Dear friends and students,

Anatomically, we are one. Our bodies are neurologically, vascularly and fascially knitted together from toe to crown. This anatomical truth smacks of yoga, which teaches us that the nature of reality is connection. In yoga, we explore the intersection between breath and movement, the connection between mental focus and action, the integration of lifestyle choices with our ethical ideals. Since yoga is about exploring and experiencing connection, over the years, my studies of anatomy and my practice of self-massage have become important facets of my yoga practice. These practices, as much as asana, have helped me to explore wholeness experientially, emotionally and intellectually. Both have offered me inroads to deeper understanding of myself. For this reason, I'm thrilled to present several educational opportunities for exploring connection this summer and fall. Read on and reach out with any questions, thoughts or to simply stay in touch. 


Self-massage is a useful tool on the path of exploring connection. One of my greatest teachers Gil Hedley, says, “Your whole body is your brain. Your whole body is your heart.” Look at a map of the neurological and vascular system and you will see that this is true. Viewed alone, your body-wide heart and brain systems would bear likeness to your body shape and size. Simply put, your brain and heart are everywhere in you. The same is true for your connective tissue system which connects your muscles to your bones and to everything else. This explains why, when you roll tension from your shoulder, your jaw might relax leading to a whole body experience of presence and poise. Tools for recognizing wholeness, like self-massage, can create powerful shifts in how we think about our pain, our bodies and even our relationships to others. For this reason, I’m thrilled to lead the Roll Model® Method therapy ball training at Kripalu this August 4th-6th. You will walk away from this retreat experience with tools to incorporate self-massage into your personal practice, as well as to share it with students and loved ones.

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I’m thrilled to teach my lucky number 13th YogaWorks 200hr this October. Every time I teach this training, I’m amazed at what a strong teaching foundation it helps set for new teachers. Additionally, I love teaching this training because time the trainees and I inevitably set off on a different path of inquiry. This October, in particular, I’m looking forward to investigating the intersection between anatomy studies and yoga philosophy, specifically how both of these subjects, while seemingly separate, can be inroads to a unified understanding - that of the inherent connection between body and spirit. Join me this October for what will undoubtedly be a deeply transformative experience.

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