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A Warm, Progressive Hug
progressive hug

You know the corrosive effect money is having on our politics.
  • Saudi Arabian princes just gave $100 million to a women's entrepreneurs fund promoted by Ivanka Trump.
  • A gaggle of plutocrats contributed $6.6 million to replace a deeply experienced, union-friendly president with a kid with ties to the charter school industry in LA's school board race.
  • donateThe $10.9 million two brothers from Kansas named Koch spent in the 2016 election tipped races all across the country.
The LA Progressive wouldn't know what to do with any of these sums. But we do need a few thousand dollars to keep our operation going; to pay server fees;  to upgrade our equipment; ideally to hire a web-savvy editor to free us to do more organizing, speaking and writing; to find someone who can sells ads on our site.

We won't do a sword dance with you in Riyadh if you chip in, but we'll send you a warm, progressive hug.

Please help: donate, subscribe, or contribute at any rate you find appropriate.
Dick Price & Sharon Kyle

Editor & Publisher
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Mt. Washington, California 90065