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Why "The Charge"

Structure of Ministry Support

All of you are critical to my work in Thailand and nearby areas. That's why I keep writing these newsletters. I have a home church in Torrance, CA, and also a missions agency (Global Partners, or just GP). But I've had cultural issues with GP, which is run by older Korean missionaries who're used to Confucian values; although I appreciate the Korean church and want to remain a part of it, especially as a bridge between the older and younger Korean church leaders, I'd rather focus my energy on understanding the Thai culture and working with Thai leaders instead of wrestling with GP leadership, which has been the greatest source of stress for me the past twelve years in Thailand. Pictured above is an art exhibit in Bangkok where the rocks increase in size at the end so the lines of perspective seem closer than they really are; I believe missions structures can be modernized to fit the 21st century, even if it seems nearly impossible in my current church culture.

That's where The Charge comes in. Some of my younger friends in MD have incorporated The Charge to provide a new support structure for my work; they've already upgraded my website. We're just waiting on the IRS now to complete the process for the application of the 501(c)(3) form so we can process donations. I only discovered this year that the minor rash I've had on my index fingers since I joined GP twelve years ago was dyshidrotic eczema, caused mainly by stress; and I kid you not, once I decided this week to share my plans for The Charge with you it literally disappeared, like all week, I mean completely. I've offered to stay in GP as an associate, so I'd be affiliated with GP even if my ministry activities won't be fully restricted by GP as an active member, but my request was ignored by all three levels of directors as nonsense.

Fundraising Visit 

I plan to visit the States for a fundraising trip next April - May. I want to upgrade my missions support structure as well as the ministry budget. This year has been particularly tough, maybe because I've been more hesitant to ask for help; it does get tiresome. Not including a special donation last month from an individual donor, my monthly income averaged just about 55% of the budget. There comes a point where we stop wondering about faith or preparedness to consider the possibility that God is closing the door and pushing us to another direction. The Charge and next year's fundraising trip will be a way to test the feasibility of my current direction. Please pray for His guidance.

Some of my Thai friends will be joining me in California for about two weeks in April. More details will be available later, but please pray that it would be a good bonding trip for us since we've been studying the Bible in English for over ten years now. Start praying also if you're in California and you want to be a part of our trip in some way. I also plan to bring Timothy and get him to experience working in America for the summer as a high school student.

Click on this Partnership Page to Donate

For PayPal donations under $1,000 please use the "family/friends" option and send it to so PayPal won't deduct a service fee
  1. A check to GP USA (memo: Paul Kim ID# T17) 10582 Katella Ave, Anaheim, CA 92804
  2. Through paypal by clicking the yellow "Donate" button in our partnership page
  3. In Korea, KEB 하나은행 account # 990-090819-148 (김바울, 김은정); confirm with GP Korea 02-443-0883 
  4. Transfer to Bangkok Bank account: 206-0-75264-5 (Paul Kim). SWIFT* code BKKBTHBK


OLC Online? I was inspired by Jon Jon and the SBT team in using online technology as an option to enhance ministry access to people here, not only from far away in California but even for people like me who live in the same city as my Thai friends here in Bangkok. Commuting back and forth from my area to the Silom area can take two hours for a round trip, and for this reason some of our old members who started working farther away could no longer join us. We're going to start doing online English Bible studies, maybe one hour a week at first, and see how it develops. Let me know if you're interested in being a part of this tech upgrade. John and Cyndi in Boston have also expressed interest in serving us online. Sarah is still leading the Rahab and OLC.SCS Bible studies on Fridays, even though the Rahab sessions will move to Thursday afternoons from next week. I will continue to lead the other Bible study sessions.

General Updates

  • The Sri Lankan family is still waiting for 3 more sponsors in Canada; and Jay, the husband, is raising scholarship money for children as the Altamira community officer for the Sri Lankan refugees in Bangkok.
  • Sam, Missionary Ha's son, is back in Bangkok working to regain feelings and movement in his right hand.
  • My secret FB page now has eleven members! Give me your email address for me to add you if you want to know more of my thoughts and experiences on missions.
  • Consider making a financial donation to Global HopeHelpLive and Courageous Kitchen. HL India needs to raise $20,000 for a café to serve as a ministry base in Nagaland, and CK has a new program in Bangkok.
  • Fine Print: The list of email addresses on this official newsletter is separate from the one in my frequent updates; you can (un)subscribe (from)to this list and my frequent updates list separately. For the record, see the past newsletter from 07/31/2017 "Reinventing the Past" for a disclaimer. And let me know if you're good with MailChimp and know how to reduce the line spacing here.

Please Pray that

  1. God will help us to stay close to Him as we try to understand His will and guidance each step of the way, even if it means restructuring our support system as missionaries.
  2. Our family and friends will be filled with joy and thanksgiving as we reflect on God's amazing grace daily.
  3. We will learn to get our finances in order, managing it better and, as necessary, raising more funds.
Copyright © 2017 GP, All rights reserved.