
Imaginactive will take part in the Eureka! Festival in Montreal this week-end!

Imaginactive will reveal its brand new virtual museum publicly during the Eureka! festival at the Montreal Science Centre today (friday) and this week-end : June 9th to June 11th). This virtual museum, developed in collaboration with Beam Me Up!, will allow people from all over the world to dream about the future of mobility and transportation, while pushing the boundaries of reality and thinking outside the box.
The Muadib was created as a transport vehicle capable of cruising deserts or vast expenses of open land. Tourists would be able to live for a while on this special “cruise ship” and enjoy the sun in comfort while staying protected from the elements.
The Iris concept is a two-part system, which would allow online retailers such as Amazon to deliver packages right to your condo by using pilotless drone carriers placed on top of modified mid-sized automated metros.
The Romanichel is a mobile home on rails. Owners would travel to several villages designed exclusively for these ‘Railhomes’ and live there for a couple of months at a time. Imagine living in the comfort of your house and being able to move around the country, like a Nomad, at each solstice and equinox…
The Snefel is a set of three micro robots designed as super-mini “medical vehicles.” They patrol human blood vessels to give better vision when operating, to cure locally, and to detect future problems. The different types of robots are respectively called the Biop, the Skout, and the Subu.

Imaginactive will be present at the Movin'On event in Montreal by Michelin from June 13-15 !

Imaginactive will also showcase its Virtual Museum during the Movin'On event by Michelin international on june 13th, 14th and 15th !
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