Purpose-Built to meet the Demands of Deployable Applications
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Server-Class Computing Solutions For the Most Demanding Physical and Cybersecurity Requirements
XPand9011 2U Rackmount Server
These high-performance computing products from X-ES feature a dual socket Intel Xeon E5 v4 family processors integrated with X-ES SecureCOTS technology, ideal for platforms requiring state-of-the-art processing performance, physical security, and cybersecurity.
Trusted U.S. Design, Supply Chain, and Operations
SecureCOTS Technology to Protect Critical Information
State-of-the-Art Processing Capabilities
XAct1012 E-ATX Intel Xeon E Server-Class Motherboard
Trusted Processing and Rugged Board Design
XCalibur1412 ATCA Intel Xeon E Server-Class Processor Blade
XPand9011 2U Rackmount Server
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3225 Deming Way, Suite 120, Middleton, WI 53562
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