
Dear colleague

AITSL is reviewing a wide range of evidence and seeking insights from our stakeholders to develop options for improving the quality of professional learning for teachers. Research has shown that quality teaching has the greatest in-school effect on student outcomes, and undertaking high quality professional learning is an effective way to improve teaching practice.

As part of this project, we’re inviting Australia’s teachers, school leaders and professional learning providers to have their say on professional learning through a national survey. This survey is live now and will be open until 13 August.

Complete the survey

This is an opportunity for the profession to share what they think is needed to support educators to select, undertake, apply and evaluate high quality professional learning.

We are keen to understand their professional learning experiences, how they select professional learning and why, and if the professional learning resulted in a change in practice. We also want to find out how professional learning providers design, run and evaluate their professional learning offerings.

We would like to invite you to complete the survey as a provider of professional learning for teachers.

As always, thank you for your ongoing support of AITSL.

Danny Pinchas
General Manager - Teaching & School Leadership

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