
E-NEWS # 9

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Air damper

WHY? option

An air damper controls the outside air flow so it's perfect for airtight houses. It prevents outside air from entering the home when the fireplace is not in use and allows a direct air flow with the appliance when it is in use. It can also be effective in houses where combustion air is limited. Unlike an electric damper, in the event of a power failure, the the Stûv damper remains fully operational.

 In some jurisdictions outside combustion air is still written into the building code and therefore the air damper is required on all zero clearance wood fireplaces.




Want to know more? Click here!


Use the 6" option when your air duct is more than 20 feet long or for a Stûv 21-125 DF/SF installation.


It is important not to bend, twist or turn the cable on itself which can create tension and negatively impact the opening / closing mechanism.


Make sure to follow the installation manual and seek more information at Stûv if needed.

The air damper is an option available for  Stûv 16, 21 & 30 families.  
4'' (# 12001003) - 6'' (# 12001002)
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