
April 2017 Carpentries Community Newsletter

From the Software and Data Carpentry Community Calendar

The Community Call for April was dedicated to a discussion of software tools used while teaching workshops, with a specific focus on the shell lesson. If you missed this discussion, we’d still love to hear from you! Please share your thoughts on what tools we should introduce to learners. More info can be found at the blog post about the motivation for the call.

If you’ve taught recently, are planning on teaching soon, or are thinking about getting ready to teach, come join an instructor discussion session! These discussions are lively and helpful opportunities for instructors to share advice and troubleshooting tips. If you’d like to help lead discussion sessions, please sign up as a Co-host/Notetaker on the discussion Etherpad.
Community News

The theme of this year’s JupyterDayPhilly is ‘Transformative Teaching with the Jupyter Notebook’. The conference will be May 19th with a workshop on May 18th. Registration is only $10 for students and $35 for non-students. This will be a great chance to talk about Jupyter Notebooks and about teaching.

Are you attending a conference or meeting sometime in the coming months? Do you like to hang out and meet other instructors from around the community? Add your meeting or event to the meetup etherpad and connect with other community members who may be at the event.

The Carpentries will be holding our second instructor training in Africa at the end of this month. Kari Jordan, Aleksandra Pawlik, and Anelda van der Walt will be training a group of 30 new South African Carpentry instructors with alumni of the 2015 and 2016 South Africa instructor training course joining the last day of the workshop for a debriefing of the 12 months since their certification. Please help welcome these folks to the community!

Subcommittee Activity 

Carpentry Con Task Force 
The 2017 Carpentry Con Task Force cancelled its plans to host an event in Michigan in 2017 because the proposed geographic location and timeline would have excluded many of our community members. Plans are now underway for a 2018 Carpentry Con that will be hosted in a more travel-friendly location (aka. not in the USA or UK). We will soon announce an open call for bids to host the event at your institution. Our next task force meeting will be on Monday, May 1st, 10:00 EST / 14:00 UTC​. Details at:

Trainers Group 
The Trainers group is growing! Nine new instructor Trainers are completing their certification in the next few months and we’ll be looking for new folks to join the training cohort for June-August 2017. If you’re interested in helping support community members as they learn how to be amazing Carpentry Instructors, check out the links below for more information about what the Trainers have been doing lately.

Mentoring Subcommittee
The Mentoring Subcommittee is under new management! Please welcome Jamie Hadwin and Marian Schmidt as the new co-Chairs, Toby Hodges as Secretary, Christina Koch as the Steering Committee Liaison and Mateusz Kuzak as the Discussion Session Coordinator. Read more about the Mentoring Subcommittees recent activities here: March 27th Meeting Minutes 

What You May Have Missed on the Blog and Mailing List  

Papers & Manuscripts From the Community

Our community participated in the creation of the following manuscripts and papers. Please contribute comments to the manuscripts and read/share the papers with your community.

Please make suggestions for the Software Carpentry website section on reading material relevant to our community. Pull requests on GitHub are welcome to this file.

Job Postings

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Computational Science and Engineering, National Center for Supercomputing Applications, and the Office of the Chief Information Officer is hiring a Research Software and Computing Training Lead who will will play a key role in the research life of the campus, identifying important computational and data science skills and technologies, demonstrating how they can be used to solve problems in computational science and engineering and other disciplines, and designing activities to increase them.

The Center for Open Science is looking for a Transparency and Openness Training Coordinator to help support our efforts towards increasing Open Science Framework adoption by individual researchers and universities, as well as help current users take advantage of the full suite of OSF features for openness and reproducibility.

Other places to connect

If you can't get enough Software and Data Carpentry, here are a few other places to connect with our community.

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