The quarterly CERTAIN Patient Advisory Network newsletter highlights the work that Patient Advisors are doing within the CERTAIN network and offers updates and developments to our partners and collaborators. You are receiving this newsletter because you are a collaborator of the Patient Advisory Network or attended a Patient Advisory Network event.
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Dear Jessie, I am Finally Taking Your Advice

CERTAIN Patient Advisory Network Director Danielle Lavallee introduces a new blog series that focuses on sharing tips, tools, and lessons learned through learning how to engage patients over the years. 

“You need a blog.” This advice came from Jessie Gruman, founder of the Center for Advancing Health, when I asked her what peer-reviewed journal to target for a manuscript. Jessie was my first mentor in the world of patient engagement in research. She knew from her own experience as a cancer survivor that patient engagement in healthcare served as the key ingredient for successful health outcomes.  


Mary's Fund - Inaugural Award Open for Applications

Mary’s Fund was established in 2016 to honor the memory of founding CERTAIN Patient Advisory Network Patient Partner Mary Roberts Scott, who passed away unexpectedly in July 2016. Mary was a strong proponent of patient involvement in research and healthcare delivery. She strengthened our work and taught us so much through her partnership and friendship. To honor Mary, a memorial fund was established within the Patient Advisory Network’s administrative home in the Department of Surgery at University of Washington. We will be making an annual award of up to $500 to support patients partnering in research and activities that develop and deepen patient-researcher partnerships.

We are excited to announce that applications are open for the inaugural award from Mary's Fund! Applications are due July 31, 2017, and we will announce the award recipient at the Fall 2017 Patient Advisory Network Annual Symposium (details coming soon!).

CERTAIN Patient Advisors Represent at 2017 CUE Summit

By Janice Tufte, Yanling Yu, and Mahshid Lotfi

The Consumers  United for Evidence-Based Healthcare (CUE) Summit was held at the New York Academy of Medicine, on March 19, 2017. Three of us from the CERTAIN Patient Advisory Network were honored to have had the opportunity to attend this year. Yanling Yu, representing Washington Advocates for Patient Safety, Janice Tufte from Muslims for Evidence Based Healthcare, and Mahshid Lotfi, a Patient Advisor with CERTAIN at the University of Washington, were all actively engaged during the summit, inquiring minds asking pertinent questions to the speakers addressing our concerns.


Research Participation Opportunity: Understanding Patient Perspectives on Small Bowel Obstruction

Our team is currently conducting interviews with patients who have received treatment for small bowel obstruction at UW Medicine in the past year. We are aiming to better understand patient preferences and experiences around treatment for small bowel obstruction, as we develop additional research studies. Interviews will be conducted over the phone or in person, and will last approximately 45-60 minutes. Participants will be paid $25 for their time. If you or someone you know would be interested in learning more, please contact Anjali Truitt at (206) 221-5449 or

INSPIRE Research Portal Updates and New Resources

Have you visited the INSPIRE Research Portal yet? The portal provides easy access to existing tools and resources to support partnerships between patients and researchers. Since its launch in March 2017, we've rolled out some new features, including the ability to search for resources by specific organizations or contributors and automatic suggestions for resources you might find helpful based on your previous searches. We've also added close to 50 new resources since the portal launch - stop by and see what's new!

Contribute to the community! Visit the portal at, provide reviews of resources you’ve used to help others know how to best use the tools available to them, and submit new resources that aren’t yet listed on the portal.

From the Community:

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