Thermography...a non-invasive, radiation-free monitoring of breast health
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The Breast Cancer Prevention Global Virtual Conference in May 2016 was amazingly educational and inspiring! 

As with the last couple e-newsletters, we will continue to share some key points from the interviews as well as the websites of these experts...because knowledge really is power!  

Click here to purchase a copy of the conference.

Below is a few more summaries of key points from the conference:
Dr. Herbert Slavin, MD
  • As an Internal Medicine doctor, he uses a holistic approach, looking at things like inflammatory markers, fasting insulin and hormone balance and addresses underlying issues that cause symptoms
  • We should aim to have optimal levels, not just tests results ”within normal range”
  • Breast thermography is best used to assess risk for the purpose of intervening and changing what we can in order to prevent disease.
  • Detoxing through the channels of liver, kidneys, lungs, skin and colon is necessary - purified water is crucial for this process.
  • When the body is exposed to a toxic burden which exceeds it’s ability to eliminate, it is susceptible to disease

Dr. Anna Cabeca, DO, OBGYN

  • Ask yourself, “what am I doing right and how can I do better?”
  • Living a life with passion, fulfillment, self-acceptance and love and hope…contributes to overall health!

7 keys to Optimum Health:

1. Healthy mental atmosphere…be your own best coach, get rid of your “inner mean girl”!

2. Nutrition and exercise…low sugar and carbs, high protein and fat, make sure you’re getting the right minerals, and STRETCH

3. Work on a healthy digestive system.  Saliva is meant to help digest food so don’t drink water with food as it dilutes the hydrochloric acid

4. Detox for revitalization through the five channels of body elimination as well as detox emotional toxins

5. Hormone balance - eating foods and supplementing when necessary to support thyroid and overtaxed adrenals. Also have hormones tested around menopause for a smoother transition

6. Living sensually - connect with what makes you YOU!  Build on your happy hormones, serotonin, endorphins, dopamine, ENJOY the little pleasures of life!

7. Control inflammation as it a multi-factoral problem and stress can produce inflammation in the body as well as environmental smog and food choices

Dr. Conrad Maulfair, DO

  • Our bodies are not equipped to deal with the overload of xeno-estrogens/man-made chemicals we are constantly exposed to so lumps and bumps show up
  • We need to identify the load of toxins and then lessen that load
  • Infrared sauna detox and manual lymphatic drainage help to move the toxins out of the fat cells where they are stored until it’s safe for them to be eliminated.

Dr. Alexander Mostovoy, HD, DMHS, Board Certified Clinical Thermographer

Thoughts on Breast Cancer Prevention

The value of thermography:

  • It is non-invasive and radiation-free, following the Hippocratic Oath…"above all else, do not harm”
  • Provides information that other tests do not provide
  • Limitless in it's uses - thermography has made great strides in countries where medicine isn’t politicized
  • Cutting edge tool for it’s predictive quality, in biological dentistry.  
  • Please click here to see a dental study presented at the European ASsociation of Thermography

A theory of disease progression:

  • Issues start on an energetic/emotional level
  • Next is a change on the cellular level. This change in physiology can be measured with thermography.
  • The later stage of disease is the anatomical finding as seen on an x-ray such as a mammogram
The psycho-emotional component:

Do you fit the “Carcinogenic Personality Profile”?

1. Past experience of loss/grief/trauma that one cannot process, feeling stuck in that place

2. Unfulfilled passion, stifled self-expression

3. Self-dislike

4. Avoiding conflict which actually suppresses immune system

5. Long-standing depression

6. “Other-centered” – others' needs and opinions are more important

The common denominator in these traits is FEAR. Fear actually makes us more susceptible breast cancer as it keeps us in a constant state of “fight or flight” where disease can occur.  Exploring any of these traits that resonates with us is encouraged.

Breast cancer is not a local disease, it’s a systemic disease. Like this iceberg, the symptoms or the disease is the 10% visible, the underlying milieu is 90% and needs to be assessed, understood and properly addressed.


  • Homeopathy is a gentle yet powerful medicine that treats what is under the disease. If we are only treating the symptoms, often we are only trading one set of symptoms for another.
  • Homeopathy treats the person, not the disease.

The problem with mass “screening”:

The current mammography screening program is: everyone gets on the same conveyor belt, every year or two, indiscriminately, looking to see if asymptomatic women have cancer or don’t have cancer. (This is not the same as diagnostic mammography, which is analyzing a clinical finding). This leads to lots of trauma, needless biopsies, over-diagnosis and can create more problems than it solves.

Risk Assessment with thermography: a personalized report. If at low risk, let’s continue to monitor in this safe way. For those at higher risk, let’s be more vigilant and escalate the testing. Most importantly, let’s look at what is driving you into that high risk state and let’s figure out how we can lower your risk as that is what prevention is all about!

Hope for the future:

We need prevention to be in the forefront of medicine. Currently 95% of our healthcare dollars go toward treatment and 5% go toward prevention.

Finding a practitioner who cares about you and will help you make a plan for health is where the healing starts.

Keep researching and sharing what we learn as information is power!

Upcoming Thermography Clinics

Courtenay - May 9
Duncan - May 13
Powell River - May 17 and 18
Gibsons - May 19
Sherwood Park - June 3 to 6*
Manitoba - August/September

*Please call Healthworks Nutrition Centre at 780-417-1799 to book your appointment in Sherwood Park

More dates and locations....TBA!
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