May 30, 2017
Expressway News
Updates and Engagement
Looking for Your Input
We want to hear from you!
It’s our job to connect you to everything you love about this city as well as provide you with the latest and greatest mobility information.

Please help us stay on target by filling out our short survey, which asks you questions about what you want to see in our e-newsletter, Expressway News, and requests feedback on what you think about some of our new communication tools like the podcast and our social media channels.
Thank you!
What’s Up with the Oak Hill Parkway Project?
We appreciate all of you in the community who have stayed with us on the journey to shape the Oak Hill Parkway project. The journey is not over, but we’re moving closer!
Since 2012, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) and the Mobility Authority have partnered together to improve long-term mobility at the intersection of US 290 and SH 71. An environmental study is ongoing to collaboratively propose a solution that effectively addresses congestion, respects the environment, and adds value to the Oak Hill community.
Last week, TxDOT and the Mobility Authority welcomed over 90 community members to a Project Update Workshop about the proposed Oak Hill Parkway Project. The event was held on Tuesday, May 23, from 6-8 pm at the Oak Hill United Methodist Church.

The project team provided the latest information regarding: the environmental study, including the noise analysis process and the updated tree survey; the proposed project designs for Alternatives A and C; the final evaluation criteria against which the alternatives, including the No Build Alternative, will be measured; and what’s next for the Oak Hill Parkway Environmental Study with the release of the Draft Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and public hearing scheduled later this year. Staff was on hand to answer questions and document public input. All materials presented are available online.
We asked the community for their thoughts on outreach methods for the release of the environmental document and the upcoming public hearing, as well as project-related questions in a community survey.

Based on the conversations at the workshop and our preliminary review of the survey forms, we heard the traffic continues to get worse at US 290 and SH 71, and the community looks forward to reliable travel times and less time waiting at traffic lights with the proposed Oak Hill Parkway project. Some attendees supported Build Alternative A and some supported Build Alternative C. There was a lot of interest and discussion about the tree survey results, changes to neighborhood access, toll financing, and the proposed roadway’s elevation through the “Y” at Oak Hill.
A full workshop summary will be prepared and posted to the project website in the coming weeks.
Currently, TxDOT and the Mobility Authority are collaborating on an environmental study in compliance with the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) to analyze the environmental impacts of our proposed mobility solutions, as well as the No Build, or “do nothing”, Alternative. In late 2017, we will publish the Draft EIS which will announce the mobility solution (Build Alternative A or C, or the No Build) that is recommended to move forward. The document will be available online, at local public libraries, and at TxDOT and Mobility Authority offices. The public will then be given an opportunity to review the analysis and documentation and provide input and comments throughout the review period. Additionally, a formal public hearing will be held; this will include a presentation about the Draft EIS and the recommended design followed by an open public comment period. Want to be notified about these upcoming events? Sign up for the Oak Hill Parkway mailing list here.
Fly By MoPac…take two!
Episode 2 of the MoPac Moment invites your review. In this episode, the Mobility Authority’s Executive Director Mike Heiligenstein discusses mobility relief along US 183 and RM 2222 as paving begins in that section this June. When paving is complete in the weeks that follow, the construction activity will lighten up in that area allowing for an improvement of traffic flow.
Let us know what you think of the MoPac Moment and tell us if there’s anything specific you’d like to see or hear about in the next episode in our short survey above.
On the way...
News is on the horizon for the 290 Toll/SH 130 Direct Connector Bridges project, future express lanes on 183 North, the northern extension of 183A into Liberty Hill, and more. We hope you stay connected with us as we continue our efforts to improve your quality of life through new and innovative transportation options.