B2B Content Marketing News and Tips from Spark Media Solutions -- Doubling the value of content marketing -- Unlimited Mobile Plans -- Funny Tweets --
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SPARK NOTES* - Abridged Media Goodies from Spark Media Solutions

2X ROI: Double-Dip Your Content Marketing Efforts

2X ROI: Double-Dip Your Content Marketing Efforts
I begrudgingly use the term "content marketing" because the entire industry has embraced it as the new means to communicate with potential buyers. But, if you really look at its capabilities, content marketing can do a lot more than just "marketing." It can be an amazing resource for:
  • Recruiting: Build your employment brand and attract new hires.
  • Training: You learn more by teaching than just studying. The mere act of creating the content is an education.
  • Low-cost market research: All information you collect is valuable even if much of it hits the cutting room floor.
  • Philanthropy: Your cause marketing effort will expose your services and your ideals.
  • Reduce operating expenses: Staff to answer calls is an ongoing never-ending expense. An article or video that answers a common question is a one-time expense.
  • Industry relations: Want someone to respond to you? Invite them to participate in your awesome piece of content. That will be the start of a wonderful relationship.
  • Employee retention: People want to work for a company that's a thought leader. Give them a reason to stick around.
Sound awesome? Then you need to read the entire article on Forbes and watch the video with more insights on how you can squeeze more value from your content marketing efforts.
READ and WATCH on Forbes.com


Our Unlimited Plan Guarantees Zero Connectivity

Our Unlimited Plan Guarantees Zero Connectivity
We've been remiss in that we skipped an episode of the Tear Down Show. So we're scooting the "way back machine" back just one episode to offer up a discussion of a disappointing flying car, the really cool SlingStudio (I have one now), and the attempt by both T-Mobile and Verizon (soon to be owner of Yahoo!) to offer up unlimited plans. Feel free to listen non-stop and SUBSCRIBE.
Listen to the show

Funny Tweets

Megaphone Guy
"I hug my Uber driver at the airport so people will think I have a family that loves me." - @MartaEffing

"My girlfriend knows every single important date in our relationship history and I know she hates olives. She loves olives? Something olives." - @JDBooie

"For a moment I thought it was Saturday, but then I realized it's actually Sunday. The good news is now I have a story to tell at parties." - @bridger_w

"My doctor told me exercise will add years to my life. It's true. I just did 10 push ups and feel like i'm 80" - @daplusk

"There are approximately 45 seconds between 'I'll make us an omelet' and 'We're having scrambled eggs.'" - @LizHackett
Book cover for Three Feet from Seven Figures
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*This newsletter is not even mildly affiliated with the book note series of the same name.
Funny Tweets from Funny Tweeter.

Creative Commons attribution to Flickr users Mary Ann Clarke Scott (megaphone guy) and Matthijs (phone pile).

Spark Media Solutions is based in the San Francisco Bay Area.
Contact us at info@sparkmediasolutions.com.

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