
That’s how a reviewer from the Worcester Telegram described CONCORA’s April 23 performance of the all-Bach program that the ensemble will also present in Hartford this Sunday, April 30, at 4:00 PM.

Read on for more of what listeners had to say about the Worcester concert, as well as information about the April 30 performance in Hartford, which promises to be memorable.

Don't wait to buy tickets; reserve yours today. Preferred seating for this concert tends to sell quickly. CLICK HERE to order online or scroll down for more options.


"Bachfest concludes with
stunning performance"

Worcester Telegram, April 24, 2017

On April 23, CONCORA performed a lively all-Bach concert in Worcester. The program was the culminating event in the highly successful four-day BachFest presented by Music Worcester, the premier arts presenter of Central Massachusetts.


CONCORA’s Artistic Director Chris Shepard led the ensemble of 19 singers and 13 instrumentalists in an intense, ebullient reading of Cantatas 29, 190, and 191, offering some of Bach’s most brilliant music to the capacity audience. One listener described the performance as “joyfully passionate” and “a rare excellence of execution.” Another observed that “Every solo was beautifully sung, the choral singing was refined and passionate, and the orchestra playing was exquisite.” Another listener praised the ensemble’s “glorious music-making [that attained] moments of real ecstatic glory.” And the critics were also impressed; click here to read the wonderful review in the Worcester Telegram.


CONCORA will repeat this festive program on Sunday, April 30, at Immanuel Congregational Church in Hartford.


As a member of the Worcester audience said after the April 23 concert: “Hear CONCORA in Hartford if you can. This is a rare opportunity and not to be missed.”

To reserve your seats,
CLICK HERE, click on the image below, or scroll down for more options. Don't miss the opportunity to be part of this exceptional artistic experience.


Would you like to learn more about this music before you hear the performance on April 30?


Here's a sneak preview of Artistic Director Chris Shepard’s program notes: CLICK HERE to view a PDF at CONCORA's website.

And you can enjoy a brief video in which Chris explains how Bach "recycled" some of his best music in ways that you might find surprising. CLICK HERE to view the video on YouTube.

CONCORA sings Festive Bach Cantatas

Sunday, April 30, 2017, 4:00 PM
Immanuel Congregational Church
10 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT

CONCORA (Connecticut Choral Artists) and members of the Hartford Symphony Orchestra, all under the direction of Chris Shepard, perform three festive cantatas of Johann Sebastian Bach:

Wir Danken dir, Gott, BWV29
Singet dem Herrn ein Neues Lied, BWV190
Gloria in excelsis Deo, BWV191

For more information and to reserve seats:

CLICK HERE to order online at CONCORA's secure ticket site or
contact the CONCORA office at 860-293-0567 or

Tickets are also available at the door on the day of the concert, though advance reservations are recommended, especially for preferred seating. Discounted rates are available for general admission and senior tickets for groups of 8 or more. 
 2-for-1 general admission tickets are available with the Let*s Go! Arts card; contact the CONCORA office for details

Reserve seats for CONCORA's All-Bach cantata concert on Sunday, April 30, 4PM
CONCORA - Connecticut Choral Artists
In concert at the Wadsworth Athenuem Museum of Art
February 12, 2017
About CONCORA (Connecticut Choral Artists) – CONCORA (Connecticut Choral Artists) holds a unique place as the region’s first professional choir. Now in its 43rd season, the ensemble enjoys an extraordinary reputation for artistic excellence throughout New England. Under the direction of Chris Shepard, now in his second season as Artistic Director, the ensemble’s versatility is displayed in its wide range of repertoire and in the crafting of select ensembles from among the choir’s roster of singers to produce an extraordinary range of choral color and dynamic range for each program and performance space. CONCORA’s mission statement – “to perpetuate and perform with excellence choral music of the highest quality for the broadest possible audience” – represents a commitment to the Connecticut community and to artistic excellence, masterful performances, and educational enrichment. More information about CONCORA is available at
About Chris Shepard – Chris Shepard has served as CONCORA’s Artistic Director since 2015, succeeding founder Richard Coffey in that role. He also serves as Music Director of the Worcester Chorus and the Masterwork Chorus of Morristown, New Jersey. With these choirs, Chris has performed a wide range of repertoire, collaborating with a number of major orchestras in venues that include Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Radio City Music Hall in New York, as well as the Royal Festival Hall in London and the Palacio de Bellas Artes in Mexico City. A conductor with a particular affinity for the choral music of J.S. Bach, Chris founded the Sydneian Bach Choir in Sydney, Australia, an ensemble that has performed all of Bach’s choral cantatas as well as all of his major choral works. He has taught at the Taft School, Sydney Grammar School and Holy Cross College. A pianist and keyboard continuist, Chris holds degrees from the Hartt School and the Yale School of Music, and the University of Sydney. His PhD dissertation won the American Choral Directors Association’s 2012 Julius Herford Prize for outstanding doctoral thesis in choral music. More information about Chris Shepard may be found at  
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CONCORA’s 2016-2017 season is made possible through the generous gifts of many individual donors and with the generous support of the following foundations and institutions: Aetna, Matching Gifts; American Savings Foundation; Bank of America, Matching Gifts; Choral Arts New England; Citizens Bank, Matching Gifts; City of New Britain, Commission on the Arts; Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development, Office of the Arts; Edward C. & Ann T. Roberts Foundation; Fund for Greater Hartford; Fundraising Solutions; George H.C. Ensworth Memorial Fund; Greater Hartford Arts Council; Hartford Performs; Helen M. Saunders Charitable Foundation; Marjorie Moore Charitable Foundation; The Musical Club of Hartford, Inc., Mr. & Mrs. William Foulds Family Foundation; Richard P. Garmany Fund at the Hartford Foundation for Public Giving; Robert C. Vance Charitable Foundation; SBM Charitable Foundation; Truist, Matching Gifts; United Way of Rhode Island, Matching Gifts; UTC Goodrich, Matching Gifts; Weld Fund, Community Foundation of Greater New Britain; William and Alice Mortensen Foundation; William T. Sloper Trust for Andrew J. Sloper Musical Fund

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