OGP Newsletter

July 2017: Focus on Subnational #OpenGov
Fifteen pioneer governments from around the world are taking part in OGP’s Subnational Pilot Program. How are they implementing #opengov reforms at the subnational level, and what are their challenges and successes? Read all about it in this month’s Newsletter!

In This Issue:

Subnational at a glance, from Program Manager Brittany Giroux Lane
Village women become data scientists in Bojonegoro, Indonesia
Curitiba, Brazil finds subnat solutions - outside the program
Gender equity through OGP in Jalisco, Mexico
From Buenos Aires, Argentina: how OGP is bolstering a vibrant municipal government
The Sustainable Development Goals are on the menu in Scotland
A new reformer in Sekondi-Takoradi, Ghana works towards openness
Participatory budgeting takes flight in Madrid, Spain
plus news from around the world of opengov, jobs & more

OGP's Subnational Pioneers in Paris, France

Six Months, Fifteen Pioneers: How the Subnational Program is Changing the Lives of 62 Million People

By Brittany Giroux Lane, Program Manager, OGP

The Subnational Pioneer Pilot Program is well into the implementation stage - how’s it going? Program Manager Brittany Lane takes a macro view and looks at some of the successes and challenges, as well as the program’s newest products, in this review of the subnational program to date. Read more here.

How Accessible Data Technology Empowers the Impact of a Community-Driven Initiative

By Aria Nurfikry and Endiyan Rakhmanda, Dattabot

In Bojonegoro, Indonesia, women are harvesting data from their villages to improve service delivery - but the process needs improvement, and Dasa Wisma is leading the way. Find out more here.

Looking for subnational highlights? Look no further than our brand new publication, What’s in the Subnational Action Plans! In it, you’ll find details on action plans, commitments, and the trending topics in subnational governance.

OGP as framework for change: The experience of Buenos Aires

By Alvaro Herrero, Buenos Aires Municipal Government

Buenos Aires had already been working on openness before it became a Subnational Pioneer. OGP has strengthened both its resolve and its reforms, with exciting results in health, education, and elsewhere. Read about these successes here.

Open data and the gender wage gap in Jalisco, Mexico

By Laura Zamora, University of Guadalajara, and Pablo Renteria, Jalisco Government

There are fewer than a dozen OGP commitments relating to gender - but the state of Jalisco, Mexico, is looking to change that. As a commitment in their Subnational Action Plan, they are attacking the gender wage gap - and using open data to do it. Find out more about this exciting commitment here.

Featured OGP Commitment 

Subnational Pilot: Madrid, Spain
Action Plan: 2017
Commitment: Development of participatory budgeting

In 2013, CNN called Madrid the “city of protests” after a series of anti-austerity marches on Spain’s capital. With citizens claiming “people power,” Madrid has risen to the occasion with a participatory policy platform - and they’re building on it with a €100 million OGP commitment to open up the budget to the people. Read more about Madrid’s participatory budgeting process here.

Can we achieve the Global Goals by eating an elephant?

By Doreen Grove, Scottish Government

Scotland’s various plans of action on human rights, sustainable development, and government performance are all converging under an OGP subnational commitment. Find out how it’s going - and the steps they’ll need to take to be successful - here.

OGP Subnational Program

“Cocreating policies with citizens is the only way forward in escaping this crisis of trust that, across the planet, is affecting public authorities and alienating citizens from this very noble affair that we call politics.”
Quote of the Month: Anne Hidalgo
Mayor of Paris, France

Click through to watch the full Subnational Program video and learn more about our Pioneers!

To Solve a Problem, We Need to Know It First: Using the Local Democracy Index as a Guide for Reforms

By Micah Cruz, Instituto Atuação

Curitiba, in Brazil, is not part of the Subnational Pilot Program. It is, however, a great example of how subnational open government progress - with the assistance of the Economist Intelligence Unit’s Local Democracy Index - can help create pockets of openness in closed spaces. Read more here.

OGP’s Steering Committee had a working-level meeting on June 27th-28th. Read more, including executive decisions and changes to Rules of the Game, here. Meeting minutes will be available on July 12.

Faces of Open Government

Anthony K.K. Sam
Metropolitan Chief Executive
Sekondi-Takoradi Metropolitan Assembly, Ghana

Open governance focuses on principles like accountability, transparency and civil participation. Why do you think these principles are important?

The aim of governance in a democratic society is to empower citizens who have entrusted individuals into positions of authority. OGP principles such as accountability, transparency and civil participation ensure that good governance practices are upheld, and go a long way in building trust between duty-bearers and the citizenry.

Read Anthony’s full interview

OGP in the News - June 2017

By Jacqueline McGraw, Communications Associate, OGP

Ongoing headlines in Mexico, OGP Steering Committee decisions on Azerbaijan and Montenegro, discussions of open government in Central Asia, and Nigeria’s #opengov process are all included in this month’s OGP in the News. Check it out here.

The opening of the Open Info network for municipal civil servants in São Paolo, Brazil

Employment Opportunities

Call for Independent Experts Panel Members
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) is seeking nominations for new members of the International Experts Panel, the governing body of the IRM. These members will take on the work of reviewing documents during 2018 and will assume a role in guiding the IRM in 2020 onwards.

Donor Scoping Consultant in Africa
OGP is looking for an individual to carry out donor mapping in OGP member countries in Africa. The overall objective of this assignment is to conduct a comprehensive donor scoping and intelligence of funding agencies in 15 African countries. The consultant will lead the donor mapping process with a view to actively seek partnerships with those donors whose priorities are in line with the Open Governance Partnership and Good Governance broadly.

Call for IRM National Researchers 
The Independent Reporting Mechanism (IRM) of the Open Government Partnership (OGP) is seeking individuals to carry out research at the national level in a variety of countries to assess government progress on implementation of their OGP Action Plans.
Buzz on #OpenGov   

OGP’s director for Civil Society Engagement, Paul Maassen, reflected on his five years at OGP in a widely-circulated blog.

Deputy CEO Joe Powell was interviewed in El Economista on open government developments in Mexico.

The Americas Regional Meeting call for proposals opened on June 8th. Visit the Meeting website to find out more.

The OGP Strategic Refresh is online and available for comment here.

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The World of #OpenGov

ONE Campaign is hiring a Policy Manager for Transparency and Accountability.

IT for Change and Making All Voices Count have published a case study of OGP National Action Plans in Uruguay.

NRGI has published a benchmarking framework for best practices in resources management.

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