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NEWS FROM CHULA LEAGUE | Jul 2017 find Chula Leage on Instagram find Chula Leage on Pinterest find Chula League on Facebook follow Chula League on Twitter email Chula League
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We’re Here to Help!

Have you been putting off applying for Chula League’s 16th annual Cherrywood Art Fair because you don't think you’re application ready? We have an encore presentation of our Product Photography Professional Development workshop coming up, just for you! Our guest presenters will share tips on highlighting your work for applications to juried shows, like ours!

When: July 27, 2017 | 7-8pm
Where: Austin Creative Alliance Community Room
Price: $5
Register soon, as seating is limited!
Think you’re ready to apply now? Head over to the Cherrywood Art Fair site to learn what you need to apply!


Grounded in East Austin since 2005, Chula League is committed to fueling and sustaining the arts in Austin. Chula League produces a variety of projects to achieve its mission, such as the arts-mentoring program Little Artist BIG ARTIST, Professional Development workshops, and its flagship event, Cherrywood Art Fair.
Visit our website to learn more and donate today!


We are looking for sponsors that want to support the local Austin creative economy and watch their marketing investment fuel our arts community. Email our Sponsorship Team for more information!

Today’s artists mentoring tomorrow’s. Our arts-mentorship program, Little Artist BIG ARTIST pairs East Austin elementary students with professional artists who show kids how to turn ideas into art and art into a business.

Chula League is in need of fun, skilled people to join the 2017 Cherrywood Art Fair team. Interviews have already begun!
Logistics Coordinator
Social Media Manager
Community Groups and Food Vendor Manager


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Copyright © 2017 Chula League, All rights reserved.

info@chulaleague.org | Chula League PO Box 4283 Austin, TX 78765

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