Dear <<First Name>>,
We know you like pancakes, gift bags and the fun camaraderie of next week's Bike to Work Day. And you love building safer streets and neighborhoods, saving money, moving your body, and protecting our planet. That's why we're asking for your help today to improve Oakland's livability, sustainability and vitality by making walking and bicycling safe, easy, accessible, and fun.
There's still time to contribute to #EastBayGives, a 24-hour online fundraising blitz for local groups doing good. Your donation could help us win up to $10,000 in matching funds.
Your investment in our volunteer-run nonprofit is critical to our success:
- $20 - Helps feed the meter on PARK (ing) day, when we liberate a parking spot by transforming it into a public park.
- $50 - Helps train a community leader (like you) to organize neighborhood improvements like the new protected bike lanes on Telegraph Avenue that have increased biking by 52%.
- $100 - Helps us secure critical supplies such as microphones, first aid kits & insurance for WOBO Weekends, our guided monthly Saturday rides and Sunday Oakland Urban Paths walks.
- $250 - Helps us lead Ride Like A Girl, a 3-part training series and monthly networking happy hours to help bridge the biking gender gap.
- $500 - Helps us organize car-free open street events. Since 2010, WOBO has brought Oaklavia to neighborhoods surrounding Downtown, Uptown, Emeryville, Berkeley and Lake Merritt.
Please consider turbo-boosting your donation by contributing before midnight tonight.

Lola Dvorak
Walk Oakland Bike Oakland Board Secretary
PS - Thanks to those of you have already contributed! Your investment in our mini but mighty nonprofit has made a big impact in Oakland over the last 10 years.