Mia's Asia Tour 2017
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Bright & Beautiful Newsletter

Greetings From Mia Park
I'm writing this newsletter from the tea house at Baekyangsa, White Sheep Buddhist Temple in South Korea. I'm on the last week of a month long spiritual trip to China, Mongolia and my Motherland, Korea. It's an incredible journey. My main intention for this trip was to study Daoist Taiji with my teacher Patrick Kelly in Shanghai. Mission successful! I also arranged to meet shamans in the Mongolian wilderness and stay at a Buddhist monastery in Korea.

I hope that you also arrange a meaningful, awakening journey for yourself. Every day is an opportunity for self-growth, whether at home or on the road. And every day can be another journey inwards. 

The above image is from the Shamanism Museum in Seoul, the only one of its kind. I wrote a play inspired by the transformative powers that Korean shamanism offers. I'm currently working on a play that features a silent monk nun and a war torn soldier who stumbles upon her hermitage. Staying in this monetary is also research for my new play, as well as for self-development.

All spiritual roads lead to the same place: spiritual evolution. There are many systems that can lead you on your road that curves and goes uphill quite often. As we evolve, the road changes and vice versa. My current path has lead me to Daoism and taiji which my soul drinks like ambrosia. As senior yoga teacher Richard Miller says, if we're held in a lineage, we're being held in a particular stream bed where we're not theoretically going to other teachings and bringing new information back. He talks about being influenced by a lineage rather than being a torch bearer for that lineage. I agree. I am influenced by authentic yoga and other spiritual systems and to carrying new information with me on my journey. And the more I learn, the deeper I understand that all spiritual roads lead to the home inside.
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