
Spiritus Gladius

The Weekly Newsletter of

The Collegiate Church of Saint Paul the Apostle, Savannah

Episcopal Diocese of Georgia

The Fourth Sunday after Pentecost 

July 2, 2017 

  8:00 a.m. Low Mass 
9:15 a.m. Christian Education 
9:45 a.m. Morning Prayer 
10:00 a.m. Solemn Mass 
12:15 p.m. Misa en Español 
5:30 p.m. Evensong (weekly) 
& Benediction (4th Sunday) 
6:30 p.m. Evening Mass 

There is a 3 pm Mass at St. Bartholomew’s, 
Chevis Road at Wild Heron Road on the 
2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month 

The Propers 

Parish Office Hours: Monday thru Thursday 9 am-3 pm / closed on Friday 912.232.0274 (Voice) 912.232.0337 (Fax)
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The Collegiate Church of St. Paul the Apostle

Parish News and Events 

It’s a girl!!!,,,,,,, 
Congratulations to Margaret and Chris Pearman on the birth of a daughter, Faith Elizabeth, born Sunday, June 18th, 2017 Congratulations also to the proud grandparents, Nancy and Charlie Golson. 

Hymns are chosen for Mass with the intention that they support the lectionary, and from Advent through Corpus Christi, you will find that there is a strong connection to the readings for the day. 

From mid-June to late November, however, there is relatively more flexibility in what we sing, and that's where you come in. If there is a hymn (or two, or ten) that we haven't used for a while and that you'd like us to sing, please fill out the spaces on this sheet with any of the 720 hymns in The Hymnal 1982, and while we probably won't sing #111 in July, we'll try to use the ones you've been missing. Then come to Mass this summer and check out the numbers with asterisks; even if it's not your favorite, you'll know that someone asked for it. 

Vacation Bible School - July 10th - 14th The Theme of Vacation Bible School this year is The Bread of Life. It will begin at 5:30 with a light supper provided. Each night we will be learning how to make a different bread! Make sure your children are here for an evening of fun and learning!! 

Hurricane Season As we are now in the hurricane season, we are trying to be sure we have everyone’s best contact information. If you have any changes, please call the office right away . Thank you. 

Food Ingathering this Sunday 
Even though vacation time is here, the needs of the poor continue. Please be generous in your food offering . Thank you. 

The choir is having a well deserved summer vacation we look forward to their return in the Fall. 

The Weekly Calendar

Monday Feria 
MP 9:00 am 
HE 12:15 pm 
EP 5:30 pm 

Tuesday Independence Day 
Office Closed 
EP 5:30 pm 
HE/HS 6:00 pm 

Wednesday Vladimir of Kiev 
MP 6:45 am 
HE 7:00pm 
Confessions 5:00 pm 
EP 5:30 pm 

Thursday Sexburga, Abbess 
MP 9:00 am 
HE/HS 10:00 am 
EP 5:30 pm 

Friday Paladius Apostle of Ireland 
MP 6:45 am 
HE 7:00 am 
EP 5:30 pm 

MP - Morning Prayer HS - Healing Service 

HE - Holy Eucharist EP - Evening Prayer 


Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ: 

Continuing the series on strengthening our spiritual life ( the need for which includes all of us), I offer the following to bear in mind as we embark on the daily pilgrimage that is life with God. 

1. Never let a Sunday, and, if possible, a Holy-day pass without attending a Celebration of the Eucharist. 

2. Attempt to make a good examination of conscience and repentance before going to Communion - familiarize yourself with the Exhortation beginning on page 316 of the Book of Common Prayer. 

3. Learn to engage in Godly conversation with others about Holy Scripture, the life of prayer and the Sacraments. 

4. Learn the rules for fasting before communion and the guidelines for special acts of discipline and self-denial associated with Days of Special Devotion.(see pages 16 & 17 of the Book of Common Prayer) 

5. Leave home in plenty of time. Rushing about is not conducive to prayerful engagement. You ought to be in your place in church at least five minutes before the celebration of the Holy Mysteries begins. Be careful to limit your conversation on your way to Church and except for absolute necessity do not talk in Church before the Service begins. Visiting with other Pa-rishioners should take place after Mass. 

6. Our tradition of Christian Liturgy emphasizes the full participation of all. Speak or sing your parts boldly - God asks of us a joyful noise not four part harmony with perfect pitch or mellifluous speech. Take time to learn the response by heart and make them your own, rather than so many words printed on a page. 

7. When it comes time to pass the Peace let us all remember who's Peace it is that we are sharing - the LORD'S PEACE and not our own. This should prevent us from balking at exchanging it with all, even those WE are not at peace with, in addition to preventing this exchange from degenerating into a melee. 

8. When the invitation to Communion is made by the Priest (Behold the Lamb of God…, This is the Lamb of God…and/or The Gifts of God for the People of God...) rise at once and go to the altar. Let the Agnus Dei be your Procession Hymn. 

9. Before making your Communion make sure your hands are clean, gloves should be removed and lipstick blotted. Kneel upright all the time or stand straight with your head raised. The Sacred Body can be received on your tongue or upon the right hand resting flat on the left and raised as high as the chin. Help the Chalice bearer by guiding the Chalice to your lips with your hands on the base. 

10. On returning to your pew make a personal thanksgiving for the blessing of Christ Body and Blood and through the day remember Whom you have received and whom you are called to make known by your actions. WWIII 

Ready for Vacation Bible School - July 10th - 14th? 

Lay Ministers 

Katie Willoughby 
Paul Hammond 

Brother Nicholas 
Mary Willoughby 

Roy Morris 
Fiona Sullivan 
Verity Sullivan 
Palmer Walker 
Zachary Morris 

Memorials and Thanksgivings 

The flowers at the Virgin Altar are given in thanksgiving for the birthday of Mark Frissell. 

Father Rob Bagwell
Olive Peyton Ward 

Kathy and Peter Morris 


525, 597, 608, 680,318,718 

Prelude: Variations on “America” Charles Wesley 
Offertory: Introduction on Eternal Father: Charles Callahan 


Inflows 4.30.17 $139,234.58 

Outflows 4.30.17 $148,161.37 

Balance -( $8,926.79) 

Budget needed each week $8,371.00 

Offering this week $7,224.00 

Restricted Offering $49.00 

Saint Paul’s Collegiate Church
1802 Abercorn Street - Savannah, GA 31401
The Episcopate
The Rt Rev Scott A. Benhase, D. Min., D.D. Bishop of Georgia
The Most Rev Michael B. Curry, D. D. Presiding Bishop and Primate, Episcopal Church, USA
The Most Rev & Rt Hon. Justin Welby, D.D. Archbishop of Canterbury

Honorary Assistant Clergy
Canon J. Robert Carter Jr., Ph.D.
Father George B. Salley

The Rev. John G. Anderson Lutheran Pastor in Residence

The Very Rev. Dr. Wm Willoughby III, OStJ Rector & Dean of Savannah
The Reverend Charles E. Todd, ECSB Vicar & Latino/Hispanic Missioner
The Reverend Michael J. Chaney, Curate & College Missioner
The Reverend Susan E. Gahagan, ECSB Deacon
Dr. Irene Feddern, Director of Music
Kay Saussy, Parish Secretary
Joe Daniels, Sexton

Victor Moreno, Pastoral Assistant 
Colleen Willoughby, Youth Minister
Gregory Powell, Evening Mass Musician

The Vestry

Beth Robinson, Senior Warden, 19
August Breton, Junior Warden, 19
Sara Ward, Clerk, 19
Jim Burch, 20
Heather Downs, 18
Frank Hodge,18
Erick Nowicki 19
Dan Porter, 20 
Carl Pruetz, Treasurer, 18 
Cuffy Sullivan, 20
Lily Wong, 20
Ellen Wyatt, 18
Copyright © 2017 The Collegiate Church of St Paul the Apostle, Savannah, All rights reserved.

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