Say It For You's July 2017 Content Marketing & Blogging Newsletter. The newsletter offers blog tips and advice on content marketing & blogging for business.
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It’s hard to imagine Fourth of July without fireworks. And what, exactly, is it about fireworks that we find so mesmerizing? Scientists explain that we’re unused to having light travel directly to our eyes. (Usually, the colors we see are created by light bouncing off the reflective surfaces of objects around us; anything different can seem otherworldly and captivating.)

In blogging for business, there’s no doubt that the words you use to tell your story are the most important element. The visuals, or “fireworks”, come in to add interest and evoke emotion. The visuals you select might be in the form of photos, graphs, charts, infographics, or even videos. I especially like using “clip art”.

In graphic arts, the term “clip art” refers to images created either by hand or using computer software, as opposed to actual photographs. (The term, I learned, originated through the practice of physically cutting images from pre-existing printed pieces to use in other documents.)

When you use clip art commercial images in your blog, you’re not pretending to depict the actual products, services, colleagues or customers of either of your own business or practice or those of your blogging client. Clip art can’t show “before” and “after” results or identify specific people. What clip art does accomplish better than anything else, I believe, is capture concepts. The image serves as a metaphor for the concept the writer is articulating in the post.

Business blogs without pictures are like July 4th without fireworks!

Remember to make today a really special day,
Rhoda Israelov
Owner, Say It For You
We create content for your blog-marketing!

Special offer for July (call before month-end)
Find a concept that you find yourself explaining again and again to prospects and clients. Schedule a consult with Rhoda. Say it For You will shop for the perfect clip art image to illustrate that concept and create a blog post around it. You will own the material and can use it on your website and/or in printed promotional pieces. The low, low introductory price of $80 covers the consult, the blog post, and the image. Call (317) 250-3569.

#BlogTip of the month:

Bright colors capture our attention because our brains are wired to react to them. Vision is the most active of all of our senses, thanks to our evolution (Quick processing of visual information would have saved our ancestors from the attacks by predators.)


Blog stat of the month:

92.6% of people say the visual dimension is the #1 influencing factor in their purchasing decisions; up to 90% of that assessment is based on color alone.

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Phone: (317) 250-3569

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