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Edition 3.8  | August 2017
Finding Purpose in the Field
“And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.” (Colossians 3:23)

When the Biblical curtain is raised on the life of Elisha, he’s working in his family’s field, plowing, sweating, and working. The reason for his toil is that rain has come to Israel. Elijah, the prophet of God, who would soon become Elisha’s mentor, has called for the present drought to come to a sudden end. As the rain falls, Elisha recognizes the opportunity. He seizes the moment and begins to invest in a harvest for his family.
A few moments later, the men meet and Elisha’s life is forever changed. It isn’t happenstance. Instead, it is a Heavenly principle. Elisha finds his calling while in the field, investing in a coming harvest.
If we want to be effective in the Kingdom, we need to see the opportunities around us. We need to be in the field. The idea is simple, yet profound: A person cannot reap what they have not sown.

No good farmer expects a harvest without planting and plowing. Like Elisha, we must be in the field. We must be willing to pick up a plow, a pair of pliers, a pad of paper, a paint-roller, or whatever else is required to complete the job set before us.

One of the most crucial concepts we can ever understand is that God does not tend to use the stagnant or the lazy. The anointing is active and by the same token, the active are the one’s most commonly called to do more.

God actively seeks the productive and opens doors of opportunity for them to work. Elisha received his call while plowing a field. Peter, while mending his nets. Paul was riding a horse. Matthew was filling out paperwork, sitting at the desk of his dead-end job. They were each doing something. It may not have been pretty, perfect, or impressive, but that wasn’t the point. They were active and it grabbed God’s attention.

There is no miracle pill for ministry, no microwave-safe packet for spiritual success. The basics will always remain the same. The same disciplines that ensure our spiritual health—things like prayer, fasting, Bible-reading, and church attendance—are the ones that build the foundation for us to be active, contributing members to the Kingdom of God. As we grow, we cannot afford to disdain the small things. At the most, they become big things and, at the very least, they prepare us for them.

Half the battle is learning to harness the power of the pause; to stop and open our eyes to the needs around us and be willing to meet them. The best leaders are those who are first and foremost faithful in what they’ve been given prior to the limelight. They are the one’s who continue to work hard, even when no one is looking. We must work where we’ve been assigned and aspire to grow where we’re planted. All the while, there must be a willingness to see the need, take the initiative, put on work gloves, and be a contributing member of the Kingdom.

In Matthew 25:23, God describes us as good, faithful servants. God will not call us good, faithful, or even a servant if we have not been so. We are good in that we walk in holiness and righteousness, robed in His Goodness. We are faithful in that we are consistent and obedient to His Word and the leading of His Voice. We are servants in that we are actively working and serving, fully dedicated to the Work of the Lord, no matter where it takes us or what it requires. We have been saved for a purpose. We have been saved to actively serve. Thank you for your active contributions and work in the kingdom!

Yours in Service,

Jeremy Gove
Section One Youth Director
As we near the culmination of Sheaves for Christ (SFC), in an effort to finish strong, the pastor of each church in Section One will be receiving a letter about SFC which will include a stamped, pre-addressed envelope in which to mail your SFC offering. A copy of this letter can be found here. Through your generous support, we met both of our giving goals in 2016! We raised $9,461 in total (our goal was $8,000) and for the first time achieved 100% participation in our section! To all the churches in Section One, I say:

"Thank you for giving to SFC!"

Coming off of an incredible NAYC in Indianapolis, we truly believe that "This is That!" All across our nation and movement, young people are taking ownership of this great, Apostolic heritage and are working to further the kingdom. SFC, a kingdom-minded, kingdom-fueling endeavor, is a powerful tool in our young people's hands. If you’ve attended a district youth event, hosted a missionary, heard a message preached by a Bible College graduate, or supported a UPCI-endorsed ministry, you’ve seen the dollars and cents of SFC at work. Through your giving, we are able to further the spread of the Gospel and, as this year's SFC theme so succinctly states, truly "Cover the Earth."

Our goal in 2017 is two-fold. The first part is to raise $10,000 together as a section. The second is to sustain our momentum from 2016 and have 100% participation in giving. An offering of any amount ($5, $10, $25, etc.) will help us achieve our goal.
The Section One Circuit is an initiative to foster communication and collaboration within our section. The premise is simple. My wife and I intend to visit each church on a youth night or in a regular service, at least twice per year. This plan includes all of our churches, even those that may not yet have a youth group.

We want to show you our support and be a help to you in any way we can. We can come to help serve, to speak, or to simply be worshipful bodies in your assembly, whatever will be the greatest benefit to you.

Due to some circumstances beyond our control, we've had to delay the implementation of this endeavor. However, we are going to start this initiative very, very soon. I'll be reaching out to each pastor to coordinate this effort. If you have not already done so, please let me know your youth service / event schedules so we can plan accordingly.
2017 eXtreme Weekend // DISTRICT
August 18-19, 2017, 6:00PM (Friday)-11:00AM (Saturday). GA District Campground. Guest Speaker, Jason Huckabee. Click here to access forms on the GDYD website.

2017 World Changers Youth Conference // LOCAL
August 25, 2017, 7:30PM. Pentecostals of Waycross, 1606 Isabella St, Waycross. Guest Speaker, Myron Wideman, Jr. Afterburner immediately following service at the Waycross YMCA, 1634 Plant Ave, Waycross. Click here to view the Facebook Event Page.

2017 SFC Offering Date // NATIONAL
August 27, 2017. The 2017 theme is "Cover the Earth." The national giving goal is $6 million.

2017 SFC Numbers Deadline for Section One  // SECTIONAL
September 10, 2017. The 2017 theme is "Cover the Earth." The Section One goal is $10,000 and 100% participation.

These resources have earned their place in this list becuase they are either free, affordable, or are well worth the investment. We hope you find these tools helpful in your ministry.
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Georgia District Youth Department, Section One
c/o Jeremy Gove
723 Perkins Mill Rd
ClaxtonGA 30417

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