In one of the "darkest" and least Christianized regions of the Middle East, there's a bold and courageous ambassador for Christ.

This dear brother, whom I mentor via FaceTime twice a month, has seen thousands come to Christ. The revival happening through his life and bold preaching has garnered the attention of the extremists who have marked him and threaten his life frequently.

Every week as we end our time together he says, "You give me your love, I give you my life for Jesus, even unto death." It's humbling and makes me weep to work with such a young man full of undaunted courage.

As our partner, I want you to know what your gifts have helped start -- a gospel movement that is reaching unbelievers from several backgrounds, including Muslims and syncretistic religions. When we started 18 months ago, he started about a dozen underground house churches in his nation. Now there are more than 350 and will probably be 500 by the end of the year.
Your partnership has enabled this to happen through strategic training sessions and provisions for his young leaders. This is only the beginning of what could be a great and historic revival in a desperate nation.

Thank you for praying for my friend. This man is worthy of our prayers and desperately needs them to continue the work, unharmed and fruitful.

Thank you also for investing in Jordan Lewis Missions. With all sincerity, your gifts are making a difference and changing lives. One day I'll share with you the videos and details of what's going on and how God is moving so mightily in a part of the world considered unreachable. Once again, the gospel is prevailing where it seems nothing but bad news is being heard.

With affection and deep gratitude,
Ron Lewis
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