Care in hand, Love in heart.   传达关心,爱在耕心。
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舅舅失业患肾病 侄女收养尽孝心

Mr. Gan Ken Hwa 患有肾病两年而长期失业,而日常费和医疗开销都由姐姐和侄女负担。
所幸一直以来有 “马来西亚社会保险机构 (Perkeso)” 来扶持他大部分的洗肾费用,侄女的负担才有所减缓。但如今经济不景气,姐姐和侄女对于这笔开销开始渐渐显得力不从心。
耕心慈善决定援助Mr. Gan Ken Hwa 每月RM120的洗肾费用,为期半年。希望社会各界热心人士透过耕心慈善伸出援手,为改善他们家境而尽一份绵力。

Kind Nephew Take Care of Dialysis Uncle

Gan Ken Hwa has been undergoing dialysis treatment in St John Klang haemodialysis centre since two years ago. His dialysis cost was mainly sustained by Perkeso and he needs to rely on the financial support from his sister and niece on daily expense and a portion of dialysis cost that aren’t getting subsidies. As time goes by, it became harder for his family to afford all the expenses and now they are no longer able to support his dialysis treatment cost.

According to his niece, Ken Hwa was found guilty on shoplifting when he was young. After being released from reform school, he worked part time to try to earn more income for the family but he is not a very smart person, as he is cheated by his employer for getting lower salary. At the years of 40, he was diagnosed with kidney failure, and since then his life is dependent on his sister and niece.

Gan Ken Hwa mentioned that he tends to reduce on serum injections if the financial situation is unfavorable, in which this action possess a severe danger on his health condition. As such, Great Heart will be providing RM120 monetary aid on treatment cost for a duration of 6 months period to temporarily help out this patient.

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百善孝为先 父亲的健康再穷都不能等

Mr. Ledchumanan 是位63岁的肾病患者,每个月的洗肾费用至少1800令吉,这笔庞大的医疗消费负担就落在他三个孩子的身上。
耕心慈善为了减轻一家人的负担,每个月给予 RM720 的洗肾津贴,为期六个月。耕心慈善恳请社会各界人士伸出援手,为改善 Mr. Ledchumanan 一家的经济困难而出一份力。

Father's Health is always the First Priority 

Ledchumanan is a 63-year-old patient with kidney disease because he is too old to get subsidies from Perkeso. He needs to pay Rm1800 in his dialysis cost monthly and this is such a huge financial burden to his three children. 
His eldest son needed to pay the rental and groceries for his parents, while the second son need to pay the monthly installment of his parents transport to the dialysis centre, and the youngest son needed to pay the full dialysis cost of Rm1800 with his monthly average salary of Rm2300. Almost 75% of his salary goes directly to the dialysis centre just for his father sake.
Even though the dialysis cost is too high for the youngest son to handle it alone, he cannot stand the thought of leaving the father at home and not putting his father undergo haemodialysis treatment cause its extremely dangerous to his father’s health without treatment. 
His youngest son told Great Heart Charity that a lot of has changed to his family in terms of financial and family closeness before and after the diagnosis of kidney disease last year, this is such a disaster to him and it makes him so anxious.
Ledchumanan hoped that more people can support his dialysis cost and lessen the financial burden of his youngest son. Great Heart Charity is supporting Ledchumanan Rm720 monthly for six months and we need your help.

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年迈患病父母医疗费高 儿女弃养仅长子尽孝

" 我们家原有六个兄弟姐妹,但如今我却必须独自抚养两位年迈的双亲。因为父亲的肾衰竭医疗费每个月高达两千元,导致家里经济陷入苦难,而其他兄弟姐妹竟然都在这个时刻选择离开父母,不给家用甚至不闻不问!父母有难,孩子们却都跑了,实在令人不胜唏嘘......”
Mr. Kunasekaran 的父亲是一名割胶工人,一年前被诊断患有肾衰竭,为此失去工作能力。在短短一年内,每个月高达 RM2200的洗肾费用已经将父亲的毕生储蓄用尽。
身为家中大儿子,Mr. Kunasekaran 如今必须自己独自一人承担这笔这么大的经济负担,全因为兄弟姐妹们在得知父母需要医疗费后开始离开他们显得漠不关心又自私自利。
Mr. Kunasekaran 的母亲哭诉:“以前孩子们都会回来看看我们俩老,但至从家里陷入经济困难后,他们全都走了!身为母亲,我实在感到心寒!”
耕心慈善将赞助 Rm720 的洗肾津贴,限期六个月。耕心慈善恳请社会各界热心人士伸出援手,慷慨解囊来改善他们一家的窘境。

Father with Kidney Failure was Abandoned by 5 of His Children

Muniandy (63 years old) is the head of a family of six. Before he was diagnosed as having kidney failure in January 2016, he worked for Sime Darby to do the rubber tapping in Pulau Carey. 
He was sent to the St John dialysis centre Shah Alam cause it’s the cheapest dialysis cost that he can afford but it cost him Rm2200 monthly as well. His wife utilized all of her EPF savings and spent on his dialysis cost but it only lasted for a year.
His eldest son, Kunasekaran, who worked as a technician have to carry this financial burden all by himself because 5 of his siblings chose to turn away from his parents and 
Muniandy’s wife is extremely upset towards the abandonment of 5 of her children besides from Kunasekaran. She cried and weeps and told the social worker that when there is family money, only the children will be stick around. When the family is in hardship, the children have all abandoned their own father and turn their head away even when they asked for the money. 
Muniandy and his wife begged more people to help his family to reduce the dialysis cost burden or else they might be forced to skip the dialysis treatment. Great Heart Charity will be helping Rm720 dialysis subsidies for six months and we need your help through donation.
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拖欠洗肾费用一年 老妪感慨女儿无奈

73岁的Ms.Gnaneswary与她的独生女和女婿同住,随着女婿年纪变大而再也无法从事出租车司机的职业。Ms.Gnaneswary 因患病而行动不便,日常生活皆由女儿来照料。原本家境就不富裕他们一家,如今已经拖欠洗肾中心1年的洗肾费用。过去七年来的洗肾费用都由侄女负担,但侄女日前因丈夫被诊断患有糖尿病并需要截肢治疗而开始负担不起祖母的洗肾费用。
耕心慈善将帮助Ms.Gnaneswary 六个月的部分洗肾费用。耕心慈善恳请社会各界热心人士伸出援手,慷慨解囊来改善他们一家的窘境。

Outstanding Bill of Dialysis Treatment  for 1 years from A Miserable Old Lady

“Even when the Kurnia Dialysis centre is giving my mother dialysis subsidies of paying only Rm360 monthly for her to receive full dialysis treatment, I still unable to afford, I‘m really miserable and I don’t know what to do to help my mother…” said by Gnanewary daughter.
Gnaneswary (73 years old) lived with her only daughter and her son-in-law who worked as a taxi driver 10 years ago. He has been retired cause he is 68 years old and is too old to work. Gnaneswary’s daughter is taking care of her own mother daily routine everyday cause she is an OKU and needs to rely on the wheelchair. 
10 years ago, Gnaneswary’s niece used to support her dialysis fee for 7 years straight but then her husband was diagnosed with diabetes and amputated her legs and she stop the dialysis support. They have been in debt of the dialysis centre for almost 1 year and she doesn’t know how to repay them…
Great Heart Charity will be helping Gnaneswary for 6 months straight with monthly dialysis of Rm360, she hoped more people can donate to Great Heart to support her cause.
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十年间家庭剧变 老母亲彷徨无助

Ms.Thoo Fong Ming 是一名61岁的洗肾病患,家境清寒无法支撑医疗费。十年前,命运之神带走了她生命中最重要的丈夫,就在她悲痛不已之时,儿子突然亲离出走而令她心寒不已。女儿从小患有小儿麻痹症,健康状况欠佳。
耕心慈善为了帮助他们减轻医疗负担,每个月给予RM720 的洗肾津贴,为期六个月。耕心慈善希望大众也能多多益善,帮助这一家庭减轻庞大的医疗开支并给予关心及鼓励。

Hardship of a Widow

Ms.Thoo Fong Ming is a 61-year-old patient with kidney failure. When she is 50, her husband passed away and it makes her really upset and grief that she had lost her partner, her son has abandoned the family and leave the house without any financial or emotional support to her own mother. Her daughter has polio disease and unemployed. Fortunately, her son-in-law never reluctant to hold up the whole family financially with his job as air-conditional specialist, but his monthly salary of Rm2600 is not sufficient to cover the family daily expense and his mother-in-law monthly dialysis expense of nearly Rm2000.
Moreover, the daughter now has two children, with the increment of living expense, its impossible for her husband to support her mother in full. As Fong Ming watched her EPF gradually run out, she went for his brothers and sisters for help, but they only managed to help for few months and they told her that they cant support her anymore. It leaves Fong Ming really desperate and doesn’t know who to look for help besides us. 
Great Heart Charity will be helping them 6 months of Rm720 dialysis subsidies. Show your support by donating to Great Heart to help Fong Ming.
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贫困教友收留家中 善心就是最大支持

Ms.Pushparani 是一名被丈夫抛弃的妇人,因身体状况不佳无法工作而仅靠教会津贴过活。
Mr.Chelvan 行动不良而四肢肌肉时而僵硬,唯病情稳定。然而他却不轻言放弃,坚持克服困难自力更生并兼职保安管理员来养活自己和孩子。
然而这素未谋面而都遭遇人生苦难的俩人,都被他们的教友 Ms. Theresa 好心以超低租金收留家中同住。耕心慈善赞助RM300于俩人,以获得更好的生活素质提升。
最真挚的感动,源自最暖心的善意。助人为快乐之本,我们又何乐而不为?或许 Ms.Theresa 的如此小小善心援助,是对社会及慈善公益最好的启发。

My Friend, My Family

Pushparani is a widow who had abandoned by her husband due to her sickness. She has serious rheumatism that caused her to have difficulty in daily movement and sleep that lead to unemployment and depression.
When she is all alone last year, kind-hearted Theresa that she knew from church is willing to keep her in her house and only charged her with very low rental of Rm200 monthly, Theresa even buy meal for her occasionally so that she don’t starve herself because she had limited government subsidies. 
Besides from Pushparani, Theresa also takes in another OKU with disability, Chelvan who worked part time as security guard. We sincerely appreciate Theresa for her kind heart to be willing to keep unfortunate people with disabilities and we help both of them to pay the rental of Rm300 monthly to reduce their burden.
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