



Gallery Open House
Guest Artist Amy Kalimat from Amman, Jordan

                                     THURSDAY July 13, 3:30pm-7pm

                        Please join us for a Glass of Wine, specialty Goodies and
original Art by Meike and Amy



Guest Artist Amy Kalimat from Amman Jordan will show her colorful and whimsical Watercolor Art.
I was born and raised in Springfield, but have spent the last 15 years living in Amman, Jordan. Despite having not lived in Springfield for over 20 years, Springfield is home. I am forever connected to the Ozarks and it only feels natural to show my art here. Meike has been so gracious to allow me to use her gallery for my Springfield debut, and I could not be more grateful. I am so excited to be using my art to connect with Springfield in a way I never have before. I hope to see a lot of familiar and unfamiliar faces on July 13.
Wade Hall of Tree Frog will display his unique custom wood creations.

Save the date!

 Saturday August 12, 2017 6:30-9pm  
Springfield Art Museum

Meike Aton & Vincent Nolden performing life!

 For More info and tickets:

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