Staff Hiring tips from FitLinks, Onboarding, Pathway to PT, and Flame Review
Stick Around
Strategies to keep your gym members motivated and maximise member revenue

Packed with tips and tricks on how you can implement simple retention processes within your facility. 

eBook: Lulu, iTunes, Amazon KindleKobo
Amazon can deliver a hard copy next day for around £15, or you can order direct from Lulu.

"A really great book with so many useful ideas... I highly recommend Stick Around to all those working in Health & Fitness" - Paul Hurley


Employee Retention is Member Retention by Andrew Barranco on Club Solutions

Hiring, training and measuring your PT Team (video) with Rob Beale on The Fitness Network

Boost Your Company Culture to Improve Employee Retention by Josh Millet on Forbes

What Is This GDPR Anyway? by Skip Fidura on the dotmailer blog
The Fitness Business Network


There's even more great content on the Fitness Business Network this month, with Simon Beer and Rory McGown, and you can delve into the archives to hear more from Alina Cooper and Guy Griffiths.

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August 2017 Newsletter

This month, you can read more from our staff retention series, with more tips from our friends at FitLinks, who continue to innovate and disrupt fitness recruitment with their online platform.

From the GGFit blog, you can read about staff onboarding and the pathway to PT, along with a review of the ukactive Flame Conference. Finally, there's a very special offer for readers who make it all the way to the bottom of this newsletter!


Streamline your hiring process

Everyone is guilty of over-complicating things. Or worse still, living with processes without really understanding why we’re doing it. Surely in this age, we should be doing things faster, easier and more directly?

Recruitment is no exception. In today's market attracting and retaining top talent is challenging. Be aware that most candidates will apply for multiple jobs simultaneously. In fact, a staggering 47% of declined offers in 2015 were due to candidates accepting other jobs.

Alina CooperA few reasons why you should streamline the recruitment process::
  • Attract top talent
  • Hire the right candidate
  • Create a professional and consistent experience
  • Save time and money
  • Don't lose out to the competition
With candidates in control and most companies dealing with increased competition and reduced resource, new approaches that 'treat candidates like customers' are increasingly important.

Alina Cooper of FitLinks offers her 12 top tips to shake up your recruitment on the GGFit blog.

You can read the full article here.

Retain your staff - get onboarding right

In the same way that the new member journey is key to keeping members long term, so the staff on-boarding process is key to retaining staff. If you can get your staff to stick around, you’ll have better member retention too.

A good induction is critical to making a new staff member feel a part of the organisation. Throwing them in at the deep end or expecting them to pick it up as they go along rarely has a positive outcome, regardless of their previous level of experience.

Online / elearning inductions are great for standardising the message, ensuring nothing is missed and that everyone is treated equally. It also allows HR to check progress of new joiners.

Click here to read more on the GGFit blog about ensuring new staff are motivated

The Pathway to PT

The fitness industry is churning out thousands of new instructors and personal trainer wannabees every year, but we are struggling to keep these people engaged within fitness. Over 80% of PTs are leaving the industry within their first year. It’s a no-brainer that member retention is linked to staff retention.

Click here for our 3 tips for new instructors or aspiring PTs... it's a 2-3 minute read with a great Wayne Gretzky quote

Flame re-ignites the Fitness Industry

The ukactive Flame Conference, Golf Day and Flame Awards were an inspirational set of events in 2017. A great speaker line-up, some encouraging networking opportunities, and a fantastic round of golf helped to restore my faith in the industry.

Click here to read our full review, packed with winners, olympians, and thought provoking speakers.



Thank you for reading (or scrolling) all the way to the bottom of this newsletter. As a bonus, we'd like to let you know that tickets to the autumn Sales & Retention Convention are already available, at a special pre-sale price of just £85 for a limited time. This is a saving of £40, and is the best price that will be available, so reserve your place at today.

If you would like advice or help to improve member retention at your club, please 
contact us

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