"I must also have a dark side if I am to be whole." ~Jung
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Connect with yourself and other women through the practices of Qoya, Ceremony, Journaling & Creative Expression Exercises.

We will be exploring the archetype of the Zodiac Sign Leo (the Lion).
Leo energy encourages us to boldly and courageously shine-
to be who we are without reservation.
We will deepen our relationship with our light by also exploring our shadow. This new moon eclipse is a potent time to set intentions.
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"You can only come to the morning through the shadows." ~J.R.R. Tolkien


Hello Gorgeous,

Yes, another post about shadow. I know, I know- it's uncomfortable. It's just SO relevant.... collectively, personally, astrologically.... So please bear with me as we continue to explore the concept.

It is often said that Hurt people hurt people.  And to this I add and whole people inspire. (And the only way to become whole is by examining our shadow.) I believe that the best way to combat bigotry, injustice, white supremacy, hate, etc. is to first heal ourselves.  I see current events as the American shadow going unexamined for far too long.

I have been FEELING all the anger, sadness, despair and outrage. And yet,  I am also keenly aware of the slippery slope of condemning those who hate and then taking their actions as justification for hating them. Knowing that this perpetuates the problem.

And so, 
I invite you to resist the temptation to label the offenders as "other" and look deep within yourself to see if any of those qualities, to any degree, reside within you. Dialogue with them. Get to know them. Don't shy away from them. This isn't easy, in fact, it's quite uncomfortable so be gentle with yourself. The idea isn't to shame that part or make it wrong. 

(Please know that I do NOT mean that you should condone their actions or that you should not speak out in objection of their views.)

"I must also have a dark side if I am to be whole." C.G. Jung

This week on Instagram I shared a very personal example.

"REFLECTING on how I was raised and the lasting unconscious effects it continues to hold. An example: even though my consciousness has changed, I still notice the way my body tenses when I encounter a man of color on a dark street- despite the fact that the only time I’ve been mugged the perpetrator was a white male. This acknowledgement brings up intense guilt and shame and yet I know that I cannot continue to deny that it exists. The only way to heal this is to shine light on it."

As I said, I felt deep shame in admitting this. This is not who I want to be. But denying it only allows it to fester. I have to accept that there are still aspects of my childhood that continue to have a hold on me. Now that it has been spoken (shame thrives on silence) it allows me to take conscious action towards change. And it is my hope that it will encourage others to look in those uncomfortable places inside themselves so that as a society we don't continue to act them out.

I invite you to join me on Sunday to explore your shadow in supportive community. But, this event isn't only about shadow... we will also amplify our light and set intentions so that we can step fully into who we are meant to be- who the world needs us to be! It might be uncomfortable at times but it will also be incredibly joyous and pleasurable too.

If you cannot join us on Sunday, I am including my latest blog post which details a powerful way to acknowledge and release what is ready to go. (Scroll down to read)

If you're inspired to keep reading about/exploring the shadow, Carl Jung is one of my favorite resources.

I also want to share some resources for activism that were shared with me by Rochelle Schieck, the Founder of Qoya.

I need to talk to spiritual white women about white supremacy (Part One)…/white-women-white-supremac…

So You Want To Fight White Supremacy…

White Privilege: Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack…/Knapsack_plus_Notes-Peggy…
Ted Talk: The Urgency of Intersectionality…/kimberle_crenshaw_the_urgency_of_inte…

So You Call Yourself an Ally: 10 Things All ‘Allies’ Need to Know…/11/things-allies-need-to-know/

Getting Called Out and How to Apologize:
I love the emphasis here on the listening and also intent vs. impact

I am so excited to announce that I have just scheduled a Glowing Goddess Retreat: Divine Nourishment for Pregnancy on Saturday September 23rd. I'd be so grateful if you could help me spread the word! 
BONUS: Those who sign up to the retreat will receive my upcoming online course: Feather Your Nest: a 4week self-guided journey to support your transition to motherhood.

Stay Tuned:
I have scheduled the October Retreat! Mark your calendars for Sunday October 15th. I'm still feeling into the theme but will announce soon.

I've said it before, but I must say it again... From the very bottom of my heart: Thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of this growing community of women! May it offer a sisterhood of support that allows you to find your truth.

With Love & Deep Gratitude,


Those are the words that dramatically stood out from the two hour playlist I created to honor the cycle of the moon, the cycle of the seasons, the cycle of my life. The words play over and over in my mind, reminding me to have faith and continue working towards my dreams. You can listen to Creating a Dream by Xavier Rudd here.

Last night’s Full Moon in Aquarius also happened to be a partial solar eclipse. I read that this eclipse completed a 19 year cycle, providing an ending to what was beginning 19 years ago. In August of 1998 I was days away from leaving for college, embarking on my dream of someday becoming an art therapist. I was soon to be clear of the confines and limitations that came with being a minor under my parents’ roof. I would have the space to fully express myself, make my own mistakes, and to feel into who I would become.

In light of this, I felt called to create a ceremony about letting go of certain aspects of who I was and who I am so that I can more fully step into who I am becoming. I spent a lot of time thinking about my 18-year-old self, reflecting on the hopes and dreams I once held dear. I marveled at my courage and determination, and extended compassion for my tendencies to hide and to binge drink.


I sipped cacao out of my grandmother’s china. I asked the cacao, a sacred plant medicine, to gently open my heart and show me what it is that I need to see at this time so that I may release what no longer serves, heal the tender spots, and align with my highest good. (For more on Cacao Ceremony, check out my post here.) I used movement to get out of my head and bring myself fully into the present moment. I circled through my whole body, inviting in a feminine flow. I used movement as metaphor to open my heart and activated my creative center by waking up my hips.

I used oracle cards for inspiration with journaling. I wrote about who I was, who I am, and who I desire to become. I honored my strengths and limitations, noting how far I have come. I wrote down and spoke aloud what it is that I am ready to release and offered it to the fire. I wrote down and spoke aloud my dreams and desires and, as a sign of releasing my attachment to outcome, I offered those to the fire as well.

Then, I gave thanks for who I was 19 years ago and for what I released- noting the ways those habits/beliefs/actions actually served me before becoming a hindrance. I didn’t make them wrong, I know that I was doing the best that I could. I gave thanks for the challenges that are present in my life right now, looking for the lessons and the ways they are here to teach me. I gave thanks for my “chariot moments” the ones where I felt powerful, proud, aligned. I tend to focus on growth and things yet to be achieved and too rarely celebrate these moments. I make a note to celebrate myself more often.


New Moon/Solar Eclipse Circle
Sunday August 20th, 10am-1pm

Connect with yourself and other women through the practices of Qoya, Ceremony, Journaling & Creative Expression Exercises.
A movement practice that connects you to the wisdom of your body. It's not about how it looks, but about how it feels. No experience necessary- there is no way you can do it wrong! 

Bliss & Gratitude: Cacao Ceremony
Not only does the cacao elicit positive feelings, but the sharing of gratitude in community is incredibly healing.

Journaling & Creative Expression Exercises
Prompts are designed to illuminate your light, as well as, your shadow, to promote insight and healing.

Do you know a woman who would love to join us?
Click below and help me spread the word!
September Offerings:
Photo Gratitude: Shelly Prokop

Bliss & Gratitude

Wednesday September 6th 6:30-8:30pm

Not only does the cacao elicit positive feelings, but the sharing of gratitude in community is incredibly healing. You are sure to leave with a smile on your face. Beginners welcome!! 

*This month's event falls directly on the full moon, which is also an eclipse... offering a potent time for inner work and transformation.
Wednesday September 27th, 6-7:30

In this movement class it's not about how it looks- it's about how it feels. We look for ways to increase our capacity to enjoy being in our bodies. It's really something you simply must experience.

I am SUPER excited to be offering this special event for expectant mothers. This retreat is open to women who are welcoming their first or fifth child. It will offer a safe space to go within and explore the fears and fantasies that come with motherhood.

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