
This week we're launching a fun little campaign with free photo community site Unsplash. Under the theme 'Life Off Screen' we are collecting (and sharing) your photos of your favourite ways to log off. What do you enjoy after turning off your computer and putting your devices down? Show us and submit your photos – and potentially win some cool Unsplash swag. All the details on our blog. 📸 



Your digital sidekick, a perfect photographic memory

Find anything you’ve seen on your devices: files, websites, social media, and messages. It gets smarter by learning what’s important to you and gets you what you’re looking for, right when you need it.



Hide unnecessary menu bar icons

Vanilla is a tiny Mac app that allows you to hide all those menu bar icons you rarely use. I've installed it yesterday and it works as advertised – though I just discovered that it doesn't cooperate well with my text editor, Atom. (Probably just a little bug.)

Moom →

Easy window management for Mac

Another Mac window manager: “Do you spend a lot of time moving and zooming windows, so you can better see and work with all the content on your Mac? Instead of doing that work yourself, let Moom handle the task for you.”

Parabola →

Automate data processing tasks

Need to match/compare/merge data sets from multiple spreadsheets? Parabola is a visual editor for large data sets. Create recipes (like macros) to easily automate your data workflows.

Things →

Classic task manager with a new face

Things is one of the original task managers for Mac. Over the years it garnered a loyal following, despite there being hundreds of alternatives available now. The latest facelift brings it back to life and makes it a very attractive, though pricey package.


Mindset →

Headphones that improve focus

As with any new 'smart' gadget, I'm sceptical about how useful they really are. In my experience, the 'smart' feature often feels like a novelty that wears off quickly. I'm not entirely sold on the Mindset headphone either. It apparently uses sensors to track your focus/attention and alerts you when you're drifting off. Would it be smart enough to know that I'm just resting my eyes?!


Smart, modular shelves

A friend of mine recently started working for a small, Melbourne-based furniture/kitchen maker and she pointed me to a new modular shelving system they just launched. Wanda makes me want to redecorate my office. Love a good shelving system. 😁



Silicon Valley: a reality check

In the aftermath of the Juicero blowout, Scott Alexander makes a great counter-argument to the widely held belief that Silicon Valley is only driven by greedy business people building overpriced products nobody needs.


Actually good Silicon Valley critiques?

In response to Scott's post (above), Noah Smith compiles a concise list of very valid critiques of Silicon Valley culture. (Thanks to JB for both links.)


I’m a woman in tech, and this is what I want in a company

“I don’t care that you have a ping-pong table, or a keg, or free snacks. I care that the CEO leaves on time to pick up her kids during the week, that the holidays are for spending time with your family, and that when the guy in marketing got engaged to his boyfriend everyone went out for lunch to celebrate.”


Software is messy because it reflects our evolving understanding of the problem as we wrote it.

–  Sarah Mei

Offscreen is a print magazine and a weekly newsletter with a thoughtful, human-centred take on technology and the web. Discover purpose-driven people, products, and ideas that shape the digital age. Learn more about us.

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