OGP Newsletter

May 2017: #OpenGov for the Environment
How are governments and civil society using open government to combat the impacts of climate change and environmental degradation? In this special issue, we’re traveling from Chile to Liberia to Pakistan and beyond to find out how #opengov can help solve some of the most pressing issues of our time.
In This Issue:

Environmental democracy in Latin America
Climate change finance: increasing accountability and protecting people
The promise of climate change action in Pakistan
How fighting corruption helps fight climate change
Gabriela Ayerdi: fighting for clean water in Guatemala
From civil war to Ebola: how land reform could change Liberia
Promoting renewables for open government
Open government for the Paris Agreement
How open data could drive the battle against climate change
plus news from around the world of opengov, jobs & more

Wadi Rum, Jordan - a submission from our #opengovgram contest by the Centre for Law and Democracy.

Fighting corruption is fighting climate change!

By Brice Boehmer, Transparency International

Critics question how corruption and climate change are linked - but Brice Boehmer of Transparency International argues that they are inextricably linked. Find out how Transparency International’s corruption-tracking tools are helping combat climate change - and which OGP countries are using them. Read more here.


Open Government Commitments are Critical to Achieving the Paris Agreement

By Eliza Northrop, World Resources Institute

OGP and the Paris Agreement offer synergistic processes for countries that want to move further, faster. The Open Climate Working Group, co-founded by the Government of France and the World Resources Institute, is a dynamic new platform for integrating climate into OGP action plans. Read more here.
OGP is excited to announce the publication of the Government Point of Contact Manual 3.0. Questions on how to participate in your country’s NAP process? Wondering how it all works? OGP’s Alonso Cerdan introduces the manual and all its salient parts here.

Information, participation, and access to justice can save lives, protect territories and achieve sustainable development

By Andrea Sanhueza, IRM Researcher

Environmental conflicts impact the air we breathe, the ground we walk, and the places we live. Andrea Sanhueza, OGP’s IRM researcher from Chile, looks into Latin America’s environmental democracy movement, and examines how it can increase openness and safety for those who live there. Read more here.

Featured OGP Commitment 

Country: Liberia
Action Plan: 2015-2017
Commitment: Ensure that information on commercial land use rights is made publicly available

The roots of Liberia’s civil war lie in centuries of ethnic conflict, resource extraction, and debates over land rights. The current president has made corruption “the major public enemy,” introducing land reform and opening up information on land rights. Does Liberia’s October presidential election throw a wrench in these developments? Find out more here.

The Threat of Climate Change Could Be a Major Opportunity

By Delaine McCullough, International Budget Partnership

Climate change funds allocated through the Paris Agreement and other agreements are a great opportunity to direct public funds towards poor and vulnerable communities. Transparency and accountability will be vital to protecting those funds and the communities they seek to serve. Read more about climate change finance accountability here.
#OGP16 - Paris summit - Accelerating climate action through open government (december 8)

“Looking to the future, if we’re going to resolve this huge, huge challenge that is global climate change and then to achieve the vision of the Paris Agreement… this means that there needs to be a transformation in societies to fundamentally different modes of economic development to basically low carbon societies… And it seems to me that only an open government model is going to allow this kind of transformation to succeed because we need to bring sectors together, we need social mobilization and conversation to move the whole climate transformation. ”
Quote of the Month: Richard Kinley
Deputy Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change 

Click through to watch the full session from #OGP16, including the rest of Richard Kinley’s remarks.

OGP in Pakistan: A Roadmap for Sustainable Development

By Aisha Khan, Mountain and Glacier Organization

Pakistan is one of OGP’s newest participants, but it’s already making moves in regards to climate change and accountability. How is civil society working to ensure climate change voices are represented in the creation of Pakistan’s first National Action Plan? Find out here.

Another #opengovgram submission, from @daylightstalker on Instagram.

Shifting to Renewables and Ending Energy Poverty Hinge on Open Government Reforms

By Davida Wood, World Resources Institute, and Eco Matser, Hivos

The success of the Paris Agreement depends on how energy is and will be produced. Renewable and clean energies are key to combatting climate change - in this piece, learn how countries are implementing open government reforms to end energy poverty and shift to renewables - with the help of civil society.

Two Graphs Show the Opportunity of Open Climate Data for Climate Action

By Jesse Worker and Johannes Friedrich, World Resources Institute

How can data help fight climate change? WRI’s Jesse Worker and Johannes Friedrich use two graphs to show how data can unlock both the sources - and solutions - of climate change. Read more here.

Faces of Open Government

Gabriela Ayerdi, Project Coordinator, Organization of Civil Society Citizen Action

Guatemala ranks 136th out of 176 countries on Transparency International’s Corruption Perceptions Index. Do you think open government can remedy some of the pervasive trust issues affecting Guatemala’s institutions?

In the Third National Action Plan, the executive and other institutions such as the Legislative, the General Comptroller of Accounts, the Municipal Development Institute, and others took on commitments on transparency. This points to the search not only for an open government, but also an open state. This can help to create more spaces for participation that contribute to improving citizen confidence in public institutions.

Read Gabriela's full interview here.

OGP in the News: April 2017

By Jacqueline McGraw, Communications Associate, OGP

How are transparency and trust connected? What’s the evidence that transparency builds trust? OGP made headlines around the world on that topic, including in Mother Jones magazine. Elsewhere, chatter in Australia, France, Italy, and China revolved around open government initiatives and forums in those countries - and they weren’t the only ones. Read more about our April press coverage here.

Employment Opportunities

Program Officer: Civil Society Engagement
The core piece of this Program Officer role is to work closely with the civil society members of the Steering Committee, and especially the co-chairs, to enable their strategic leadership role in OGP. (S)he will specifically support them in helping them prepare for the governance and civil society engagement activities. Position is based in Brussels. Advanced degree and 5+ years experience required

Chief Communications and Campaigns Officer
We are now seeking a highly accomplished and experienced Chief Communications & Campaigns Officer to lead OGP’s external communications and campaign strategy, including management of a small team. The essential duties and responsibilities include: strategic leadership, operational management, external engagement and communications, a proven track record of ably launching major, innovative global campaigns and high levels of cross-cultural diplomacy and sensitivity.

Donor Scoping Consultant in Africa
OGP is looking for an individual to carry out donor mapping in OGP member countries in Africa. The overall objective of this assignment is to conduct a comprehensive donor scoping and intelligence of funding agencies in 15 African countries. The consultant will lead the donor mapping process with a view to actively seek partnerships with those donors whose priorities are in line with the Open Governance Partnership and Good Governance broadly.

Program Associate: Knowledge, Learning, Innovation, and Capacity Building Program
OGP is looking for an individual with strong research, analytical and project management skills, to serve as Program Associate. The Program Associate will be a full-time staff of OGP’s new Knowledge, Learning, Innovation and Capacity Building (KLIC) program. Graduate degree and 2+ years governance experience required.

Call for IRM National Researchers 
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the national level in a variety of countries to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans.
Buzz on #OpenGov   

OGP has launched the updated Government Point of Contact Manual, in both English and Spanish.

Save the Date: The OGP Regional Summit for the Americas will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina on November 21-22.

Did you miss our IRM End of Term Report Facebook Live? Watch it here!

The IRM has opened a call for proposals for a review of effectiveness and strategy. Find out more here.

The OGP Strategic Refresh is online and available for comment here.

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The World of #OpenGov

The Good Lobby Inaugural Event and Good Lobby Advocacy School will be held in Brussels on June 22nd and 23rd.

The Open Contracting Innovation Challenge is accepting applications until May 24.

The Journal of e-Democracy is accepting submissions for its Special Issue on Progress, Insights, and Implications of the Open Government Partnership until June 15.

The Transparency and Accountability Initiative has launched a new strategy and website.

The Open Government Pioneers Project will be hosting a webinar on open government and the Sustainable Development Goals on May 10th.

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