August 2017

Pastor Nikki's Notions

Dear Friends:

July 18th marked the one-year anniversary of beginning in my service to Delafield Presbyterian Church. It’s difficult for me to believe that it has already been a year! The year has been full of many new experiences with you all and wonderful blessings flowing from you all. I am sincerely grateful to this congregation for welcoming me with open arms, for having patience with me while I learned new skills for being your pastor, and for being such an amazing example of God’s loving family. 
            In many ways, for the last year, I have felt like a baby, taking her first steps, chewing her first food, learning her first words, discovering everything for the first time. Each time a new holiday came up, I needed to figure out an appropriate way to celebrate it. Each time a new challenge arose, I learned how to deal with it from scratch. At times, being in a state of knowing nothing has made me feel vulnerable and uncertain. And in those times, someone has stepped up to help me, to offer guidance, or to let me know who would be able to help. At other times, it has allowed me to see the state of the church and various circumstances with fresh eyes. At those times, new ideas and ways of doing things have been embraced by you all. In all, as I have attempted to scale this steep learning curve of learning how to be a pastor, you have treated me with patience and grace. I always thank God for you because you have taught me how to be your pastor, and you have ministered to me more than you might realize.
            In the last year, every one of you have helped me in countless ways, and have taught me what it means to be a part of a loving Christian community. I have witnessed how this little church does so much to show Christ’s love for our community, both locally and globally. I have seen the diligent labors of love of the little dresses group, the zeal for providing for the Knoll Crest kids, the abundance of volunteers at Loaves and Fishes, the wholehearted commitment of our Family Promise volunteers, the creativity and energy of our session, the care and concern of our deacons. And I have seen how this community rallies around when one of us is in need of help or companionship or care. And I recently have been the recipient of this care, at the death of my father. I am abundantly grateful to all of you who prayed for me, sent cards, made donations, and were present at my father’s memorial service. You have been a witness of God’s love and care to me.
            Friends, thank you for letting me be your pastor. This year has blessed me, and has taught me new ways to be a follower of Christ. I pray that in the years to come, we will grow together into this calling more and more.

Yours in Christ,

Pastor Nikki


            Pastor Nikki’s office hours have changed. They used to be Wednesdays from 3 P.M. to 6 P.M., and now they are
Thursdays from 3 P.M. to 6 P.M.
            Has God given you a gift for public speaking? Do you often find yourself participating in theological reflection? Have you ever wondered what goes in to preparing a sermon? Have you ever considered trying your hand at preaching? If you answered “yes” to any or all of these questions, this class might be for you.

Pastor Nikki will offer an adult (and youth!) education class about preaching for anyone who is interested. In order to offer this class, she will need at least 4 interested individuals who will commit to attending all of its sessions. By the end of the class, you will have one sermon which is ready to preach!

A sign-up sheet will be on the WORSHIP board in the hallway.  If you have questions, contact Pastor Nikki at
 Pastor Nikki will be out of the office August 8-22. Rev. Bruce Jones will fill Delafield Presbyterian Church’s pulpit on August 13, and Rev. Sara Miles will preach on August 20th.

If you are in urgent need of pastoral care while Nikki is away, you may contact Rev. Ann Gibbs, who will be on call for Nikki. Ann’s mobile phone number is 

Our annual craft fair is growing by leaps and bounds, and it is coming up sooner than you think!! Check out this flyer for all the details, and make sure to stop by to see new and repeat vendors!

Image may contain: flower and text

Delafield Presbyterian Church's Lake Country Craft Fair is fast approaching and once again, we'll fill the rooms and halls with wonderful crafts.  Mark your calendar for Saturday, September 30, 2017, from     9:00 AM until 3:00 PM. Again, we'll need all the help you can offer in one of the following ways: we need young bodies and backs to help move furniture before and after the event; we'll need people to help lay out booth spaces, clean up following the event, bakers to bring goods to sell, chili makers, and kitchen help.

A sign-up sheet will be posted in mid August for you to designate where you prefer to help.  Any questions you have should be directed to Carol Buech; 262-327-8277, or via email;

Back-to-School Supplies for Knoll Crest Kids

School supplies are expensive!  This is a local mission activity for everyone at DPC. Helping families with children who live at Knoll Crest Apartments in downtown Delafield is appreciated by everyone.

The  "Apple Tree" is in the Gathering Space with 13 school age children's names and grades, for you to choose and buy school supplies for.  In addition, a $25.00 gift card for some new shoes or an outfit to start the year is also available.  All supplies and cards are due back for delivery by August 20.

Contact Jane Lurvey or Pastor Nikki if you have any questions.
Loaves & Fishes

We will,again, be serving a meal to those in need in Waukesha County.  There are sheets on a table in the Gathering Space to sign up to donate food items to prepare this meal, and also to help serve.  Youth are most welcome!

We'll leave the church (carpooling when we can) at 12:30 PM and return about 3:30 PM.  

Contact Jane Lurvey ,  if you have questions

Sunday, August 27 through September 3,  DPC will host families in need.  E & R Church, our  support church, will be helping us. We're excited to work together with these great folks!

We also will be holding another training session for those wanting to volunteer for Family Promise in August.  Contact Jane Lurvey at if you would like to join the team of volunteers for Family Promise.

Mark your Calendars!!!!! 

Rally Day is Sunday, September 10!

Parents -  
Details to follow in the coming weeks.

To The DPC Congregation:

The Worship and Music Ministry Team in conjunction with Pastor Nikki and Joyce Block would like to elicit some information from members of our church family. This information will help us to develop worship and music services that more fully meet the desire and needs of the congregation. We are seeking information in the following areas:

Music – We would like to know who in the congregation has musical talent, be it instrumental, vocal or both. If you have a musical talent, are you willing to share that talent on a regular or occasional basis in worship service?  Both the vocal and bell choirs could use additional members who would be welcomed in to either or both choirs. There is also opportunity to participate in special musical offerings. Please let us know if you have a musical talent, what that talent is, and if you are willing to share it with the congregation. Youth are welcome to participate in the music programs of DPC.

Congregational member participation in worship service – We would like to develop a list of those individuals that are willing to serve as liturgists. This is an easy task as everything is printed for the liturgist to read. Additionally we would like to develop a list of individuals who are willing to deliver comments or thoughts on specific topics as was done by several people in the Good Friday service and/or individuals who would be willing to deliver the entire message for a service. Youth are invited to participate in these activities. Pastor Nikki will conduct training on how to prepare a sermon for interested individuals.

Ushers – We would like to develop a core team of ushers. We will be revising the usher schedule and are asking you to indicate if you would like to participate by serving as an usher or would rather not serve as an usher. Youth are welcome to serve as ushers. Now is the time to make your desire known. We will provide training in usher duties for those desiring it.
Communion servers and preparers – In recent years we have relied on volunteers to prepare and serve Communion. In recent months it has been difficult to find volunteers for this very important function. Please tell us if you are willing to be placed on a list of individuals who will prepare and/or serve Communion. We will provide training on both preparation and serving for those who desire it.

Worship and Sanctuary Advisory Team – We would like to bring together a group of talented individuals to participate in the design and implementation of sanctuary décor, and also to be involved in the development of services for those special Sundays such as Rally Day, Advent, Easter, etc. If you have an interest in participating in this team please let us know.
Please provide the requested information to Carol Snyder ( or Bob Faith (
Nursery Schedule for August
August 6 - Janet Durham
Augut 13 - Ellen Fusco
August 20 - Stacia Faith (for Jennifer)
August 27 - Mary Rasmussen
Ushers for August
August 6 - Bob & Stacia Faith
August 13 - Liz Furse & Bill Goodman
August 20 - Shirley Hansen & Jeryl Hansen
August 27 Tom & Cynthia Hennig
Please be responsible in fulfilling your time-slotted assistance for both areas.
If you cannot make your date, please call someone ahead of you in the list and switch!
                                               Thanks, Session
Church Notes

August Worship Schedule
August 6 - 9:30 AM - Communion
August 13 - 9:30 AM worship
August 20 - 9:30 AM worship
August 27 - 9:30 AM worship

Calendar of Events
August 20 - School supplies back for Knoll Crest Delivery
August 27 - Loaves and Fishes
August 27 - September 3 - Family Promise


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