Fanwood Performance Series Show Update

The Fanwood Performance Series is a non-profit music series whose mission is to promote the arts in Fanwood and our surrounding towns.  The series brings in national touring acts that cut across all genres of music including jazz, folk, bluegrass, classical, blues and singer/songwriter.  We have had an amazing collection of talent pass through our doors at the historic Carriage House next to our municipal building over the past 8 years.  There are very few venues where, for a small donation, you can experience the level of intimacy and interaction with truly talented performers.  The volunteers that support the series are a dedicated bunch and with the support of our Mayor Colleen Mahr and H.E.A.R.T Grant from Union County, we deliver a very special and unique experience.  Please check out our web page at or Facebook at Fanwood Performance Series for more information on the series, directions and links to our past acts.  We welcome you to opt in to receiving updates from our series for future events.
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