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Greetings, family and friends, from Cochabamba, Bolivia! 

Daily life does not always feel victorious, but God is constantly leading us in triumph and revealing Himself through His people. We are grateful He reveals Himself to us through you. Thank you for sustaining us as we serve Him in Bolivia.

Below are updates on our ministry and prayer requests from the past two months. Thank you for your prayers! We could not be here without them.

In Him,

FINDING PURPOSE                                                                   

Osvaldo and I had already committed to speak at a church retreat last Sunday when we realized that there were three events planned at the Guesthouse: a church luncheon, a Cederville University team meeting and a missions event with a guest speaker. We talked through our options: we cancel the speaking engagement, we send one of us to the retreat and the other stays behind at the guesthouse, or we ask Janetta to work just days after her arrival in Bolivia.

Janetta is the answer to many prayers! She has come from the Netherlands to work with us at the Guesthouse so that we can have a couple of days off each week. We are so excited to have her with us! But, we solemnly promised not to interrupt her language learning for the first few months she is in Bolivia. We broke that promise just a few days after she arrived. Janetta and another newly arrived missionary teacher spent part of their day at the Guesthouse on Sunday monitoring activities while our family headed for the retreat at Camp Kewiña.

Camp Kewiña, nestled in pines, sits in the hills next to Lake Corani (in photo above) two hours drive from Cochabamba. It was breathtakingly cold Sunday morning. The fire in the fireplace of the meeting area barely touched the massive room with heat, but there was hot chocolate in the cafeteria to warm our hands and bellies. 

Our topic was missions. Our audience was a church group made up of a few couples, a few families and a group of Bolivian and Brazilian university students. We shared about our paths to missions, the work of SIM in Bolivia (click here to see a video we showed) and some of the things God has taught us about His passion for bringing people from all nations to Himself.

The pastor concluded the time by asking those who believe God is calling them to become missionaries to come forward and kneel. One young woman and three young men knelt at the front. The congregation raised hands towards them and prayed for God to send them to places where He is not yet known.

That moment in time - the four kneeling young people, the congregation standing with arms stretched out, the sun filtering through the curtains trying to warm the cold air - will stay with me as one of those moments in which God puts everything into perspective. He calls. He equips. He sends. One day His name will be known in every corner of the globe. Those four kneeling young people are part of His plan to reach the nations. The fact that we get to be witnesses gives us purpose and meaning in our own work. We’re grateful for the privilege to be part of that moment, grateful for God’s provision through Janetta, and grateful for God’s design for each of our lives to be part of His wonderful plan to gather people from every tribe and nation to His throne.

EXCEEDED EXPECTATIONS                                                             

We’ve asked you for prayer over the past few months for the Perspectives classes. Thank you for praying! God has provided above and beyond what we asked.

We asked for prayer for:

1.     Students: We only had 60 people signed up three weeks before classes began. We asked you to pray we would reach 100 in order to meet our budget. There are now over 170 students enrolled! God far exceeded our expectations.

2.     Instructors: We asked you to pray for health and safety for our instructors as they go from the lowlands of Santa Cruz to La Paz (at over 12,000 feet elevation) and back down to Cochabamba (at over 8,000 feet), teaching four classes on four consecutive nights. We’ve had three instructors teach so far and each one has done very well! Our La Paz team meets newly arrived instructors with an oxygen reader at the airport. So far no interventions have been needed. Please continue praying!

3.     Coordinating and grading teams: Running these classes and coordinating between cities is a massive task. There’s no getting around that reality, but God sustains us. Please continue praying that all 23 team members will have the energy and time we need for the classes each week and that God would enable the grading team to help the students thrive through mentoring and feedback.


    •    Praise God for the VBS kids at Lifepoint Church in Tucson who raised $941.43 for medicated creams and pressure garments for the kids in the burn unit of a local hospital! Punto de Gracia (Grace Point), the church we attend that meets at the Guesthouse, goes weekly to the hospital to spend time with the children who are often there weeks or months at a time. Church members pray with families, do activities with the kids and provide a listening ear. Many of the families do not have funds for the expensive treatments. We are so thankful for the VBS kids who prayed and gave! For more information on the work happening at the burn unit click here to go to Burn Care International's website.

    •    Praise God for His work in and through Carachipampa School. The past two years have been difficult for the school, but God has already provided many of the things we prayed for such as 10 year approval from the government, documentation for graduated students, new teachers, etc. Please continue to pray for a permanent director and for God’s direction for the school as it switches to the Bolivian calendar and continues to navigate other requirements. Please also pray for God’s hand in the formation of a Board for the Foundation.


    •    Please continue to pray for wisdom for Osvaldo as he works in projects, maintenance and with the leadership team.

    •    Please continue to pray for God’s rest and joy for all those who come through the guesthouse.

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