Snopes Says I'm A Fake Newsletter - Issue #3 / Summer 2017
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Who Doesn't Like Summer?
The cool rainy weather has finally left Toronto and mostly been replaced with warm sunshine. I've so missed the sun.

In Canada, summer can be best described as a few weeks of scrambling to accomplish as much as possible outdoors - garden projects, BBQs, garage sales, street festivals or sitting by a lake or pool with a good book. Canada has only two seasons, summer and 10 months of lousy weather.

I've also got a big vacation planned. I'll be leaving soon for a 14-day European trip that will include the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Germany, Austria and Hungary. If you follow me on Twitter or Facebook, I'll be posting photos throughout the trip.


Update on Loved Mars, Hated The Food

Endings can be so difficult to write. My current manuscript is no exception.

I hope to complete my first draft before I leave for Europe in two weeks but if I don't, it will get done in August. I'm down to fewer than ten chapters to be written. However, I still haven't decided how to end the story. It can go in a couple of different directions.

I probably won't decide until I write the last two or three chapters. I don't work from an outline. My writing process involves 
having Dix, the protagonist, speak to me as I write. I'm going to let Dix decide what direction he wants to go when we get to the big climax.

The way I look at it the ending isn't going to be predictable to readers if the writer hasn't a clue how it will end.  

If you received my Winter Newsletter, I included Chapter One of my manuscript. I've now posted the Chapter on my blog. Please feel free to take a look.

If you haven't picked up a copy, it is available in both paperback and Kindle versions through Amazon. A Kobo version is also available on the Chapters/ Indigo website.
Check out the reviews of The Road Ahead on the Goodreads website.
If you want to keep up with my articles and other projects check out my blog Snopes Says I'm A Fake.
My next book show appearance will be at The Word On The Street book festival at Harbourfront in Toronto on Sunday, September 24, 2017.
That Deep Dark Hole That Can Consume Writers

I would have already completed my first draft of my current manuscript if not for writer's block. For almost two months, each time I sat down to work on my manuscript the same feeling would engulf me. I felt the room turn dark. The walls began to close in on me. Emotionally, I felt a combination of frustration and despair.

That's what writer’s block feels like for me.

Back in the 1950s, a psychiatrist named Edmund Bergler studied writers with creative issues and labeled the condition as “neurotic inhibitions of productivity.” He was Freudian trained and recommended psychotherapy. Since then, various mental health professionals have conducted research on the condition and recommended approaches to overcome creative block. Many of my writing peers have also provided tips and advice.

But that feeling wouldn't go away. It’s not that I wasn't able to write. I just hated everything I was writing or had written. Nothing I wrote seemed funny. Everything seemed structurally weak. The plot seemed to be going nowhere and characters paper thin. Those amazing images that floated around in my head had been replaced with darkness. My main character, Dix, had been dictating much of the story to me, but he had gone silent.

It boiled down to lack of confidence. I no longer believed in myself.

I’ve read dozens of articles on writer’s block. There are so many do’s and don’ts. Some advice is conflicting. I’ve come to the conclusion that there is no “one size fits all” solution. I tried to switch from writing to editing but that made things worse. I found I wasn’t creating but only tearing down. I tried reading for inspiration but it felt like a form of avoidance.

I finally set aside my manuscript for a little while and worked on other things. Some writers have multiple pieces they are working on. I prefer to work on one manuscript at a time. Then one day Dix did return. I can't even remember what triggered it. I just know I'm back working on the story and I can see the finish line.

Copyright © 2017 Willie Handler, All rights reserved.

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