
California Academic & Research Libraries

Spring 2017 Newsletter (Volume 40, Issue 1) 

Table of Contents

President's Message
CARL Mentorship Program
Upcoming Events
Interest Groups Updates
Board Meeting Notes
People and Places News
About the Newsletter

ACRL chapter logo
CARL Leadership 2017

Pearl Ly
Skyline College

SOUTHERN Vice President
Talitha Matlin
CSU San Marcos

NORTHERN Vice President
A. Lee Adams
UC, Berkeley

Jenny Yap
Berkeley City College

Jordan Nielsen
San Diego State University

Joseph Aubele
CSU Long Beach

Cynthia Mari Orozco
East Los Angeles College

Crystal Goldman
UC San Diego

Maryann Hight
CSU Stanislaus

Nicole Branch
Santa Clara University

Ellen Carey
Santa Barbara City College

Kelly Janousek
CSU Long Beach

April Cunningham
Saddleback College

Lindsey Shively
Fashion Institute of Design

Dave Drexler
CSU Fresno

Rand Boyd 
Chapman University

Shana Higgins
University of Redlands

President's Message         

Thoughts from our President, Pearl Ly

Head shot, Pearl Ly, Skyline College, CARL President 2017

Dear CARL Members,

I hope that you all had a productive and rewarding academic year in your college and university libraries supporting student learning and student success. I find summer to be a great time to step back, reflect, and start planning for other ways to improve our work.

There are opportunities to participate in CARL IG Summer field trips and activities. One is the
Southern California Instruction Librarians (SCIL)'s networking mixer after the Comic-Con Library Panels on July 20th. Also, CARL is hard at work planning the biannual conference that will take place on April 13-15, 2018. The 2018 Conference theme is The Academic Library in Times of Change. 

Please consider not just attending this excellent conference but also sharing your research and work with your colleagues. Watch the CARL listserv for conference registration and proposal submission information (most are due by October 1, 2017). 

CARL session will include, but are not limited to, the following areas: 
  • The Library Bill of Rights and the core values of librarianship; issues of equal access, diversity, and inclusion; concerns with intellectual freedom, privacy, and censorship
  • Misinformation, disinformation, and educating users
  • New ways of understanding the user experience to shape library services and programs
  • Open access, OER, scholarly communication, and copyright challenges
  • Resource sharing, consortial practices, shared collections, and discovery systems
  • Changing roles of librarians, and the larger changes in the profession
  • Innovations in acquisitions and technical services: Cataloging, RDA implementation, electronics rights management, demand-driven acquisition, eBooks, and big data/library metrics
  • Collaborative partnerships on- and off-campus
My deep appreciation goes out to the CARL Conference Planning team: Allison Carr (chair), Lee Adams, Joseph Aubele, and Talitha Matlin. They have done a wonderful job with selecting a conference theme, soliciting volunteers and proposals, drafting a conference budget, developing a conference website, and so many other behind-the-scenes tasks. 

Please take advantage of the amazing learning and networking opportunities at the CARL Conference next April. I always leave CARL with new ideas I want try in my library and value the time to connect with new and existing colleagues. We are looking forward to hosting you in the Northern California Peninsula in lovely Redwood City.

Pearl Ly, Skyline College, CARL President

Participate in the CARL Mentorship Program

The CARL Mentorship program is accepting applications for new mentees and mentors. The CARL Mentoring Program seeks to match new and mid-career California academic librarians with more experienced colleagues. Check out the website to get involved!

"Mentoring CARL members is very rewarding.  My most recent mentee was able to visit me at my institution.  We were able to discuss his c.v. and also his specific interests in our profession.  Since his visit, he has secured a new position that I hope will provide him with the satisfaction and opportunities he seeks."  -Aline Soules, CSU East Bay


Upcoming Events

Attention early career LIS professionals in the California State University (CSU) System! CSU-Northridge (CSUN) is hosting a one-day summit, entitled CSU New Librarian Summit (CSU-NLS). Our aim is to create an exciting, innovative and challenging event focused on inspiring and guiding new LIS professionals in the CSU. The event will provide practical strategies and hands on methods that assists early career LIS Professionals in navigating the learning curve of instruction, outreach and emerging technologies. The event will be held on Thursday, August 3, 2017 in CSUN’s Oviatt Library. For more information, and to register for the event, please visit our CSU-NLS LibGuide at: We look forward to your joining us!

CARL Business             

ALIGN (Academic  Librarians Interest Group - North)

ALIGN held its spring business meeting via conference call on Friday, 28 April, with librarians and staff from UC Santa Cruz, Santa Clara U, SF State U, and CSU Sacramento taking part. Exploring ideas for our next two events was the main order of the day and, following on from last November’s workshop on service learning and information literacy, it was agreed to continue an alternating event schedule with a field trip in summer.

From a comprehensive list of northern California archives, museums, and special collections, a shortlist of likely institutions was created from across the Bay Area and beyond (see minutes for further details). Tour possibilities at each venue are currently being researched, after which ALIGN members will select their choice by on-line poll; mid August is the projected timeline.

Topics for an autumn panel or workshop were discussed as well. Two themes--balancing collection-development models (demand-driven acquisition and subject selectors) and fake news, information literacy, and censorship--were put forward and, again, ALIGN members will be solicited for other ideas via a forthcoming Google doc. 

Full details for both of these ALIGN events will of course be distributed in all the usual places once plans are final, but don't wait to contribute your ideas--send them to ALIGN care of Ken Lyons

(California Academic Reference Librarians Discussion Interest Group - South)

Agents of Change in the Age of Alternative Facts
When:  Friday, December 1 from 9am-2pm
Where: California Lutheran University
Description: Join us for a lively program with presentations and discussion from librarians that are bringing about change on their campus!  Are you implementing engaging, innovative reference programs or collaborations to address fake news, digital literacy, social justice, or diversity and equity? Then keep an eye out for the Call for Proposals in August!
End of Summer Field Trip
Please join CARLDIG-S for a fabulous field trip to the James Lemont Fogg Library at the Art Center College of Design (Hillside Campus, Pasadena).  Check out the Art Center’s cool video.

Field Trip includes:  Tour of the Library and Hillside Campus, and lunch. Space is limited. Please RSVP here: Questions?  Please email Debi Hoffmann

When:  Friday, August 4, 2017, 10:30am- 1:30pm
Where: Art Center (Hillside Campus) 1700 Lida Street, Pasadena, CA
Cost: FREE
Parking: FREE


Executive Board Meeting Notes
Friday, May 19, 10:00am-12:00pm
Conference Call

Attendees:  Pearl Ly (President), Lindsey Shively (Newsletter Editor), Talitha Matlin (Interim VP-South), Jenny Yap (Secretary), Crystal Goldman (UC DAL),  Lee Adams (VP-North), Joseph Aubele (Membership Director), Shana Higgins (Past President), Nicole Branch (Private-DAL), Kelly Janousek (IG Coordinator), Jordan Nielson (Treasurer), Ellen Carey (CC-DAL)
Absent: Maryann Hight (CSU-DAL), David Drexler (Webmaster), Cynthia Mari Orozco (ACRL Chapters Delegate)

Introductions & Approve Minutes from February meeting 10:02-10:06
Minutes approved

Newsletter Editor Update 10:06-10:07
Lindsey Shively is taking over the role from Mary Michelle Moore.

Membership Director Report 10:07-10-11
There’s been membership growth since the February executive board call.

Interest Group Coordinator Report  10:11-10:24
-IGs are usually self sustaining and fund their activities through programs. DIAL is requesting special funding to pursue more activities (not political actions) and to pay for speakers.
-Suggestion to have a special initiatives fund and that other IGs could also apply for special funds as well
Action items: Kelly will send IG report to Pearl who will forward to the executive board. Kelly will write up criteria for special initiative funding and will send it to the board.
CARL SIG program @ 2017 WASC ARC Conference Report 10:24-10:30
The panelists at the WASC ARC were from a CSU, UC, and private college. They held a discussion about how the Framework plays into the WASC self study
- Discussion about whether this would be a high interest topic for the CARL conference. Lee suggests that it might fit well as a roundtable discussion.

Action items: Crystal encourage the presenters to put in a proposal to the CARL 2018 conference. 

Awards: Proposal from Ilene F. Rockman Conference Scholarship, CARL Outstanding Member Award 10:30-10:36
Nicole is the awards group board liaison.
- Discussion of the Rockman Scholarship rubric.
- Discussion that the awards committees need more communication with the board (for example no one knew about the Rockman dinner at ACRL) 

Action items: Nicole touch base with chairs of the other awards committees. Lee talk to Pearl and Shana about it outstanding member awards committee (Junior VP is the chair along with 3 members of CARL and the former winner)

Mentorship Committee Update 10:36-10:48
Recommendations from continuing members for committee:
  • Update website and forms as needed
  • Do more regular promotion of the program, akin to what we have done in the past
  • Discuss new ways to promote the program
  • Keep in touch with mentors who are on the list but not assigned a mentee
  • Further discuss targeting promotion to mid-career librarians
  • Discuss whether to make the committee a standing committee
  • Consider assessing the program (or at least doing a sort of exit survey)
  • Work with CARL President and Board regarding mentoring
  • Include CARL Membership Director on committee
-Discussion of turning this into a standing committee instead of an ad hoc committee.
-Board agrees that we should assess the mentorship program before turning it into a standing committee

Action items: Shana will help find a chair of the mentorship committee (Talitha and Lindsey offered to be members of the committee). Joseph will create a list of potential mentors based on membership list and send to the chair once appointed

Advocacy Liaison Update  10:48-10:51
- The board felt there wasn’t enough time to dedicate to this discussion so it will be tabled till the December in-person meeting.

Treasurer Report 10:51-10:59
-Jordan received a new position out of state but he has agreed to be treasurer remotely till the end of his term (January 2018). He would like a backup person in this position especially with conference coming up.

- Discussion of whether or not incoming VPs will always be the backup and have access to the bank and financials. Board recommends that the incoming VP (Lee Adams) will be the backup person since she will be on the board longest.
-There are three stipend positions on the board (newsletter editor, website editor, membership director). No one has ever requested a stipend since Jordan has been treasurer.  Recommendation to send an annual notice to the three positions asking if they want the stipend or want to donate it back to CARL.

Action items: Jordan will help transition a new treasurer. Pearl and Jordan will work on modifying the standing rules re: new VP as a backup treasurer. Jordan
(and future treasurers): create an annual notice for stipend positions

CARL 2018 Nominations and Elections Committee- 10:59-11:01 / 11:22-11:26
-There will be elections in the Fall for 2018 CARL Board: VP-South, President, Treasurer, Secretary, DAL Private and DAL CC’s

-5 members are part of the committee and 3 of them should be from the South including the chair (per Standing Rules). Jenny, Pearl, and Shana volunteered to be on the committee.

Action items: Shana and Pearl will find a chair for the committee.

CARL 2018 Conference Report: 11:02 - 11:22
CARL Conference Report

-Conference planning is going well. 35 people have volunteered for the conference and Lee and Allie will form the committees by mid-June.
- On 4/24 a save the date went out to CARL-ALL and to Nevada library directors (they don’t have an ACRL chapter), and Cynthia sent it to to ACRL delegates.
- The Keynote and 2 spots for the plenary sessions will hopefully be confirmed by mid June- A CFP will be sent out on 5/22 and the website will follow shortly.
- Roundtable discussions are new this year
- We will keep the code of conduct from last time as is
- Discussion about the keynote speaker’s fee and costs for keynote.
- Discussion about keeping the registration fees the same as the previous conference. Board agrees to keep the prices the same
- We will have a 15k sponsorship fundraising target that will be solicited from vendors.
- Board approved the conference planning committee’s budget amount

Remaining 2017 Meeting Schedule  -11:26-11:32
Friday, September 8: 10am-12pm (Phone)
Friday, December 8: 9:30-3pm (Location: San Diego, TBD)

- Discussion about holding in-person board meeting at CSU San Marcos.
- Board members will coordinate travel times and transport to CSUSM

Action items: Talitha book meeting room at CSU San Marcos. Pearl set-up Google doc for coordinating travel for December meeting

Adjourned at 11:34 am

 People and Places News                

We are saddened to announce the passing of longtime CARL member Pauline Manaka, UC Irvine.  We do not have details about memorials or services at this time. Our hearts go out to her family, friends, and colleagues.

Publications, Presentations & Awards

Santa Clara University was awarded ACRL's 2017 Excellence in Academic Libraries Award in the university category. 
Nicole Branch, Tina Chrzastowski, Jessica Harris, and Lynn Wiley gave a presentation at the Electronic Resources & Libraries conference in Austin, Texas on April 3, 2017.  Its title was “DDA/EBA in the Mega-Sized and the Medium-Sized Library: Going Beyond ‘They Clicked It → We Bought It → Done'.”
Lesley Farmer, Professor of Library Media CSU Long Beach won the American Association of School Librarians distinguished service award.
Marcia Henry, California State University Northridge and Marilia Antunez, University of Akron, Ohio published Antunez, M & Henry, M. (2016) A comparative review of gerontological nursing citation data. Health Information and Libraries Journal. 33 (4) 257-268. doi:10.1111/hir.12162
Shannon Kealey and Helene Lafrance presented a poster at the ACRL Conference in Baltimore on March 24, 2017.  Its title was "A Targeted Personal Librarian Program: Transforming the International Student Experience."
Toni Olivas, CSU San Marcos, book was recently published by ACRL. Choosing to Lead: The Motivational Factors of Underrepresented Minority Librarians in Higher Education.
Anthony Raymond, Santa Clara University, published an article in the April issue of Against the Grain.  Raymond, Anthony. "Canceling Serials Based on Their Availability in Aggregated Full-Text Databases."  Against the Grain 29, no.2 (April 2017): 30-32.
Deborah Schaffer, CSU Los Angeles, was presented the ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Distinguished Librarian Award on Saturday, June 24 at the Hilton Chicago, Waldorf Room.

Jessica Bower was promoted from assistant librarian to associate librarian at Chapman University’s Leatherby Libraries.

Caroline M. Coward is the new head of the library at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena.
Bill Jacobs has been appointed as STEM/Sciences Librarian at J. Paul Leonard Library at San Francisco State.
Les Kong, CSU San Bernardino, will be serving as Assistant Chair on the WSCUC (formerly known as WASC) Special Visit Team to San Jose State University. He will also be serving a two-year term as President of the Friends of the A.K. Smiley Public Library.
Dana Ospina joined the faculty at CSU Dominguez Hills as the Digital Initiatives Librarian.
Zoe Pettway Unno has been appointed Head of the Science and Engineering Library at the University of Southern California.
Jason Vasché has been appointed as Cataloging and Metadata Coordinator Librarian J. Paul Leonard Library at San Francisco State.
Laura Wimberley had been appointed as the new Assessment Librarian at Oviatt Library, CSU Northridge.


Helen B. Josephine retired on August 1 from the Stanford University Libraries. Helen was appointed Head of the Terman Engineering Library in January 2007. She transitioned the library to a predominately digital collection in the new Terman Library space in 2010. Helen developed outreach services for students and faculty in the School of Engineering including student orientation events, workshops on scholarly tools and resources and the annual Gear Up for Research Day event. She also co-organized and hosted at Stanford two professional development events, the STELLA(!) (Science, Technology, and Engineering Library Leaders in Action) Unconference, March 2014 and Science Boot Camp West, July 2015

Please send your news about your library, your colleagues or yourself to

The CARL Newsletter (ISSN: 1090-9982) is the official publication of the California Academic & Research Libraries organization and is published online quarterly.
Copyright © 2017, All rights reserved.

Deadlines for submissions: March 15, June 15, September 15, and December 15.
Newsletter submissions, corrections, questions, and comments should be sent to

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