to support our organisation.

Some features that were on our old website will be improved. One of these features are now our calendar will make searching for upcoming events easier than before, with a monthly layout of where we will be in the state. If you are interested in Fishcare running a fishing clinic or workshop you can now contact us for an Activity request, we have a simple google document form for you to fill out so we can best cater to your Fishcare experience!

Other things which we will be going live on our website in the next few weeks includes our Interactive Fishing Map and a comprehensive Fish Species Information list. The Interactive map is a map in which you can check out different regions of Victoria which will have a list of facilities found at that site, what type of fish you can target, bait and fishing techniques to land your catch. This is great for people who want to wet a line for the first time or even in a region you’ve never been in before. This map will be updated as an ongoing basis, so if you have anything you think we should add to different sites (or even add new ones), please contact so Jacinta can update the map! The Fish Species Information list includes some of Victoria’s favourite and most popular recreational fishing species with great information such as where they are found, how they can be caught and much more.

Please come check it and thank you for being patient while we activate various sections of our website!

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Species of the Month

Victoria's favourite whiting species is both fun to catch and great to eat. Learn more here.
Click here to Volunteer Now with Fishcare

Fishcare East Gippsland

Emma Field from Neerim District Secondary College undertook her work experience placement with Fishcare East Gippsland for three days commencing May 8th  and ending on May 10th  2017.

Emma is currently undertaking Year 10 studies at Neerim District Secondary College and interested in studying Marine Science when she finishes Secondary College. At the 2016  Bream Classic, Emma and her mum, Donna spoke to the Fishcare East Gippsland Facilitator, Jenny Allitt  if  there was an opportunity to undertake her placement with Fishcare EG.

With all the paperwork in place in 2017, Emma then commenced her placement with meeting the Fishcare EG volunteers at the May General Meeting at the DELWP Offices in Bairnsdale.

The new state Fishcare Victoria, Co-ordinator, Sarah Van Stokrom had also travelled to East Gippsland and was also present at this meeting to meet the Fishcare EG Volunteers.

Meeting discussions involving youth involvement  into the Fishcare Program and creating a Youth Strategy was gladly welcome by Emma and she actively contributed to the discussion and gave a valuable insight from a younger perceptive. At  this meeting, Emma was given a clear understanding in how non- profit environmental organisations conducted their business and how decisions were made by the Committee governing the program.

The following day, Emma and Sarah attended a training session as Fishcare EG had recently recruited 2 valuable Fishcare Volunteers  and training is essential for new volunteers to understand the Policies and Procedures that govern the organisation as well as understanding their value as a volunteer and what the organisation obligations are in place to look after them.

On the final day, Emma assisted the Fishcare facilitator in two fishing workshops, commencing with the Coastal Kinder program with Lakes Entrance Child Care services in the morning.

The children attending, learnt about the different  native fish that live around them and the fishing rules,  how to handle fish and release them safely back into the water to live another day. They then completed the fishy big puzzles and learnt about the fish whilst putting these puzzles together and Emma helped one group put the big fish bream  puzzle together which the children enjoyed.

In the afternoon, Nagle College, Year 10 Outdoor Education students had a fishing excursion after having a class incursion a  week before with Jenny. Both Emma and Sarah attended this session along the Mitchell River with Dusky flathead and small bream being  caught on a Gippsland  typical warm autumn afternoon.

It was a pleasure to have Emma on-board with the Fishcare East Gippsland Program and we wish her the best with her future studies and goals in life.

Jenny Allitt
East Gippsland Facilitator

"March"ing around the Mornington Peninsula

The month of March found Melbourne, Mornington Peninsula and Westernport region with a full program. Our biggest event in the autumn is Schools Environment Week held at The Briars at Mt Martha. The “Enviro Schools Week” ran this year between 20th March - 23rd March, with a morning and afternoon session. Sarah our State Coordinator assisted for her first event as State Coordinator for the Monday morning session. For the rest of the week, a dedicated Mornington Peninsula volunteer; Wayne Taylor, assisted with teaching an overall total of 132 workshops spreading the sustainable fishing messages to 875 students. At the end of the week, we got such great feedback putting us in the top 4 of presenters in the Expo paddock out of the 22 other presenters that were there throughout the week.

The following week we attended our regular Portsea Camp school holiday clinics, but this time with an added twist! Wayne and I ran 4 educational sessions with various groups so they could “unlock” the fishing component of the trip the following day. The camp runs week-long camps in school holidays for disadvantaged, special needs and rurally isolated 9-12 year old children over Easter holidays. The next day, we ended up not running our regular boat trips but instead we fished off of the Portsea Pier. There were a few large stingrays spotted as well as a couple of leatherjackets and toadfish caught. Overall it was a great day of fishing and had a few of the students come back for multiple fishing sessions.

Jacinta Early
Port Phillip Facilitator

Central Highlands

Central Highlands attended the Beaufort Angling’s Come try fishing Day, on 2nd of April. Fisheries Victoria were able to help out the angling club’s competition by adding 100 brood stock of brown trouts, with some up to 1.5 kg. Beaufort lake already had an existing 3000 in the lake. This gave all the kids involved a great chance at landing their first big Brown Trout. This was the first time Beaufort Angling Club has run a family fishing event which was a great success as they had 200 registered initially for the day but ended up having over 350 people attending the event. Fishcare ran 2 workshops for a total of 43 participants; we taught the kids about the different parts of a fishing rod, how to correctly overhand cast and how to measure their catch. These keen fishers were either those who wanted to either get a refresher on how to cast or learn to fish for the first time and try their hand at the competition!

We expect to start up our in school Fishcare clinics in early September. If you are interested, all of our Fishcare clinics are free of charge, and Central Highlands has been able to put together $300 to go towards the cost of transport to the fishing site. As we know for some schools it sometimes can cost a lot for the hire of a bus. If you are interested in taking them up on this offer, please contact and we will get you in touch with Fishcare Central Highlands (based in Ballarat).

Monday 3rd June
Fishcare State Committee Meeting
10:30am - 3pm
442 Auburn Rd, Hawthorn
Thursday 15th June
YMCA Queenscliff Holiday Program
1pm - 4pm
Queenscliff Pier
      Sarah Von Stokrom                                       Jenny Allitt                                              Jacinta Early
        State Coordinator                               East Gippsland Facilitator                         Port Phillip Facilitator
            0437672242                                        (03) 5152 0456                                            0423588345              
Fishcare Victoria is a community based not-for-profit organisation promoting responsible and sustainable attitudes and practices amongst recreational anglers and the wider community. 
Copyright © 2016 Fishcare Victoria Inc. All rights reserved.

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